I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 856

856 Chapter 894: Suspicious Cloud…

“Eh?”Chen Shanshan chewed the corn in her mouth like a squirrel. She tilted her head and looked at Guo Xiaoyun curiously. “Why are you so serious all of a sudden? Besides, didn’t you help me choose it just now?”


Rain Girl Wu Guagua couldn’t help but cover her head and look at this silly girl. “I was just saying it casually. Are you really going to follow the path I told you?”

“I think what you said makes sense…”. Chen Shanshan smiled and said, “I’m not that smart, and I didn’t expect to be successful. The route you arranged is very good. As a collector of resources in the sea, you can drift in the sea and get a stable salary. How Wonderful!”

“What about in the future? Do you want to spend your whole life searching for gold in the sea?”Guo Xiaoyun laughed.

“Let’s talk about it in the future…”. Chen Shanshan smiled and said, “It’s already very good now. A new place, a new world. It’s much more interesting than working. If it’s possible, I should go learn some cooking and then go on a trip to the sea while collecting delicious ingredients. Ah, this is my dream!”

“Isn’t your dream a war reporter?”Rainy Girl Wugua teased.

“D * mn, you believe my casual words? Do you think I can endure that kind of hardship?”

Rain Girl, Wugua:”…”

Chen Shanshan looked at the sand and stretched lazily, looking at the brilliant starry sky, she said, “I heard many people in the Tieba Forum say that the technology here is very likely to go into the universe. To be honest, I’m looking forward to it. After I tour this planet, I’ll be able to go to a wider place. Every day will be a different scenery. This kind of life should be very beautiful, right? I just don’t know if I can live until then…”. “…”

Rainy girl was about to mock him, but when she heard his last sentence, she was stunned, she looked at him in a daze. “Why do you say that? Nowadays, genetic bodies can extend life. Even a guy like you who doesn’t strive for progress can live for hundreds of years. Why Can’t you live until then?”

“I don’t know…”Chen Shanshan looked at the starry sky and said in confusion, “After choosing a genetic body these past few days, I always have an inexplicable sense of unease. Especially after I fall asleep, I always have the same nightmare…”

“The same nightmare?”Rainy looked at him curiously.

“There’s a pair of eyes, very big… staring at this place…”Chen Shanshan looked at the sky, her eyes were blurry. “That pair of eyes kept getting closer and closer, and the closer they got, the bigger they got. In the end, when they got closer, they were even bigger than the sky. It was terrifying… do you think the heavens are hinting that my good days are coming to an end?”

Rainy Girl, Wu Gua:”…”

“When did this feeling start?”

“A few days ago…”chen Shanshan’s eyelids became heavier and heavier. As she spoke, she actually fell asleep on the sand. …

“Shanshan?”Rainy Wugua frowned. This guy was really… …

Suddenly, Rainy Wugua was stunned. After carefully sensing, she suddenly realized that something was not right. She realized that Chen Shanshan was very tired, and even seemed to be mentally exhausted…

How could this be?

Theoretically speaking, a body that had just been strengthened should have very strong mental strength… . .

Then think of Chen Shanshan just said a nightmare, rain woman no melon heart also rose a trace of ineffable uneasiness.

Thought she gently tapped Chen Shanshan, and then saw Chen Shanshan’s body suddenly as light as a feather, rain woman with Chen Shanshan light floating up, quickly to the base of the third city.


“My Lord, Guo Xiaoyun of Huaxia is here to see you…”

On the other side, in song care to send Cindy left, the intelligent then rang rain woman no melon face request.

Song care frowned, the other party just refused to meet with him, and now to see what I mean?

After thinking about it, he didn’t care about being rejected, and asked curiously, “Where is she now?”

Intelligence: “In the gene storage room…”

Song in care to hear the words frown deeper: “That position is not allowed to outsiders to get close to it? Even I, the city lord, need to apply to get close.”

SMART: “She has the right to…”

Song Cares:”…”


In the storage room, rain woman Wu Guagua carefully observed Chen Shanshan’s genome. The other party disliked the sea spirit’s too Q version. In addition, they had not started work yet, so they rarely used it on weekdays and kept it in the storage room all the time, on the other hand, she was using her strengthened body to wander around the third city.

Logically speaking, she should not have used up much of her genetic body. However, reality proved that the consumption was greater than expected. It looked like a lychee that had lost its moisture. …

“What’s going on?”Rainmaiden Wugua asked AI with a frown.

“Excessive use of spiritual power…”. “Elves are half-spirits. Although they have a form, they are actually formed by absorbing the elements with their spiritual cores. If too much spiritual energy is consumed, the gathered elements will be drained accordingly, and the current situation will occur,”ai replied

“But why is it consuming too much spiritual energy? What did she do?”

Ai replied, “According to the consumption, this elf body used some kind of spell, which resulted in excessive consumption.”

“Spell?”Rainmaiden’s face twitched. Was this a joke? She was a level 5 developer and a professional spiritual power class, but even now, she could not fully cast a spell. How could a Level 1 elf cast a spell?

Ai: “Elves are different from normal genetic bodies. Their genes are ancient, and their DNA is very special. Many skills are passed down from ancient times, so it’s not strange that they can activate anything. There was once a Level 1 elf body that inadvertently triggered the talent of the ancestral summoning spell, and directly sacrificed itself to summon a demon… “… Therefore, the growth of elves is very unstable. They always need professional elven instructors to guide them.”

“What kind of spell do you think she triggered?”A rare look of worry appeared on Rainy’s melon-less face.

“From what you just described, it could be a nightmare spell, or… it could be a prophecy spell…”

“Prophecy spell?”Rainy’s melon-less was stunned. “Isn’t this something that only level-7 and above spiritual class attire can touch?”

She was actually very interested in this course, but even now, she could only learn theoretical knowledge and had never tried to put it into practice. Her mentor had also warned her to use prophecy before her spiritual power reached level-7, the backlash was very great, and it was even greater than the backlash from summoning.

Ai: “The possibility is not small, that’s why its spiritual power will be exhausted…”

“Prophecy…”rainy melon narrowed her eyes as she recalled what Chen Shanshan had said in a daze.

Her huge eyes were getting closer and closer, an uneasy fear… …

What did this mean?

“Does her prophecy mean that something bad is about to happen?”

Ai: “It’s hard to say. The accuracy of the prophecy has never been guaranteed. Many advanced seers might have a deviation in their systematic casting, not to mention the elves who occasionally activate their ancestral talent. The accuracy is not high.”

“But why would it be activated for no reason?”Raingirl, WUGUA, said solemnly, “Even if Shanshan has such a talent, she should have been stimulated to activate it, right?”

Ai was silent for a moment, and finally said, “Yes…”

“When will the Lord Return?”

AI said, “I’m not sure. This time, the Lord has gone to the federation to do quite a lot of things. He has to pay taxes and sell the existing energy ores, and then he has to buy a large number of materials and hire a large number of teachers… I’m afraid he won’t be able to return in about a month…”

“A month…”rainy girl’s eyelid twitched. For some reason, she felt more and more uneasy… …

“Song Zai’s City Lord is here…”while rainy girl was deep in thought, AI reminded her.

“Alright…”rainy girl returned to her senses and nodded. “Bring me to him…”

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