I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 876

876 CHAPTER 1004: one-sided public opinion!

To be honest, the direct projection was indeed more convincing than any other language. The small cities outside the fifth city base were exquisitely built. If placed on the D ball, they were like works of art. Compared to other cities, they were either desolate and cold, or they were inexplicable. From the perspective of the projection, this place was simply a paradise!


And no matter how you looked at it, the people looked very happy. Everyone had a relaxed smile on their faces, and a large number of Indians were singing and dancing on the streets. It was a Pure Land of joy!

The audience who had originally supported the other castellans suddenly fell silent…

Most of the people who voted for Mistral turned into a carnival mode.

[ what did I say? Do you really think that other people can achieve that position? You only noticed the negative news about him, but you didn’t see how much the country’s economy has grown since he took office? How much has the unemployment rate decreased? Friends, please learn to think independently. You have to learn to see the essence of the problem! ]

[ Haha, those song and an braggers aren’t talking anymore? Those who believe in their own families in Huaxia City aren’t talking anymore? ]

[ tsk, I originally thought that the world was as Black as crows, but I didn’t expect that Mister was actually the whitest one… ]

-LSB- damn, what a beautiful small ciIy. i’m filled with anticipation for my life in the fifth city from now on! ]

The majority of the netizens remained silent. Although that old hag Colvin was good at framing people, it was really hard to refute in the face of hard evidence.

She did not say a word, but the scene could explain everything. Looking at the burly man in the first city who was half buried by the wind and sand, and then looking at the scene of brother Huan dancing in the fifth city, how could they refute it?

Colvin saw that the people who questioned him were silent and immediately puffed out his chest, he continued to promote the fifth city, “The fifth city is a city of pure Arcana civilization, a magical city. I’ve really experienced a lot of incredible things there. There are magical potions there that can make people transparent, or make people as light as feathers, or even turn into a tiny insect. Magical magic can also be exchanged for all kinds of new things through the mysterious alchemy array. It’s a dream-like city like the world of Harry Potter, with the most types of genomes, the future is full of choices, and the best initial environment. I’m glad that we have such a leader, and have created such a beautiful starting point for us in the unknown platform!”

As soon as the voice falls, suddenly the hall is full of applause, the audience is filled with a warm applause.

On the Internet, most of the people who did not choose the fifth city felt a chill in their hearts and silently closed the page, while the citizens who chose the fifth city continued their carnival… . .

——– —

The next day, doubts began to surface in many national forums, and even in some countries there were mass demonstrations, apparently over the current style of the other five cities.

The more this happened, the more the citizens of the fifth city became rowdier. All sorts of mocking and gloating filled the world forums. Among the national rowdiness, the three countries were currently the most rowdy!

Originally, the population of the three countries had been polarized. More than 800 million people from the three countries who supported Almi had joined the first city, while the other half of the people had mostly joined Mister’s camp under the propaganda of the local higher-ups.

Now that this interview had been exposed on the internet, the higher-ups of the three countries had come to the nation to deliver a speech arrogantly, lambasting Almi’s various crimes, causing half of the compatriots of the three countries to fall into deep trouble!

“Look, does it smell good to believe in the fate of a national hero in the first city?”

“He has never been a hero. He has always been a clown-like figure, but what I don’t understand is why so many people in the country still believe in this clumsy liar. Facts have proven that the mister that he ridiculed so much brought our people a true future of freedom and democracy, and what did he bring? “Moving bricks on the sand?”

“That’s why lower-class people are lower-class people. They’ve been doing menial jobs all their lives. They can’t even seize the opportunity to change their lives. They’re really bad from the bottom of their bones!”

“Why hasn’t that guy been publicly executed? What are we waiting for? Are we still waiting for more crimes? That’s enough. The guy who harmed hundreds of millions of his compatriots is enough to be chopped into pieces!”

For a time, the former national hero Almi had completely become a street rat. The house he once lived in had been demolished, and the people who worked for him had all received news of him being beaten to death… …

If his family hadn’t been brought to the universe country under Song Yi’s protection, they would probably have already died under the atrocity of the people. For a time, the people outside were filled with emotions…

After hearing the leader of the three countries proudly tell him everything, Almi’s eyes were filled with helplessness…

, , , ,

of course, many of the players in the city didn’t know about this. After all, as new players, they were all extremely busy trying to earn money, how would they have the time to pay attention to the news outside?

For example, rain girl’s little black sister from Wu Gua City, the results of her new experiment had finally come out, she excitedly ran to the base to collect her reward.

“The green radish corn is a level one seed. It contains rich carotene and lutein. After being grafted and bred by the crystal green radish, it has increased all kinds of trace elements. It has rich emerald molecules and possesses extremely high essence body poison effects. It is suitable for the strength-type warrior gene body as a maintenance-type food ingredient. Grade: excellent. As the first pioneer to cultivate a level one agricultural product, the special reward is 100,000 points!”

“Oh, oh!”The black girl was as excited as a balloon and floated up.

“Don’t work so hard, pay more attention to rest…”. “…”. The City Lord, Abe Qingming, looked at the silly little girl and said with a smile, “You should learn from the others and enjoy the leisurely life now. When you’re outside, you won’t have any leisure time…”. “…”

“Hey, Hehe, sometimes you can’t stop being excited…”the black girl smiled brightly, perhaps it was because she had used up too much mental energy, but her transformation speed was faster than expected. Her body was already slowly emitting a sweet smell.

Qingming nodded and thought, as expected, the people of the Huazhong Nation are a little more talented. They are all first-tier elven genes, and those who show signs of transformation are mostly people of the Huazhong Nation… … The people of my great Sun Nation haven’t made any movements at all. …


“City Lord, can I go back for a while?”Black sister asked.

“Is there something I need to do when I go back?”Qing Ming asked with a smile.

“Uh… nothing much. Before I came, Ya Hui told us that she was going to America on November 10th. She asked us to go back for a gathering 10 days ago. I calculated the date, and today seems to be the 10th…”

“America?”Qing Ming lowered his head, recalling the interview video sent by his men a few days ago. He then raised his head and said with a smile, “It’s good for you to go back. I’ll give you a few more days off so that you can visit your family…”

“Is it?”The black younger sister suddenly eyes bright: “Thank castellan!”


“Xiao Yun, I found my recent class some do not understand Ah!”The third city, Chen Shanshan a scowl.

“You sleep more than half of every class. It’s weird if you can understand it!”Guo Xiaoyun rolled her eyes.

“Eh, why? I don’t remember being so sleepy in the past…”Chen Shanshan pouted.

Guo Xiaoyun didn’t respond. The reason why the other party was so sleepy was that she couldn’t control her talent in prophecy. She often used her prophecy skill unconsciously, although she always had people interrupt her secretly. The spiritual power she used couldn’t be recovered… …

However, it wasn’t good to tell her this so that the silly girl wouldn’t be afraid.

“By the way, Xiaoyun, where are we going?”

“We’re going back to the party. Have you forgotten?”Guo Xiaoyun sighed. “It’s the 10th today. We have to go back to see Ya Hui off. Aren’t you quite positive about this?”

“Oh… I forgot…”Chen Shanshan said in a daze.

Guo Xiaoyun:”…”

“But Xiaoyun…”Chen Shanshan hesitated and said, “Sister Ya Hui is a very arrogant person. It’s better if we don’t talk about the things in the city at that time…”

“Ha…”Guo Xiaoyun laughed when he heard that. “Now I’m afraid that she can’t wait for you to say more…”

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