I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1544

1544 Chapter 1613: Separation (Part Two)

“Big Brother!”

After the meeting, the fifth elder followed gunsh to the warehouse. After they had gone far away, he finally couldn’t help but ask, “What’s wrong with third brother? Why is he so loyal to second brother? What can that sloppy guy give him?”


“That’s not something we can know. Second Brother also has the charm of second brother…”. “…”. Gunner smiled, “But third brother is usually quiet, but he can be steady at the critical moment. If it wasn’t for him, he could have taken more people away…”. “…”

“Humph!”Fifth elder snorted, “Those who betray others will regret it sooner or later!”

Under third brother’s persuasion, there were indeed some people who did not follow gunner’s boat in the end. Among them, five elder Zhang was most concerned about Mila’s father. He and his elder brother treated him well… …

“Everyone has their own aspirations…”gunner narrowed his eyes slightly. His expression was still calm, but there was a trace of coldness in his eyes.

“But it’s not a big deal…”. Gunsh smiled and said, “I didn’t expect everyone to choose our side. If that really happens, the old man might have to force some to stay. Moreover, as third brother said, those branches with fewer children are indeed not of much help to us … ..

“That’s true…”fifth elder narrowed his eyes. “But I always feel uncomfortable letting second brother take advantage of us!”

Families with fewer children didn’t mean that they couldn’t do it. On the contrary, families with fewer children had better conditions. Because they had enough resources, they would muster up the courage to implement the elite training policy, those families with more children were the middle and lower class in the family division system.

In order to win those people over, he and his boss had given them a lot of benefits. He and his big brother had given them all kinds of good business and resources, including the Zi Yao Star that their children had sent to them.

Now that they had been nurtured, they wanted to stay and work for the second branch. How could they feel good?

Of course, to be honest, these fellows were indeed not very useful in the new galaxy. In order to develop the galaxy more efficiently, the resources of these juniors would definitely be cut off. He also hoped that these little fellows who had received the priest’s blessing would become useless, who asked them to obtain resources that even their own sons did not enjoy?

But not being able to provide them did not mean that he was willing to give these people to second brother and the others. This was two different things… …

“Alright…”. Gunsh sighed. “Since the matter is almost settled, there’s no need to hesitate. Fortunately, more than 80% of the families are willing to go with us. Ryan has also given us an explanation. This time, we have to plan properly on how to cash in the resources as soon as possible. You must make sure that the survey team has the most experience and the best reputation. We must not make a mistake. The best areas will definitely give priority to us two brothers.” … ..

“Big Brother, don’t Worry!”The fifth elder patted his chest. Even though he was old, as a member of the Thunder Warrior clan, he was still tall and sturdy. He patted his chest proudly, “This matter will definitely be settled!”

At this moment, the fifth elder’s face was no longer filled with dissatisfaction from when his boss didn’t speak to his son. His face was filled with excitement!

Mining the interstellar space was a huge project. The universe galaxy was huge, and there was a particular way to mine it. First, in the huge galaxy, one had to find at least one life star to be sure that the surrounding star belt wasn’t a dead zone, generally speaking, as long as there was a life star, with it as the point, a complete galaxy would definitely be mined. It was just a matter of how many resources there were.

And with the huge amount of mining, how to find high-resource stars or even life stars the fastest was something that had been figured out by some advanced observation tests over countless eras.

The surveyors would infer the life span and evolution of the surrounding stars based on the formation of the first life star. Then, they would carry out a group of stars simulation and survey the environment around them, they would infer which areas were more likely to have similar characteristics.

Living Stars had Gaia consciousness and would not form for no reason. If they found a pattern, it was possible to infer which areas were more likely to awaken the galaxy’s Gaia Brethren.

However, interstellar surveys could not be completely accurate and could only be based on probability theory. Therefore, the surveyors were similar to the masters who gambled on stones on planet D. It was a relatively mysterious profession.

However, the general direction could still be tested. The boss would naturally not give up the position of the Starfield with its own probability to the branch family. And now, he had given the task of consulting the surveyors to himself. It was obvious that he wanted to bring him along to eat a large portion, of course, the fifth elder was excited about such a good thing!

Previously, when he was fighting for the TEDAR Hill quota, his dissatisfaction with gunsh was instantly thrown to the back of his mind… …

Looking at fifth’s excited expression, gunsh’s expression was still gentle, but he smiled coldly in his heart.

Of course, he would not share the best area with fifth. He had already asked his son to hire the best prophet in the faction. When the time came, even if they were in the same area, he would have a way to make fifth’s luck a little worse than his… …

Just as he was thinking, a graceful figure in white walked towards him from afar. The Thunder warrior with blue skin under the sun appeared extremely ladylike, looking quiet and elegant.

“Uncle Good… …”the girl to Gansh to a standard priestly ceremony, sweet hello.

Gunsh suddenly revealed a gentle smile. “It’s Sansa…”

The fifth elder looked at the girl who took the initiative to come over to show her goodwill, and his expression became gentle, but his heart sneered.

The Girl in front of me is the eldest daughter of my second brother…


“Luckily third brother reacted quickly, or else he might have been fooled by Boss and the others and ran away…” Fourth Elder said with a straight face, “I don’t know what those people are thinking. Do they really think that such a good thing can fall on their heads? Go to the Devil who eats people and doesn’t spit out bones, Hehe…”

“Well… . “the third elder shook his head. “It’s not necessarily a bad thing. What if that Lord Bolton really does have the intention of embracing other races? This might really be Rennes’good fortune. If that’s the case, wouldn’t it be a good thing for him to lead his family towards prosperity?”

“Ryan?”The fourth sneered: “I really do not think, there is such a good opportunity, I do not think he can afford it!”

“Well… … Isn’t it good now?”Third Elder looked at the black-faced old four and smiled. “Those branch families aren’t honest to begin with. Who knows how many resources they have secretly deducted in a year. Now that most of them have left, it’s a good time to consolidate them, isn’t it ? Moreover, those who stay are all elites, especially those juniors. Those people are the foundation stones that our family needs. As for those old worms, they can just leave … ..

“You’re right…”fourth said in a depressed tone, “Second brother is right. He doesn’t even know how to come back for such a big event. You have to hurry here. His carefree character hasn’t changed at all!”

“Haha!”Third elder laughed, “He has always been like that since he was young. He’s Afraid of trouble. I’m afraid that he can’t wait for Big Brother to take all of them away. It’s best if the two of US can leave together. He can live a carefree life in the villa of the glorious amethyst star with his wife…”. “…”

“In his dreams!”The fourth elder laughed. “I’ve never enjoyed it so much…”

“But it’s good too!”The fourth elder stretched lazily, he said contentedly, “From now on, we don’t have to see boss’s hypocritical face anymore. Oh, right, I don’t have to see fifth’s lackey anymore. HMM… I should be more comfortable in the future…”

The third elder nodded. He agreed with him on this point. However, he seemed to have thought of something and frowned.

“What’s Wrong?”The fourth elder noticed that something was wrong with his third brother.

“I suddenly remembered something. It might be troublesome…”the third elder said faintly.

“What is it?”

“Second Brother’s daughter…”

“Nicole?”Fourth Elder smiled. “That girl is also promising. I didn’t expect our family to have a mecha operator…”

“Who said that?”Third Elder rolled his eyes at Fourth Elder. “Nicole, that little girl, has never worried US since she was young. I mean the other one!”

“Oh… that one…”

When he mentioned the other one, fourth elder’s expression turned cold… …

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