I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1362

1362 Chapter 1402: Why Do You Feel This Way?

“This is a disgrace, a disgrace! !”


The reborn Mistral roared furiously at Lei Xue.

At this moment, the press conference had been suspended due to the matter with Goudan. A few city lords had also returned to the conference room. In this safe environment of the conference room, facing Lei Xue who was willing to reason with him, Mistral finally had a temper!

“Such a barbaric monster! Such a thug must be severely punished! !”Mister’s aura was very strong, and it was as if he was about to reveal the truth. He looked as if he would not stop until he achieved his goal… …

The city lords beside him rolled their eyes and sighed in their hearts that this guy was really a top-notch product.

The scene of him faking his death in the biological chamber was still vivid in their minds. Now, his performance was as if nothing had happened. If he really had such a temper, why didn’t he go when he was asked to maintain order in the beginning?

Of course, they also knew that the reason why he dared to jump like that was because Goudan had been caught!

The one who caught Goudan was Feng Doudou. Together with Pu Yunchuan, Liu Shiyu, and Li Goudan, they helped him… …

The rampaging Wang Goudan had almost destroyed the entire fifth city. The three players who had responded to Lei Xue’s call to help capture Wang Goudan had completely destroyed the fifth city… …

That scene was really a marvel superhero movie where the superheroes fought each other. It made the players cry out in satisfaction. Of course, this kind of movie was more expensive… …

After Lei Xue finished dealing with her matters and returned, Mister was resurrected. He was resurrected mentally and physically, and he looked like he was about to give an explanation to Lei Xue… …

“Please don’t be agitated, City Lord Mister…”Lei Xue looked at the exasperated Mister indifferently and said, “The temporary clothing provided in the base is very fragile. It Won’t be good if you get agitated and break it…”

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a kacha sound, and Meister’s pants instantly tore a big hole, revealing his large white butt…

“Cough cough…”all the city lords instantly choked. …

Song Zai was even more impolite as he teased, “City Lord Meister should train properly. After being reborn, the fat rate is still so high. I almost thought I saw two lumps of rice tofu…”


“City Lord Mister, go in and change your clothes first…”Lei Xue said calmly.

“There’s no need!”Mister’s face flushed red in the face of the ridicule, but he actually did not care about it anymore, he said angrily, “People wear clothes and wrap themselves around their bodies and use knives and forks to eat because the difference between them and wild beasts is the symbol of civilization. And now, as the leader of a high-level civilization, leading a city to embrace the leader of a new civilization, they will actually suffer such beast-like atrocities at any time!”As he said that, he pointed angrily at lei xue and said, “As long as such barbaric acts are not punished, this place is no different from a barbaric jungle. In a barbaric jungle, what’s the difference between having clothes to cover your body or not?”

His words were so righteous that Song Yi rolled his eyes. This thick-skinned guy could say anything with just one mouth.

However, they were not in the mood to mock this clown-like guy. Instead, they looked at Lei Xue. After all… … The destructive power displayed by the advanced players today was too strong… …

Strictly speaking, if it were not for the help of other advanced players, Wang Goudan could even wipe out the entire fifth city today. This was too disruptive of the balance. If there were no rules to restrict it, this game would not be played…

Even Elder Long did not choose to stand up for Wang Goudan at this time. This was a matter of standpoint… …

“The punishment is out…”. “…”Lei Xue tapped on the virtual screen in the conference room. “Wang Xiaojia killed 1,195 xing hai players and destroyed a number of buildings due to her bloodline rampage. According to the decision of the upper echelons of Xing Hai, she will be sentenced to 1,341 years of imprisonment. The compensation points will be 1,160 million and will be suspended “…”. “…”

Everyone nodded slightly when they heard the sentence, but they choked on the last sentence. “Suspended?”

Lei Xue said calmly, “Wang Xiaojia completed the star assessment mission. Her results were excellent, and she was admitted to one of the Top federal schools in the universe, Xandar Academy. Due to her age and physical condition, the upper echelons decided to suspend the sentence and let Wang Xiaojia go to Xandar Academy to finish her studies first…”. “…”

The city leaders:”! !”

These words revealed a few pieces of information, firstly… … this alien civilization was indeed huge, the term ‘universe federation’sounded like it belonged to a super power.

Secondly, the higher-ups didn’t want to punish Wang Xiaojia, after all, they had never heard of a reason to suspend her studies… … Furthermore, the other party didn’t even say how long the suspension would last… … Everyone was involved in politics, so who did not know about this?

Thirdly, the fact that excellent players could be sent to study in an alien civilization once again proved that the other party was not treating them as colonists, but as real citizens… …

There were good and bad news. The good news was that this alien civilization was willing to open up the channel above to the people of Planet D, and not purely treat them as lab rats, the mission on Planet Emerald this time was probably the key to whether or not they could enter a real extraterrestrial civilization in the future.

The bad news was… … The higher-ups seemed to care more about talented players. This could be seen from the punishment that they had obviously covered up just now!

“Ridiculous! ! !”Meister was so angry that he slammed the table. “This is the first time I’ve heard that murder will be delayed because of a request to learn. Is this a space advanced civilization?”

“Please Watch your words, Mr. Mister…”Lei Xue did not even lift her eyelids, she replied calmly, “I’ve already said it just now. Senior Wang Xiaojia went berserk because of his bloodline. In addition, he lost control and accidentally killed someone because he was stimulated. It was not murder. This was verified by the technical team.”

Mister’s face was twisted with anger. What technical team? That technical team was all Chinese people. Whatever you said was true!

“Even if it was a mistake, shouldn’t we pay the price for hurting the castellan?”Meister said gloomily, “If that’s the case, shouldn’t every player be allowed to do that when they lose control?”

Meister’s words were very harsh, causing the hearts of the several castellans to jump.

“I just said it…”Lei Xue looked at the other party in puzzlement. “Wang Xiaojia killed 1,195 players from galaxy due to his bloodline rampage. Of course, Mr. Meister was included in this…”

“Am I talking about this?”Mister sneered. “A city’s manager was killed in the middle, and that’s it?”

“They were all killed in public…”Lei Xue looked at the other party curiously. “Everyone saw the live video broadcast. What’s the difference?”

“Sir Manager, why do you have to pretend to be stupid?”Mister said gloomily, “Does Galaxy not have a protection treaty for such a high-value person like the city Lord?”

“Someone of high value?”Lei Xue Laughed. “So that’s what Mr. Mister meant… But if that’s the case, then the result might be even more disappointing for you…”

As soon as he said this, everyone’s hearts jumped, and Mister’s expression became even uglier. “What do you mean?”

“The meaning is very simple!”Lei Xue looked at him with a faint smile. “Why do you feel that your value is higher than Wang Xiaojia’s?”

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