I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1479

1479 Chapter 1,548: a powerful guy is coming… …

“Wow… is this Teldrasil?”

In the interstellar train, after the train arrived at the station, a group of children from the Eldia family looked out of the window curiously. They were all shocked by the magnificent scenery.


Due to the efforts of the Dragon Baron, the children of the Eldia family had seen much. After all, the Glorious Amethyst Star was a super high-level planet. However, even in the super high-level planet, there were different levels, the Teldrassil Galaxy was the royal family’s land that had been passed down since the ancient elven civilization. The First World Tree in the universe had been produced here. Under the nurturing of countless generations of flower spirits and the blessings of the priests, even now, this star field.., was also the place with the most vitality in the entire universe. Even the planets in the outer regions were at least level two stars.

Closer to the core, there were all level one planets. On each planet, there was a huge world tree entrenched in the clouds of the planet. The Sea of stars formed the largest green forest in the universe, every tree was the green of life that was born from top-tier planets. Such majestic vitality shocked the children of the Eldia family even though they were separated by the car window, even bernos, who had been putting on a straight face, could not hold back his expression.

This was the number one galaxy in the Eastern Star Field: Tydar Hill!

“Sister Mira… these… these… are the world trees?”Beside Mira, the skinny fellow stammered as he asked, his face filled with curiosity and excitement.

“Yes…”Mira was also immersed in this incomparable magnificence, her face was filled with excitement as she said, “Now, the only one who can cultivate the world tree’s soil is teldrassil. Only the soil in this starfield can cultivate such a huge world tree. It is rumored that the elves in ancient times cultivated this soil bit by bit through the top-tier flower spirits’elemental cultivation and the priest’s blessing. Every gram is worth 10,000 gold coins. The elves who live here enjoy life energy that is more than ten times stronger than ordinary grade-1 stars from birth. It is also an important reason why the space elves have never declined throughout the generations!”

“Hiss…”hearing Mila’s introduction, the group couldn’t help but take in a breath of cold air. A gram of soil was worth ten thousand gold? Then wouldn’t they be rich if they came here to dig the soil?

They seemed to have sensed the thoughts in everyone’s hearts, mila smiled and said, “Teldrasil strictly forbids smuggling of soil, and the punishment is extremely severe. If the inner clan is found out, they will directly deprive Teldrasil of its resident rights. If the outer clan commits a crime, they will be directly executed. There are very few outlaws who dare to come here to sell soil…”

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. This punishment was indeed very severe. If the outer race were to be directly executed, then the fact proved that the starry sky clan was indeed suspected of being xenophobic. Of course… “…”. Even if it was the inner race’s punishment, it was still very severe. Canceling the resident rights was equivalent to themselves and their descendants being permanently expelled from this high-quality land. The punishment was also quite severe.

“Sister Mira, you know so much!”The silly big guy beside Mira rubbed his head and laughed.

“Some travelers read in their travel logs…”mira laughed, “I don’t really know much, mainly because I’m interested. In the future, I want to be like the main characters in those logs, earning money while traveling the universe…”

“Sister Mira, do you want to become a mercenary in the future?”A fellow countryman asked curiously.

“HM…”mira nodded, “Compared to joining the army, I want to become a professional mercenary. I want to go out and explore the world…”

“Hehe… I want to too…”that big and simple looking man shook his head and said.

“Then work hard!”Mira patted his strong arm, “After receiving the blessing, go back and work hard to train. Don’t waste this opportunity. When the time comes, get into a good school and graduate, we’ll team up and go outside to take a look!”

“Okay!”The smile on the Big Guy’s face became more honest, and his eyes were full of expectation.

Some of the other disciples looked at the Magnificent Sea of stars in the forest and felt a sense of novelty in the world. They suddenly felt that if one day, they could travel through the entire universe like Mira said… They could see all the wonders in the world, and in this lifetime… … Perhaps there would be no regrets?


In the corner, looking at the high-spirited Mila, Bernos snorted lightly. However, this time, he did not go looking for trouble. A trace of joy flashed in his eyes.

So this girl’s dream was to be a mercenary?

She was really useless. However, that was fine too. In the past, in large families, there had been many descendants who went out to be mercenaries to earn money. The other party’s dream was very compatible with her identity as a descendant of the side family. She was also self-aware!

As for herself?

Naturally, after receiving the blessing, she would be admitted to a top-tier academy that was even better than Xandar. After graduating, she would go to her big brother’s territory to work hard and become the top figure of Bolton’s tenth legion, even surpassing her big brother, becoming the commander of the Eleventh Legion was the ambition that a man should have!

Just like that, everyone carried their own thoughts in their hearts. In the beautiful scenery, they soon heard the sound of the arrival of the station.

In a state of reluctance, everyone followed the order of the broadcast and got off the train one by one… …

Tedar Hill’s trains were all gathered at the central transfer station. As many academies had started their classes, there was a huge flow of people now. A group of large-sized thunder warriors were squeezed to death in the vast sea of people, after a long while, they finally squeezed to the place designated by Old Master Long Jue in a sorry state.

When the juniors squeezed their way over, Old Master Long Jue and the others were already waiting for them. Mira and the others quickly followed them and waited there.

“Sister Mira, are we waiting for that person again?”A messenger at the side asked carefully.

Mira nodded slightly. The place where the old master and the others were standing was the central station of the Northern Star Field. In the entire Eldia family, other than the second master’s wife’s family in the Northern Star Field, only the legendary God of heaven in the family was in the Northern Star Field… …

As they were speaking, the central station notified them of the arrival of the train. Everyone looked over eagerly, including the juniors.

Most of the people who came were descendants of the branch families. Although they had grown up listening to Seer’s bad reputation, to them, seer was actually very far away from their lives. It was not because of the resentment they had been exposed by the people around them since they were young, instead, they were mostly curious.

What exactly did this cousin who was once said to be even more talented than Ryan, the first deity of the family, look like?

The elders also had different expressions. There was a hint of complexity in the expression of the old lord of the dragon count. On the other hand, grand elder gunsh had a gentle smile on his face, but the depths of his eyes were filled with coldness.

The zhuxing couple from the second branch naturally had looks of anticipation on their faces, especially ye Na. She had not seen seer for ten thousand years. The child who was born to be the most like her, and the child who was the closest to her, she did not know either… “…”. How had she been living these past few years wandering outside?

In the group of people from the Eldia family, the night demon who was covered in a shadow cloak had a bored expression on his face.

A deity nurtured by a small family, even if he had a bit of luck, was no different from an ant to a large family like theirs. He actually had to wait for him here. It was truly a magical journey… …

Just as he was thinking about this, a thick and heavy aura suddenly came from afar, causing him, who had been drowsy, to suddenly raise his head and look towards the exit of the train… …

This aura…

Night Demon narrowed his eyes slightly. A formidable fellow was about to arrive… …

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