I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 715

715 Chapter 743: Rescue Strategy!

“Cough cough… Yes, it’s the chief archmage, Lord Lei Xue…”Kurland coughed lightly and emphasized the identity behind Lei Xue, trying to make everyone forget some strange things… …


Everyone was stunned, and then nodded. Yes, yes, Archmage, this was indeed more important… …

But wasn’t it a little too young?

Mages were a profession that required age to convince everyone. Just like the traditional Chinese medicine in central China, no one would dare to visit a doctor unless they were in their fifties or sixties…

However, when they recalled that there was also a young girl who could beat all of them up at such a young age, everyone felt that judging the other party simply by her age was a little too arbitrary…

Therefore, they all looked at an old man on the left who looked like he was about to die… …

That was the only mage they had left…

There were many mages in the western islands, and their quantity and quality were several times that of the steel arms empire. However, they were still rare here…

The reason was very simple. Mages had a high social status, and most of them were precious resources of their families. Usually, there would not be any outstanding mages participating in such an adventure, even if it was a royal fleet.., there would not be any high-end mages accompanying them.

There were a few apprentices. Even if they were just low-level apprentices who could cast a complete spell, they were still treated as treasures by the leaders of many forces here. This was because these apprentices could use the alchemy conversion array to convert certain substances into fresh water…

But even if they were heavily nurtured, over countless years, only three people in this city could grow into regular mages. Yesterday, two of them were brought into the Crystal Palace by that mysterious girl. Therefore, there was only this old mage, Nicholas, left… …

When everyone looked over, the only remaining old mage seemed to be in a daze. Coupled with his age, he seemed to be in a daze…

“Sir Nicholas?”Someone asked carefully.

This person’s status was not ordinary. Even the rebellious Frank had great respect for him. This respect stemmed from the western islands’innate respect for the master mage, just like the respect for scholars in ancient Huazhong, the second reason was his contribution.

It was also because of his existence that everyone quickly understood the way of trading here. It was also because of him that everyone learned how to use these crystals. This included the fact that he was studying the new uses of the crystals every day, including the opening of the passage the last time.., this old mage also had foresight. It was a pity that many people did not listen to him at that time, causing them to miss out on the opportunity.

Therefore, whether it was the newcomers or the old man who had been here before, they all respected this old mage!

The old mage woke up after being called twice. Then, he coughed awkwardly and asked in a gentle voice, “What’s Your faction, Young Lady?”

Snow looked at him and replied with a smile, “Mechanical Alchemist…”

“Oh… New School…”the old mage nodded. The occult civilization in the western islands had developed for so many years, and there were many schools of thought, but they were still relatively backward. The mechanical field had just reached the age of steam engines, and the Mechanical Alchemist was a brand new school…

“You have such a young age, but you have such mental strength. What a talent. It’s a pity that you didn’t walk the right path…”the old man said with a complicated tone, obviously, he was very disdainful of the so-called mechanical alchemy faction, but his tone was filled with disdain and regret…

Although the little girl looked ordinary, her eyes were as bright as the starry sky in midsummer. This was the characteristic of an advanced mage!

He had only seen such a young advanced mage in history books. The most recent one was the notorious blood queen, who also walked the wrong path…

When everyone heard the old mage’s evaluation, their faces immediately turned serious. If even this one said so, then this little girl must be an incredible mage…

“Tell me your purpose, little girl…”the old man asked gently, “You didn’t ask Kurland to gather us together to be the leader, right?”

“Of course not…”snow laughed, “I came… I hope that you can cooperate with me to defeat that monster and save the people trapped by that monster!”

“Trapped people?”Nicholas raised his eyebrows, “Young lady, you mean that the people who entered the palace didn’t die?”

Lei Xue, “Yes!”

“How is that possible?”

As soon as his voice fell, someone in the crowd refuted, “They are already in the stomach of the monster, how can they still be alive?”

“If they are normal creatures, that is indeed the case…”. “…”Lei Xue nodded. “But that’s not the case. Based on the inference of a normal creature, if it’s eaten into the stomach, it will only turn into feces. But does that look like a normal creature to you?”? “It’s already been a day, have you seen it defecate?”

“Uh…”everyone was stunned, confused by this strange train of thought… …

“Little girl, do you know the origin of that thing?”Nicholas asked curiously.

“An alchemical life form!”Snow said solemnly.

“An alchemical life form?”The crowd was stunned again. They did not understand what was going on, but Nicholas suddenly frowned. “Nonsense!”

Seeing this scene, the crowd did not understand why the two of them were arguing, so some big shots asked their magic apprentices, the apprentices whispered, “Alchemy can not create life forms. This is one of the three major conclusions of Megoss!”

