I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 788

788 Chapter 826: Negotiations -Partpart 2)

“You’ve all seen it too… … “…”seer spread out his hands and said, “You know what you’ve done recently. You’ve activated the lifestyle job training mode and compressed the employment space of overseas players. You’ve given preferential treatment to your own race, allowing a large number of lifestyle jobs that could earn money in the early stages to fall into the hands of the central China players. This has also caused the trainers and skill instructors to be occupied by the central China players for a long period of time. At this rate, as more and more high-level central China players appear, the space of overseas players will be further compressed. As time goes on, I’m afraid that you’ll soon completely suppress them into the lower class!”


Hearing this, the many lord-tier players fell silent. They were indeed the ones who had done this. They had discussed and planned this back then. However, if they were to say that they regretted it, they did not regret it at all!

We Are Chinese. What’s wrong with using the foundation that we worked so hard to build to benefit our fellow countrymen? If we don’t side with our own people, do we side with outsiders? Is there something wrong with our brains?

“My Liege…”Tianya said, “Do you think that we’ve gone too far… we can change it…”

“Hehe…”Xi ye sneered as he looked across. “All of you have expressions that say that you’ll dare to do it again next time. I believe that you’ll change it? Do you think that your abilities are stupid? This isn’t like educating children in school!”


Xi Ye sighed, he continued to explain, “You have to understand what your future is. This city, this planet, and even the planet in the New Territories are nothing to you. As technology is unlocked, your future platform will become more and more vast, and the number of alien races you will have to face will also increase. Each of you has the aptitude to control the Sea of stars, so don’t make the situation so small. Today, you will use your race as the world to suppress the Outsiders. Tomorrow, when you come into contact with more alien races, what are you going to do? Have we always been excluding people who are different from us?”


“Lord, you say it so nicely…”. “…”little cabbage immediately said aggrievedly, “But we were the first batch of people to follow you. Every brick and tile in this city was earned for you with our hard work. From a desolate place with nothing to such a beautiful city, all of us worked hard for a few years “It’s true that we have your technological help, but this place is full of our hard work. What we worked hard to build, of course, is for our compatriots to enjoy. I also want to rent a manor for my mother in the city. You say that we exclude the dissidents, that we don’t give those overseas players a fair environment, but why should we let them enjoy the fair environment that we worked hard to create ? Where were they when there was nothing here ? Where were they when the purple monster invaded here ? You asked us to be pioneers, but you let them reap the rewards. Is that fair to us?”

Everyone nodded when they heard that. That’s right, what was wrong with the suppression? Everything here was the hard work of the first batch of players. Every brick on the land had their sweat. Why should they let outsiders reap the rewards?

Even if they did not kill them, on account of the fact that they were fellow D-ball players…

Bing Guan and Pu Yunchuan looked at little cabbage in shock. This guy… ! He usually looked heartless, but who would have thought that he could stir up emotions!

Xi Ye was silent for a while when she heard this. Then, she actually nodded. “What you said… actually makes sense!”

Everyone’s spirits were instantly lifted!

Xi Ye said, “But this isn’t a long-term solution. All of you have studied history before, so you should know that as the number of overseas players increases, your conflict will definitely escalate. I, as a faction, have just been established, and I don’t want to be destroyed in the midst of internal strife…”. “…”

Pausing for a moment, he continued, “But you’re right, Lass. This city was painstakingly built by the players of Huazhong. Every brick and tile has nothing to do with the overseas players. Letting them enjoy the fruits of your labor is indeed a little unjustifiable. How about this, I have a compromise plan. What do you think?”

For the next two hours, the meeting room was filled with heated discussions. Finally, under the bargaining of the players, they reached a solution that they were all satisfied with. After another afternoon of discussion, the group of players finally left the Lord’s room with satisfaction.

After the group left, xi ye sighed, “What a bunch of difficult children!”

“This plan was actually planned by you, My Liege, right?”In the Liege’s room, rainy, who had been silent the entire time, frowned. “Why didn’t you just say it right from the start?”

Xi Ye smiled. “If I just said it right, they wouldn’t be satisfied. They would definitely ask for more. If I let them fight for it themselves, they would naturally cherish this result more. At the very least, they wouldn’t push their luck…”

Rain woman without melon: “What a shameless politician…”

Seer: “Shut Up, let the intelligence issue a notice, you and I go to the federation, some things should be prepared!”

——– —

Dear players hello, after a number of high-level meetings, the resolution of the final election plan and future open beta limit rules!

First: regarding the restriction of the flow, galaxy has now opened channels in 46 countries. However, due to the limited development of cities, there will be a threshold for the introduction of players, galaxy will open five new city channels on Mars. Each city will have a corresponding population introduction policy. The specific policy will be based on the introduction policy of the elected city lord of the city. The introduction policy will be the constitution, once determined, it can not be easily changed.

Second: regarding the election, Xing Hai will invite a group of politicians with outstanding political achievements to participate in the election in the 46 countries that currently open corridors, regarding the city intelligence, we will give the information to the invited candidates as soon as we have determined the invited candidates. The future urban style and cultural advantages of the five cities will be included in the intelligence, the city intelligence will be released to the world three days after the start of the campaign, the candidate will make detailed policy planning by making arguments on how to build, how to make use of the advantages of the city’s civilization, how to attract the population, how to make the residents of their own city more competitive, etc. , note that the candidate can only choose one of the cities as his or her own city. He or she can not choose more than one of the cities. After the selection, he or she can not change the policy. The candidate’s policy will be made public. Then, the three parties will grade the candidate, the result of the election will be selected by the highest total score of the three parties!

Third: regarding the grading rules, the grading will be assessed by the three parties. The first party: the evaluation will be conducted for the people of the higher-ups of Xing Hai, this party will use scientific methods to predict and calculate the advantages of your policy, so that the overall grading will be relatively fairest. The party with a total score of 100 will have the right to score 50 points.

The second side: score for the people. Citizens of the 46-channel countries can participate. Before the election begins, Galaxy will officially issue a blueprint of the city’s future and cultural advantages. Citizens of the 46 countries need to vote for the ideal city first, note: this vote is very important. Whether you can go to galaxy immediately or not, you will be marked as a candidate citizen of this city and can not be changed. After the city is selected, you will have the right to vote for this city, choose the candidate you favor and cast your precious vote. The public vote will take up the right to score 30 points!

Third Party: for the assessment of the candidate’s qualification department, the capacity of a city is always limited. As the mayor of a new city, you not only have to learn how to attract more people, you also have to learn how to attract a higher quality population. Different countries, different cultures, different social forms, the quality of the people formed will be different. How to select the best and admit them, excluding the low quality population to waste space was also one of the essential elements of a city lord. The candidate qualification department will provide you with a maximum of 20 bonus points according to your population screening policy. Please take note! Your population screening policy will also be made public to the public. Please make it carefully!

Finally, the city where the main base was located was officially named: Huaxia City, exclusive to Central China. It does not belong to the other five major public election cities. The candidate for the city lord of the city will be selected from the internal politicians of central China!

The above was the final rule of this election. No changes will be made in the future. Players, please pass on the message to each other and participate in the discussion in a harmonious manner. Thank you, everyone. I wish you all a pleasant journey to the galaxy!

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