I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1438

1438 Chapter 1,507: Where Is My Moon Rabbit?

The Summoning Hall was a special ceremonial courtyard used by the star Sky University’s School of Warcraft to summon creatures from other worlds. There were many levels of summoning arrays here, ranging from level 1 infant creatures to top-tier monsters in the Star Sea of life.., all of them had corresponding alchemy summoning arrays.


There were even some special summoning arrays that were refined to a specific space-time. After all, it was the second largest school in the federation. The equipment was so well-equipped that it was far from what ordinary forces could compare to.

Students who were admitted into the Starry Skies Magical Beast Academy would be able to receive at least one grade B + Magical Beast in the Summoning Hall after graduating as a bachelor. However, that was a matter for the future. As for the students who came today for reference, they could only enter the ordinary ritual hall, they could summon the magical beast that they had long prepared to participate in the test.

The instructor would assess the actual score of your work based on the quality of your magical beast itself and the growth points that you had obtained after nurturing it. It would be divided into three to seven parts compared to the previous foundation. The final result would be the overall average score to assess whether you could enter the Star Magical Beast Academy… …

After entering the hall in the morning and night, the instructor first arranged for him to drink a bottle of green spirit potion.

The potion had a fresh vanilla flavor, a faint sweetness, and a primitive taste of nature that made people indulge in it. This was very different from the alchemy products of other races.

The alchemy of the elf race emphasized on the purity of nature. At most, it would change the attributes of the plants through energy, and it would rarely add some industrialized energy. It was easy to absorb and had no side effects, the Alchemy Potions produced by the Elf race were definitely top-tier existences in the universe.

Of course, the weakness was that their efficacy was slightly weaker than the excellent alchemy potions of other races.

After sitting in the stream for nearly half an hour, the efficacy of the medicine slowly restored his spiritual power to 40-50% . This was already a high-grade moonlight herb medicine worth 10,000 federal coins. The recovery speed was indeed not satisfactory… …

However, the advantage of the elven medicine without side effects was that it was a very important competitive force in the market.

Seeing that he had recovered about 50-60% , Chen Ye slowly opened his eyes. The fatigue in his eyes had dissipated a lot.

He looked at the time and frowned. He looked outside again… …

“Distraction during recovery will affect the efficacy of the medicine. Do you still need me to teach you this little bit of common sense?”A cold voice sounded beside his ear.

Morning Night Alliance stood up and bowed. “I’m very sorry, sir. I’ve Troubled You…”

His attitude was very sincere, and his tone was full of sincere gratitude. This made the expression of the alchemy mentor in the gray robe ease a lot.

“Your spirit quality is not bad. Although it is not as high as the flower spirit’s spirit, a single attribute magical beast master is still very popular in the market. As long as you can do the best with a single attribute…”

“Thank you for your encouragement, sir. I have always thought so…”Chen ye smiled sincerely.

He had been relatively cold to outsiders since he was young, but he was very respectful to the instructors who taught him. It was also because the instructors he had met since he was young that they had taken extra care of him.

He did not remember every single detail in his heart, so he had always had sufficient respect for the instructor, Chen Ye.

“From the looks of it, you should have recovered by fifty to sixty percent. Our Elven potion takes a little longer to take effect, so it will take at least one to two hours for you to fully recover. If you feel that you are fine, you can try to summon your magical beast now and do the warm-up that you should do. After all, the exams in the future are not aimed at you. There is no need to deliberately recover to your best state. On the contrary, letting your magical pets familiarize themselves with the environment will help you perform better in the future…”. “…”

Chen Ye’s eyes lit up when he heard that. He quickly bowed again and said, “Thank you for your guidance, sir!”

“Mm…”the instructor nodded slightly and walked inside. He began to observe the mental states of the other examinees.

Chen Ye took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He began to use the summoning matrix to communicate with the mental space where he stored his magical pets.

The so-called magical beast was a unique creature that could completely integrate into the mental space of its master. Not all creatures could become magical beasts. This was also the reason why magical beasts were suitable for fighting together. This was because no matter how large a magical beast was.., as long as its master stored it in the spiritual space in advance, it could be summoned at any place through the matrix.

When summoning the magical beast, Chen Ye could not help but look outside…

It had already been more than an hour, and that little girl still had not come over. Most likely, she had been eliminated, right? That guy looked like he was heartless. He should not be too sad, right?

I wonder if he’ll be waiting for me outside…

Focus, focus!

Chen Ye woke up in shock and once again secretly despised himself. He couldn’t even protect himself, yet he still had the mood to worry about others!

Forcing himself to focus, he injected his spiritual energy into the school’s unique matrix. The excellent matrix quickly began to operate. Chen Ye felt that he didn’t spend much energy, and the teleportation array instantly formed in midair.