“Oh…”some people nodded slowly, most people knew that Megose was the greatest arcanist and erudite in history. He was the pioneer of alchemy and was known as the god of wisdom by many wizards and scholars…

“The laws of the predecessors were only limited by the conditions at that time. As an arcanist explorer, you should know that these ancient laws are being overturned every day…”snow said as she looked at Morsenkin beside her. Old Morsenkin nodded and gently waved his hand. An extremely complex alchemy array appeared in the air…

Everyone was stunned when they saw the complex alchemy array. They had seen pigs run before even eating pork. They all knew that the more complex the alchemy array was, the higher the level of the Mage. The complex alchemy array in front of them.., one look was enough to make these ignorant people’s scalps go numb.

They all agreed in their hearts: Big Boss, Big Boss…

Moreover, the one who made the move was not the so-called chief mage. In other words, the other party actually had more than one high-end mage. What kind of fleet was this?

While everyone was in awe, Nicholas, who was an orthodox mage, had a puzzled look on his face. This alchemy array looked complicated, but he felt that something was not right. When he wanted to take a closer look.., the alchemy array quickly disappeared. As the alchemy array disappeared, a green furball appeared in the air. It was Wang Ye!

“This is…”everyone was stunned when they saw the Green Furball.

“An alchemy lifeform!”Lei Xue smiled and poked Wang Ye.

Wang Ye flew forward angrily. Yesterday, Lei Xue had told him that he had an important mission. As an elf who had yet to transform, he was a little excited when he heard that he could take on an important mission, after all, although he was the first mate now, he could only drag the team back. His effect was not as good as the chef who knew how to cook.

However, he did not expect that the important task that Lei Xue had mentioned was actually this…

“An alchemy life form?”Nicholas walked over with great effort. His speed was not like that of an old man who was about to die. He looked at Wang Ye with unusual excitement for a long time, he said with a trembling voice, “You… you made it?”

Lei Xue Smiled reservedly. “My teacher made it…”

“May I know your teacher’s name?”Nicholas asked excitedly.


“Merlin?”Nicholas was stunned. “I’ve never heard of it…”

“Teacher has lived in seclusion for a long time…”. “This isn’t the focus of the discussion now. Although this thing is only a semi-finished product, I think it can prove the existence of an alchemical life form.”Lei Xue Smiled “…”. After pausing for a moment, she continued, “Moreover, you’ve seen an alchemical lifeform before. What do you think those living creatures in the trading crystal are?”

After saying that, she pointed at the strange weapons in everyone’s hands and said, “Including the weapons in your hands, what do you think they are? Don’t you think that they are actually… alive?”

Hearing this, everyone shivered and almost threw the weapons in their hands out subconsciously…

“Does this senior not suspect anything?”Lei Xue looked at Nicholas with a smile.

Nicholas nodded silently. Obviously, he had thought about this, but because those weapons were too dangerous, and there were no experimental tools, he could not do any in-depth research.

After taking a deep breath, Nicholas said in a deep voice, “Even if it’s as you said, that thing is an alchemical lifeform, and Lord Fordring and the others did not die in there, how are we going to rescue them? “You have also seen its power. If there were more people, Lord Fordring and the others would not be trapped in there… “…”

“I’m not asking you to face it head-on…”. “Alchemical lifeforms are formed from special materials and countless complicated alchemy arrays. Actually, for us wizards, as long as we can understand the structure of the array inside, we can actually disintegrate it from the inside!”

“This kind of structure is all internal, right?”Nicholas frowned. “How can we see the structure of the array inside?”

“The internal structure naturally has to be seen from the inside!”Snow laughed. “Such a large alchemical lifeform, I think there must be a wizard controlling it inside. Won’t we be able to see his alchemical spell formation once we enter?”

“What’s the difference between saying that and not saying it?”Nicholas sneered. “Barging into an alchemical lifeform that has been set up with who knows how many spells? “If this stupid method works, does your captain think he’ll be able to get out?”

“That’s because there’s no cooperation from the outside…”. “If there’s enough interference to threaten this alchemical lifeform, the person controlling it won’t have enough energy to deal with the intruders. Besides, our captain is still inside. We have a chance if we cooperate from the inside!”

“Threaten? With what?”Nicholas rolled his eyes. “Didn’t you see the battle yesterday? The legendary Doran was devoured in one move, what can we use to threaten that monster?”

“Of course we can’t use people… but what if it’s cannons?”

“Cannons?”Nicholas was stunned. “Where did we get cannons?”

“We do!”

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