I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 868

868 Chapter 906: Spy!

“Problem? What are you referring to, wife?”Pu Yunchuan asked in a daze.


Upon hearing this, Isabelle glanced at Pu Yunchuan. “Isn’t it obvious? In the end, you don’t want to believe this kind of thing, right?”

Pu Yunchuan:”…”

“Her behavior on the ship was very abnormal…”Isabelle continued, “From the beginning to the end, she was too calm…”

“Um… It’s normal for someone like her who has been through a lot… to have a bit of self-control, right?”Pu Yunchuan asked while holding his head.

“It’s different…”. Isabelle shook her head and said, “My ancestor was indeed a person with a big heart, but she wasn’t the kind of person who would be unmoved when her life was in danger. This could be seen from the last time she almost died. She.. … Cherishes her current life very much… …”

“Then… do you think she has something to do with this incident?”Pu Yunchuan immediately frowned. “Then why didn’t you bring it up just now?”

“Because I’m not sure…”Isabelle shook her head and said, “There is no evidence, not even a slightly reliable logic. After all, Alice has already gotten what she wants, there is no need to take the risk to collude with outsiders…”

Pu Yunchuan: “Perhaps outsiders can give more?”

Isabelle: “It’s just speculation. At least there’s no evidence in the current intelligence that outsiders can give her more…”

“Then… . . What should we do?”Pu Yunchuan was a little worried.

“Take it easy… be on your guard at all times…”Isabel said quietly. “To be honest, I don’t like her, but she’s the last person I want to be my enemy… I hope I’m just being sensitive…”


“Ah, really incredible… …”at this time in the northern plains, a tall troll slowly walked out of the dark jungle, loose bones.

The troll’s body looks very strong, but the expression and action is a bit stiff, especially that pair of pupils, green, completely different from the ordinary troll’s pupil color.

“So this is the truth?”The troll looked at the moonlight and then looked behind him. “Those high-quality elves, developers, and Green Titans all use genetic bodies?”

“Yes…”a faint voice sounded from behind. If Isabelle was here, she would definitely be able to recognize that it was Alice’s voice!

“Genetic body, are you joking?”The troll rubbed his palms, clearly in disbelief.

“Is it very rare?”Alice asked in a low voice.

“Very rare…”. “…”. The troll laughed and said, “You have never been to the federation and don’t know about the market for genetic bodies. Ancient genetic bodies like the wood elves and the Green Titan have very low optimization rates and are usually sold cheaply. Many poor lords will use these cheap genes to strengthen their first batch of people, but they will not spend their energy on nurturing them. This is because the difficulty of nurturing them is extremely high. The low acceptance rate will cause the difficulty of evolving the genes to increase exponentially in the later stages. The price of nurturing a Green Titan is several times or even tens to hundreds of times the price of other high-level genetic bodies. This is still the early stages, and the later stages will become more and more exaggerated.”

“That’s why I was surprised when I saw such a high-quality Green Titan. Logically speaking, no one would spend so much money to cultivate such an uneconomical species. Moreover, the quality was so high that it was almost exaggerated. I thought that the lord here had found a native pureblood species. However, thinking about it, it doesn’t seem right. The wood elves have been extinct for countless eras…”. “…”

“Is that so?”Alice lowered her head, her eyes flashing under her cloak, no one knew what she was thinking about.

“Interesting…”the troll laughed as he rubbed his hands, “That’s called a D ball man right? There’s actually such a talented native in this universe? It’s simply a BUG, this little lord is really lucky…”

“It might not be a little lord…”Alice said faintly.


Alice said, “The guy you asked me to keep an eye on was sent back to the undead world by that small lord you mentioned!”

“Really?”The trolls were stunned, then they narrowed their eyes.

“That’s not right. Judging from the level of development of the civilization here, he’s just a small lord. If he was a high-level lord and had the resources of Planet D, How could he be at his current level?”

“Would he come back from there like you guys?”Alice asked.

“I don’t think so…”. “…”. The troll shook his head. “If he were a great lord that came back from there, he wouldn’t have used such a slow development mode, just like my kind…”. As he spoke, he pointed at the dark forest behind him. “Such a map of the black goat could obviously speed up the progress, why would he use such a stupid method?”

“Map of the Black Goat?”Alice looked at the forest with a complicated expression. “The growth rate of this thing is not as exaggerated as you said. I feel that it is not as fast as those players.”

“That’s because the players you mentioned are too abnormal!”The troll covered his face and said, “A living creature, evolving from level 1 to Level 5. If its bloodline is not pure, it usually takes hundreds of years. Poor families take even longer. Two to three years to transform an ordinary creature into a level 5 creature through energy mutation is completely out of the ordinary speed, but the guys here can follow the speed of the map of the black goat through normal evolution. The abnormal ones are the players you mentioned, okay?”


“But it’s really a big surprise…”the troll rubbed his hands excitedly again, initially, he thought that rainy without melon’s performance was just a small surprise. To be able to harvest developers and green titans of such high quality in the early stages, and to be able to determine the cultivation of core members in the early stages, it was much more valuable than cultivating indigenous people.

However, he did not expect that there would not only be a pile of such high-quality developers, but a huge pile of them. There were actually billions of them!

Oh My God, he would not let a small lord eat this kind of dogshit luck… …

“What should we do next?”Alice asked faintly.

“Let’s observe for a period of time… … …”the troll laughed and said, “Just as you said, that small lord seems to have some secrets. To be able to force that fellow to return to Iceland in such a sorry state, he must have a trump card. It’s better to avoid it. Let’s just sit back and watch the tiger fight.”

Alice asked, “After that fellow returns, will there be any big changes to the map of the Black Goat?”

“There will be a little… “…”. However, the changes won’t be as big as you think… “…”the troll shook his head and said, “The strength of the creatures here is limited. Even if energy is gathered to accelerate the birth, it will still be very difficult to produce overly high-level species. Level five or six is the limit here!”

“Really?”Alice frowned. “If so, are you sure we can just sit back and watch?”

As the military advisor of the first force, she was very clear about the growth rate of the players in her family. If it was only a level 5 or 6 creature, it did not seem to be a threat to these players.

“Of course… . “the troll laughed and said, “Do you think that’s all a character like him can do?”The troll laughed as he looked at the starry sky and said, “Just you wait, you’ll soon know the difference between those great lords and novices!”

Alice was stunned. She looked at the sky as though she was deep in thought.

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