I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1378

1378 Chapter 1,647: Blackie is Smarter Than You…

On the way back, after bidding farewell to the gathering, Blackie brought Xinya back to their accommodations with a full belly… …


The second city was flat and the accommodations were very nice to look at. Moreover, the prices were cheap. In order to let the Elves enjoy life, Qingming had put in a lot of effort and gave them a generous housing subsidy.

Therefore, in the second city, most players lived in villas, and elves like Blackie and the others, who were flower spirits and elementalists, lived in a manor directly. At a glance, they looked like aristocrats on TV.., or even more gorgeous.

The elven-style villas were far more exquisite and beautiful than those old manors in the west of D Ball… …

Xinya, who had followed them all the way here, was dumbfounded…

“Blackie… You… live alone in such a big house?”Xinya asked in a daze.

“It’s not too bad…”Blackie chuckled. In the future, his parents would have to move in as well. The castellan had said that a level three flower spirit could bring ten relatives, while my grandfather’s side had a bunch of relatives. It would be lively when they moved in. …

Xinya pursed her lips. With the size of this house, 100 people should be considered big, right?

“But… your place is so big. How do you usually manage it? Did you hire someone?”

“Hire someone?”Blackie rolled his eyes at him. “Do you think I’m a nouveau riche? How can I have that much money? Labor is expensive now… besides, does our flower spirit need to hire someone?”

As it spoke, it pointed to the garden. Xin Ya looked over and instantly saw many high-level wind elements floating over to take care of the fallen leaves and even help to trim the styling. This stunned Xin Ya… …

The flower spirit was really convenient…

Why did she transform into such a thing?

Xin Ya looked at her slender figure and could not help but feel disgusted in her heart… …

“You can choose whichever place you want to live. Anyway, it’s just the two of us now. If you’re tired, you can rest first. Oh right, if you want to take a bath, you can go to the hot spring pool…”

“You have a hot spring here?”Xinya was shocked…

“Man-made…”. “…”Blackie giggled foolishly. “There’s a man-made river that irrigates the fields here. I’ll draw it here and use high-grade water elements to improve the quality of the water. Earth elements will be added with minerals like sulfur. When the fire element heats up, the hot spring will be formed “…”. “…”

“You really…”Xinya was stunned for a long time before she finally calmed down and said, “You know how to enjoy life…”

“No, every flower spirit here is living very well… you stay at ease. Tomorrow, I’ll bring you to find a good points job…”

“Okay…”Xinya smiled and nodded.

“Then you find a place to sit for a while. I’ll get you a pair of pajamas. Tomorrow, I’ll go to the tailor shop to get you a new set of clothes…”as he said that, Blackie ran inside happily.

Looking at the other party’s back view and the beautiful surroundings around her, Xinya closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The high-quality space created by the flower spirit made her feel light and airy, so comfortable that she almost moaned.

“He really knows how to enjoy himself…”Xinya muttered.

She recalled her previous life in the fifth city, living in cheap collective apartments, drinking meaningless nutrient fluids, and most of the time, living in the wild where there were meat spiders everywhere at night… The rustling sounds around her scared her so much that she couldn’t sleep the whole night… …

Compared to that place, Blackie’s place was like heaven… …

“It’s all in the past…”Xinya shook her head, throwing the nightmarish life of the past out of her mind. “In the future, I’ll be living better and better, better than… every single one of them!”Xinya looked at her surroundings and said firmly.

————– —

“Xiaoyun, why did you force Xinya to go to Blackie’s Place?”On the way back, Chen Shanshan Glared at Guo Xiaoyun, her gaze like that of a naughty child…

Guo Xiaoyun looked at her with amusement. In the dormitory, Chen Shanshan was the one who had the most big sister demeanor. The key was that she was also very smart, immediately realizing that she had done it on purpose.

