I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 733

733 Chapter 771: Game Experience (3)

“This is the industrial area outside of the city…”the guide player pointed at the huge mining factory in front of them.


An shunwang frowned and looked up at the sky. He felt that the air and temperature here were completely different from the warmth in the city just now. His body subconsciously stepped back…

The player looked at an shunwang and said, “This place has not entered the city’s protective barrier, so there is a certain amount of radiation. Elf players must be careful when they go out here. Usually, after entering this place, the ELF players will automatically raise a layer of biological membrane to protect themselves, but that will consume their water. If they don’t replenish their water after a long time, they will enter a dehydrated state…”. “…”

As he spoke, he looked at an shunwang and said, “Trust me, you’d better not let yourself get into this situation, or else you’ll definitely have an unforgettable memory…”

An Shunwang:”…”

Why did he feel that the other party’s eyes were filled with malice?

He was the only player in this wave of players who had chosen the elf race surgery. This was mainly because he felt that it wasn’t very elegant to turn into such a large green man. One look at that thing and he could tell that it was a meat shield class that charged forward to resist damage. The game felt so real. He was not willing to be a class that took a beating…

In fact, as a programmer, most of them preferred to be a mage. However, after looking at the introduction of the so-called “Developer”race, Anshun Wang lost interest. Of course, this did not mean that he was an underachiever. As a top student who had entered Tsinghua University based on his strength and studied at Stanford in the United States, he was naturally not an underachiever who scored less than 700 points…

But to play a game and still want to review math, physics, and chemistry, that must be crazy… …

With no other choice, he chose the so-called elven race. The introduction to the surgery was less about the elves and basically did not say much, but according to the nature of the traditional game,. Elves should be agile and skillful, which sounded more interesting than playing a meat shield, but he did not expect that… … After the surgery, he would turn into a ball…

Looking at his body, an shunwang sighed deeply… …

If he had known earlier, he would have chosen the Green Titan. At least, he had a third leg that even a mare could not stand… … Although this kind of open online game could not be used, it did not hinder a man’s psychological comfort…

While he was secretly complaining, the guide player who was at the very least, suddenly clapped his hands and said, “The mining factory over there is the only job that Green Titan rookies can receive now. When you have gathered 100 points, you can go to the city area to choose a life skill to learn… “…”. “Alright, Hurry up and carry the bricks. The earlier you carry the bricks, the earlier you can get out of the Sea of misery.”


“UH… is this the only way?”Sam said with a little sweat on his forehead. He did want to do something to test his powerful body, but it definitely didn’t include doing manual labor. What a joke? Playing a game and asking a labor to move bricks? Which idiot came up with this idea! ? All the coolies in America are Mexicans!

“You can choose to carry bricks or quit the game!”The player said coldly while looking at Mike.

Do you dislike carrying bricks? Hehe, this group of Karma Brats. Do you know how many tens of thousands of people in central China are lining up to carry bricks? How dare you despise them. When the overseas passage benefits have passed, you won’t be able to carry bricks even if you want to… …

He didn’t have much patience with these foreigners who robbed the passage of their fellow countrymen from Huazhong. If it weren’t for the mission points, no one would be willing to deal with these foreign devils.

Mike was stared at by this cold gaze and couldn’t help but shrink his body. Why did he feel that the players here weren’t very friendly…

“Is there someone who will directly arrange our work when we go over?”Sam, who was next to him, asked.

“Well…”the player waved his hand coldly. “Hurry up. get familiar with the mining work before dark. Otherwise, no one will be willing to teach you at night…”then he turned to look at Anshun Wang, the player’s expression softened slightly. “Let’s go. I’ll take you to the ELF base. Your side is more complicated than theirs…”

With that, he led Anshun Wang in another direction. After taking two steps, he suddenly thought of something and turned back to say, “By the way, when you go offline, you’d better find a better place. Don’t go offline on the sand…”

Without explaining, he led Anshun Wang to the elven base, leaving Sam and the other American players looking at each other. . .

———- —

An Shunwang walked a few steps behind him and finally asked, “I feel like you don’t welcome them very much.”

The player did not turn back. “Who welcomes these foreign devils? If not for them, my brother would have joined yesterday. Now that the central China Passage is closed, I don’t know when it will open again…”

“Closed?”An Shunwang was stunned. “The game queue will also be closed?”

What was the game operator thinking? Even if there wasn’t a recharge service yet, it was necessary to attract traffic, right? What the hell was a closed queue? Was he afraid that there were too many players?

“I think so too…”. The player nodded. “There are so many players waiting to squeeze in from our Greater China. Why should we give priority to foreigners ? Now, the price of the player invitation quota has increased again. In the past, 500 million federation coins could buy one, but now, it’s estimated that one billion is at stake … ..

“How much?”An Shunwang’s eyeballs almost popped out when he heard that. 500 million? Is this guy crazy? Or are there too many rich people in Central China?

“Brother, has this joke gone too far?”

“Joke?”The player looked at an Shunwang’s expression as if he was looking at a madman. After smiling, he said meaningfully, “You’ll know in the future. Those who can spend 500 million to enter this game will have made a lot of money. I’m afraid that in the future…”

He did not continue speaking. As a player who knew the inside story, there were some things that he had been warned not to reveal to the outside world… …

He was speechless at the thought of those unwitting lord-tier players directly selling the quota. What a prodigal. If he could get the lord-tier qualification in the New World.., he wouldn’t sell his slots no matter how much money others offered!

The world was about to change. Perhaps in the future, the federation coins would become useless paper…

Seeing that the other party was bragging more and more, an Shunwang rolled his eyes and changed the topic. “Oh right, brother, why did you tell them not to log off on the sand?”

“Oh… That… The player smiled and said, “The sand here is very strong. If you log off on the sand, your body will be buried in it overnight. Moreover, the speed of infrastructure in the city is very fast. If you don’t log on for ten days or half a month, your body might be filled with cement when you come back. In the past, many players died for no reason … ..

An Shunwang:”…”

“Of course, it’s not very safe to stay in other places. The construction of the city is too fast. If you block someone else’s work, the other players won’t be polite. If you meet someone with a good heart, they might help you move. If you meet someone who’s in a bad mood, they might throw you into the sewer…”. …”

An shunwang: “If it’s really in the game mode, isn’t the setting of the body still there when you go offline a little unfair? If other players have malicious intentions, wouldn’t they be able to play with you directly?”

“That’s why…”the player smiled: “Hurry up and earn money. Buy a private dormitory and you can avoid this situation. Private dormitories are protected here!”

“Private dormitory?”An Shunwang was stunned, he suddenly thought of something and quickly said: “Oh, right, I had someone give me an invitation code. He said that there was a big gift bag for beginners. When I went online, the system seemed to have mentioned that there was a private dormitory…”

“TSK TSK, sure!”! ! The player looked at him in surprise. “You’re really lucky. Someone actually gave you the invitation code. This might save a lot of effort. The elves don’t consume much anyway. If you have a novice gift pack, you can just focus on shapeshifting. You Don’t have to go to work. After all, the elves don’t earn money by doing odd jobs.”

An Shunwang was stunned when he heard that. Just as he was about to ask what shapeshifting was, the other party suddenly asked, “Oh right, which one is the invitation code for you? Those who have the invitation code are all veteran players. You have to hug this kind of thigh tightly…”

“Eh?”An Shunwang thought for a moment when he heard that. Then, he used an uncertain tone and said, “I think it’s called the number one slide in the world?”

“What’s it called?”The player’s face suddenly became a little horrified when he heard that… …

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