I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 749

749 Chapter 787: the situation (Part 1)

Yang Rui followed behind his dog father vigilantly, maintaining a certain distance so that he could have the opportunity to react when the other party suddenly attacked… …


But it was probably very difficult… … From his intuition, he felt that this big green guy in front of him was probably on the same level as the Big Green Guy in Marvel. A few meters away should not be considered a safe distance… …

“Where are we now?”Yang Rui hesitated for a moment and finally decided to ask directly. After all, he had already been reduced to fish meat, so there was no need to hide anything.

“Mars…”the dog father walked unsteadily.

“Mars?”Yang Rui’s eyes lit up, and he thought to himself, is that really the case?

The dog father who was walking in front did not turn his head back, but as if he knew what the other party was thinking, he said slowly, “Your body has been basically strengthened, so you can adapt to the gravity and radiation environment here…”

Yang Rui was stunned, and his body immediately tensed up. What did it mean that he had been strengthened?

Yang Rui looked at his own body. There did not seem to be any changes to the naked eye, but after carefully sensing it, there were still some differences. First, his physique must have been strengthened, and then there were some old problems caused by his work that seemed to no longer exist. There was a feeling of being reborn…

He had to admit that this feeling was pretty good. After all, no one wanted their body to be constantly tormented by illness…

Was this faction trying to express their goodwill to him?

Yang Rui frowned. He couldn’t figure it out for a moment…

He followed the other party all the way out of the house that looked like a work of art. When he walked out of the house, the city scene that greeted him stunned him once again.

Although he had seen the main base’s city through the pictures posted by the players when he was investigating the game, he was still shocked when he saw it in person.

Could such a beautiful city be built on that desert-like planet?

It felt like a fairy tale…

Not only was it beautiful, but it was also full of life…

The city was obviously still under construction. People could be seen everywhere, busy with infrastructure projects. Of course… Those were probably not human figures.

Among the busy groups, there were tall Tauren, ogres, and lion-men. There were also relatively short and agile kobolds and werewolves. Of course, there were also humans, similar to the faces of the western side of Sphere D, however, they were stronger and more hardworking.

Everyone’s face was filled with smiles, and their hard-working sweat splattered in the air. They looked like they were working hard, but their eyes were filled with a glow of hope. Every time they stopped work, they looked around the city like farmers looking at a harvest of wheat. They were full of achievements and surprises, which made Yang Rui’s heart complicated… …

Yang Rui had been studying this game for a long time. He had probably learned about the alien forces’colonization methods through the information that was leaked online.

First, they had used genetic modification to strengthen the unwitting d-ball players. Then, they had allowed them to capture the indigenous people from another planet with a relatively backward civilization to come to Mars to do infrastructure labor.

But why did these colonized indigenous people look so full of life? As colonized objects, shouldn’t they be numb, despairing, and resentful?

“Don’t these people hate you?”Yang Rui asked dog dad curiously.

Dog Dad was stunned for a moment and asked curiously, “You mean these New Territories Aborigines?”

New Territories. Yes… … It seemed like that was what the players called that planet in Grandpa Lu’s guide.

“Why do they hate us?”Dog dad said in amusement, “It’s not like we mistreated them. They eat well here, live well here, and work hard. If they work hard, they can even get a house here. I’ve worked in the state-owned enterprises for thirty years, but I still can’t afford a house. Why do they hate us for such good benefits?”

Yang Rui was speechless for a moment, but his expression didn’t look too good… …

The dog father saw the situation and laughed. “Since you’ve investigated this game, you should know that the alien planet invaded by the players is still an imperialist civilization with slavery. Here, other than the nobles, most ordinary people don’t have any human rights to begin with. They also live a life of exploitation. Our conditions here are better. We have the survival guarantee that their original empire didn’t have. We have better educational opportunities. We also provide better channels for advancement. A person who could only work as a farmer for a lifetime in the empire can become a warrior, a judge, and a scholar here. Everyone here is better off than before…”. “…”. “…”

“Better?”Yang Rui sneered. “So? This is the reason why you invaded them? To make their lives better?”

“Hey, don’t talk nonsense…”the dog father waved his hand and said, “First of all, we invaded them based on strength, but we never used these reasons. I never said that we are good people…”

Yang Rui:”…”

“And then…”the dog father smiled and said, “Don’t you know how to see for yourself whether they are doing well or not?”

Yang Rui snorted coldly and did not speak anymore, but for some reason, his mood became more complicated… …

The dog father smiled and led him to a restaurant with unique decorations. On the signboard at the door, there was a very arrogant font that read: Dog Egg Restaurant… …

Yang Rui’s mouth twitched. Such a beautiful font with the words “Dog egg”written on it, was there really someone who would patronize such a restaurant?

At this time, the sky had just brightened, and the restaurant did not seem to have opened yet. The dog father brought Yang Rui in through the side door and came to an underground cafeteria. There were more than ten tall and strong Green Titans sitting in the cafeteria, wolfing down the food in front of them.

Yang Rui looked over. He had never seen all kinds of grains, fruits, and meat, but the aroma of the food made every cell in his body feel hungry.

Holding back his hunger, Yang Rui carefully observed these people. Although they were all green giants like Old Wang, there was still a big difference in their facial contours. They didn’t seem like the contours of an oriental, moreover, they were sitting in groups of two or three, far away from each other, as if they were separated by a mountain. If one listened carefully, they would find that each group of people spoke a different language.

Some spoke Spanish, some spoke Japanese, and some spoke English. Obviously, they were all from different countries.

“These… aren’t guests, right?”Yang Rui asked with a frown.

“Of course not…”the dog father rolled his eyes and said, “Do you see people who let guests eat in the underground cafeteria? They’re my employees…”


“UH… To be precise, they’re intern employees … The dog father smiled and said, “There’s a shortage of bonesetters now, but most of the players in central China moved to the new territories because they had better resources in the beginning. This resulted in very few people willing to work in this line of work despite the high salary. It’s a good thing that these overseas players have come to fill the vacancy…”. “…”

“Boss…”just as they were speaking, an extremely beautiful elf walked over and handed a list to the dog father, “Yesterday at the end of the shift, we received another 30 applications for interviews, all of them for our restaurant bonesetters…”

The dog father heard this and took the list, following which he said, “Have you eliminated the ones that should be eliminated?”

“HM…”the elf smiled sweetly, “According to your request, Ah San doesn’t want it, the universe country doesn’t want it, Great Britain doesn’t want it… the fighting nation doesn’t want it… the priority is the West German German German German and ba tie players…”

Hearing this reply, Yang Rui was stunned, immediately waking up from the elf player’s beautiful smile, looking at his father in shock, “What’s the situation?”

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