I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1391

1391 Chapter 1,460: The D Ball Players of the federation (Part One)

Goudan was stunned. Ever since the second surgery, she had always thought that her lord had given them trash genes. At this moment, it sounded like the origin of what her master had said was… … Pretty impressive!


It was the same for the developers, and it was the same for Titan…

“What is the relationship between the Titan race and the Star Core?”Goudan became even more curious.

Lanaya said, “Titan is a protective lifeform formed after the awakening of the planet’s consciousness. In order to prevent the star core from being refined by others, after the planet’s consciousness was awakened after being threatened, it began to consciously use its energy to create powerful lifeforms to protect itself. This is a very simple form of biological defense and evolution…”. “…”

“In the beginning, the lifeforms born on some immature planets were very crude. They were all huge and not very structured lifeforms. The powerful star core energy only gave birth to the body size of a few lifeforms. The quantitative change did not form a qualitative change. Therefore, many civilizations called the huge lifeforms Titan…”. “…”

“Oh…”Goudan nodded thoughtfully. He recalled the imperial plan that was spread on sphere D. those foreigners in the west seemed to have also called the huge creatures on Sphere D Titan!

Was there a connection between them?

That was not right. The developer civilization that master mentioned, the rise of Titan, should have been many years ago, right? The history of human beings in Planet D was only a few thousand years old. There shouldn’t be any connection, right?

Maybe it was a coincidence?

She didn’t realize what Goudan was thinking, lanaya talked about the history of that time as if they were chatting. “Under the influence of the universal consciousness, the planet began to rapidly titan. As it became more and more mature, there were the first Titan gods. And after those titan gods mated with some species, the bloodline that was born was the Titan race that was later mentioned… “…”

“Wow… What did the Green Titan mate with? A big tree?”Goudan asked excitedly.

Lanaya’s mouth twitched. “How would I know? If you want to know about the origin genes of these ancient races, there have long been experiments to continue producing them…”

“Oh… so the current star level means refining the star core?”

“More or less…”. Lanaya nodded, “With the example of Titan, the races with strengthened bodies have also developed a method to refine the star core. When you reach that level, you will have the opportunity to go to the ancient lands to find a suitable star core, sign a contract, and step into the threshold of star rank!”


“This… you will know in the future…”Lanaya did not mention the matter of the contract. She looked at Gou Dan and said, “You are still far from that step, you should be concerned about the upcoming exam!”

“Exam?”The dog egg is muddled: “Still Have Exam?”

“Nonsense…”Lanaya knocked on the dog’s head. “You came here to study. If you want to enter a higher education institution, you must take an exam!”

“AH… . “the dog egg suddenly wailed. “Exams are the worst. … Isn’t it predetermined ? I heard from my dressing-changing sister that the Lord of Something Hill isn’t here to invite US Templars to her academy ? Why is there a Test?”

Our Templar clan?

Lanaya’s eyelids twitched. This guy, he really entered the role quickly… …

“Internal decision? You really dare to think! Do you know how big the Northern Star Field Is?”Lanaya glared coldly at eggface and said, “Compared to the Emerald Star Field created by senior Ysera, it’s not even a speck of dust!”

Eggface was stunned and looked at Lanaya in confusion. What did the size of the star field have to do with internal selection?

Lanaya looked at eggface, who was still in a daze, and sneered, “Such a huge star field, but there are only a hundred famous universities, and there are only a few top universities. The number of spots for admission is less than ten thousand people. Do you think…”. “…”. “This kind of admission rate, will it be internal selection?”

“No… won’t it?”Dog Egg carefully poked his head out and asked.

Weren’t more than half of the places in the country’s top schools in the North All decided internally?

“If the only rising platform has been corrupted, who would join such a force with a long-term vision?”Lanaya rolled her eyes at dog egg and said.

“Uh… is that so?”Dog Egg immediately felt ashamed…

“As a young and new force in the North Star Field, in order to attract good students and talents from poor families, Queen XI has worked hard to develop the science of the law in the past few years. There are very few academies in the warrior department, and there are almost no major in the assassin department. This time, our family has gone to help establish the assassin department. There will definitely be a discount for the first round of assassin students, but the competition will definitely not be small!”

Lanaya looked at goudan and said faintly, “Because it’s an experiment, it should only be opened in one of the schools in the early stages. In other words, if you want to enter the North Star region’s high school as an assassin’s apprentice, then only the school can be opened!”

“UH…”Goudan was startled by the other party’s serious tone and said in a daze, “This… What does it mean?”

“This means that the competition is very big!”Lanaya said coldly. “Tirefarson Academy is also known as the theory of chaos. It is the number one academy in the Northern Star Field. In the latest ranking of the Federation Academies, the Academy is ranked third!”

“The higher the ranking of the Federation, the more resources the Academy has. The more resources the students can enjoy, the greater the degree of nurturing they can enjoy. Although the Northern Star Field is not favored by many disciples of families, it is still a first-class academy in the federation. Even if they are trying to get some resources, there will still be many outstanding juniors who will try. What you will be facing is hundreds of millions of outstanding young disciples!”

“Gulp…”Goudan swallowed his saliva. He felt… “…”. The situation seemed to be very serious!

Lanaya raised Goudan’s head, she leaned closer and said in a low voice, “You’re the direct disciple that I’ve chosen, and you’re also the trump card of my lineage. Now, everyone in the family is watching you. If you don’t pass the exam, you’ll embarrass me… HMPH! !”

Dog Ball: “Blood and blood…”

This is a little different from the cool interstellar life I imagined…


Meanwhile, on the other side of the Southern Star Field, Vienne and Billy, who had temporarily parted with Lanaya, had also returned to the federation.

Of course, not all of them had come. Brother Goudan had awakened the Titan Emperor bloodline, which was quite eye-catching. In addition, his bloodline could resonate with Gaia’s consciousness in the emerald star field, so he had stayed there for Ysera to personally train him.

Then, there was Brother Soap’s grandfather and Feng Dou Dou, who had been arranged to join the Bolton Force. Feng Dou Dou and soap were mutants, while his grandfather was a rare Phoenix. These existences needed a more normal birth, it was not appropriate for all of them to be recommended by Wayne and Billy.

After all, these guys were terrifyingly talented. It was hard not to suspect that they came from the same group. Therefore, they were temporarily divided into two groups. One group was recommended by Wayne and Billy to take the college entrance exam, the other group was recommended by the Bolton faction!

At this moment, Wayne and Goudan Li were welcoming their grandparents and the others from the Bolton faction at the Southern Star System Space Station.

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