“Use more accurate words. What do you mean by ‘forced’? My words are at most called ‘guidance’…”Xiaoyun said with a smile. “And even if I don’t guide her, there’s a high probability that she will choose to be with Blackie…”

“Why?”Chen Shanshan frowned.

“Because she’s a person who likes to sit back and enjoy the fruits of her labor…”Guo Xiaoyun said with a smile. “We’ve been together for four years. Don’t you know what she’s like?”

Chen Shanshan was silent upon hearing that.

Xinya was a person who knew how to enjoy life. She liked luxury food, luxury clothes, travel, and many high-end places. She could recognize any luxury brand at a glance, she was like a professional appraiser.

She liked a lot of things, but she would not work hard for those things… …

Every time she wanted to get those things, she did not consider working part-time to earn money to get them, nor did she work hard to improve herself to become more competitive after graduation and become a white-collar worker to get those things.

Instead, she took a shortcut to go on dates with some rich adult men… …

The rumors about her in school were not good, and there were even rumors that she was working as an escort in a bar… …

Chen Shanshan always knew that it was not a rumor. It was true. Many times, she had seen the other party come back drunk, or simply stay out all night…

And in her closet, those extravagant things were also increasing… …

They always knew what kind of person Xinya was, but they could not say anything because adults had the right to choose how to live their lives… Outsiders, at least they had no right to interfere… …

“I’m worried about Blackie…”Chen Shanshan sighed. “That guy is silly, staying with Xinya… I’m afraid she’ll be at a disadvantage…”

“You’re thinking too much…”Guo Xiaoyun chuckled. “Blackie isn’t silly, she’s smarter than you…”

Chen Shanshan:”…”

“Don’t be fooled by Xiaohei’s appearance…”Guo Xiaoyun smiled and said, “That guy is very sneaky. Why do you think she used to stick to me?”

“Why?”Chen Shanshan was stunned.

“Because she knows that I dote on her the most…”

Chen Shanshan:”…”

“I’m being serious…”

“Me Too…”Guo Xiaoyun continued to smile and said, “Look at today’s meal. Obviously, Xinya’s plate hasn’t moved much, but Xiaohei is staring at the snatching on my plate. Why do you think that is?”

“You spoil her?”Chen Shanshan rolled her eyes.

Guo Xiaoyun lowered his voice and said, “Because she knows that Xinya is calculative when she steals things from Xinya’s Plate…”

“Uh…”Chen Shanshan was stunned… …

“Haha…”looking at Chen Shanshan’s stunned look, Guo Xiaoyun couldn’t help but knock her head… …

“BE GENTLE!”Chen Shanshan covered her head and could not help but glare at the other party.

“She can’t delay Blackie, but she can delay you. You, don’t keep staring at others…”

“Me? I won’t…”Chen Shanshan was about to retort, but seeing Guo Xiaoyun’s smiling face, she could not bring herself to say it. …

In fact, it was true. If Xinya followed her, she would definitely drag her down, and she would definitely not be able to harden her heart and refuse…

“Also…”Guo Xiaoyun tapped on the other party’s forehead. “Song cares about you and thinks highly of you. Don’t agree to help him manage the city just for the sake of friendship. Your stage is outside, remember what I said…”

“Eh?”Chen Shanshan was stunned, and then her face turned red. “Why are we talking about City Governor Song? You’re thinking too much, he didn’t invite me either…”

“He will…”Guo Xiaoyun turned around and waved his hand. “Let’s go, Shanshan. Come over early. I’ll wait for you there…”

As soon as he said that, Guo Xiaoyun turned into a beam of light and disappeared on the spot… …

The beam of light shot straight to the sky. At a glance, it seemed that Guo Xiaoyun was heading toward the bright starry sky…

Chen Shanshan looked at the sky in a daze and muttered, “Wait for me there?”

She had a feeling that this sounded like a promise but also a farewell. It was as if if she could not reach the other side, then the two of them would be separated by a layer of sky forever… …

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