Then, a familiar cry was heard, and a black furry fox-type magical beast with a unique, elegant, and beautiful aura came out from the matrix.

Chen Ye was slightly stunned, and thought to himself, as expected of the summoning array of a top-tier school. Its efficiency was extraordinary.

“Meow, Meow!”The little black fellow seemed to be particularly happy when it saw its master. It walked over and gently rubbed its master’s calf.

Chen Ye also smiled and stroked its head. Then, he carried it up.

“Wow… What a beautiful Fox. Black Fox? What kind of breed is this?”

A familiar voice suddenly sounded, and Chen Ye and the Fox in his hand almost jumped up in shock!

“When did you come?”Chen Ye turned around and asked when he saw the familiar steamed bun face.

It was the same last time on the train. This guy hadn’t shown any signs of getting close to him. Logically speaking, spirit-type creatures were very perceptive. This shouldn’t happen when they were at the same level… Unless the other party wasn’t at the same level as him… …

Or perhaps the other party had some special item on him.

It should be the latter… With this thought in mind, Chen Ye sighed once again at how extravagant the aristocrats were. There was no telling how many treasures such a child had on him. It was very likely that any one of them would cost an ordinary person half of their life savings… …

“I just came. I saw you fiddling with something, so I didn’t call you. So You’re summoning a pet…”little cabbage chuckled.

“Magical pets aren’t pets…”Chen Ye looked at him seriously. “A lot of girls treat them like pets. The consequences are very serious. By the way, why did you come so late?”

“Hehe…”Bai Cai smiled embarrassedly. “I overslept and delayed some time…”

[ did I oversleep? ]? Chen Ye rolled his eyes, but then he was puzzled. How big was the face of the elder behind this guy?

“But why do I feel that you don’t look very tired?”Chen Ye looked at Bai Cai and asked curiously.

“Eh? Is That So?”Bai Cai was stunned for a moment, then he immediately covered his head. “Actually… I’m very tired…”

Chen Ye:”…”

“Forget it… you guys usually go through the formalities of the relationship test. It’s only natural that you don’t feel tired…”

“Hehe…”little cabbage saw that he couldn’t pretend anymore, so he smiled embarrassedly.

“Enough!”Chen Ye rolled his eyes at him and said, “Quickly summon your moon rabbit to adapt to the environment and do a warm-up. The magical pet project is a public evaluation, and all the students are present. If Your Moon Rabbit doesn’t perform well later, forcing a high score will be criticized by others…”. “…”. “…”

“It won’t!”Little cabbage said proudly, “My moon rabbit has been trained by others for dozens of years, but it’s a professional. It will do whatever I say. It’s much more obedient than the rhubarb that I raised myself!”

Chen Ye’s eyelids twitched. This guy really used someone else’s magical beast… …

And he was still so confident. He didn’t know what he was so proud of. were the children of noble families all so unscrupulous. As expected, my Aldia family isn’t of the upper class… …

“But you’re right. What if the environment changes? HMM… I have to summon them to find out…”Bai Cai said cautiously.

Chen Ye looked up at the sky and didn’t want to complain.

“Let me try the new summoning formation!”Bai Cai said excitedly.

Just as he finished speaking, a white light suddenly lit up. Chen Ye, who was looking at the sky, was stunned, then, he helplessly looked at the other party. “The school has a summoning array, there’s no need to open a path by yourself…”as he said this, he realized that the other party’s array had already been completely drawn.

Clearly, a high-level secret array. The runes were so complex that even Chen Ye, who had a solid foundation of knowledge, was dazzled. Moreover, the other party had opened it extremely naturally, and not a single bit of spiritual power overflowed. Clearly, he was very familiar with the use of the array.

Chen Ye was startled. Such a complex summoning array was used so naturally. This fellow’s foundation was not just ordinary… …

He slightly narrowed his eyes. It seemed that he was thinking too much. How could this kind of noble be born an ignorant idiot?

But in the next second, this thought instantly vanished into thin air…

Because after the light faded, what ran out of the array was not a noble and elegant bright moon rabbit, but a fat head and big ears. It was obvious that its diet was irregular, and it was an overly fat canid creature… …

And it did not look like any kind of precious canine magical beast that he knew. Judging from its appearance… … It even looked a little like a serial dog that was raised on a local planet…

“Rhubarb?”Little cabbage was obviously very shocked that this dead dog had appeared. He was very surprised and said, “Why is it you?”

Rhubarb looked at little cabbage with a wronged look. This heartless little guy, I came to look for you from billions of miles away. Is it easy for me? Shouldn’t he be so touched that he hugged my head?

“No…”little cabbage looked like he had a bad premonition. “Where’s My Moon Rabbit?”

“BURP…”rhubarb burped, and a mouthful of white moon white fur floated onto little cabbage’s face. …

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