I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1326

1326 Chapter 1366: End Of The Road (Part Two)

Andrew retreated very quickly. Vaughn and Lanaya also chased very quickly, but they still maintained a distance… …


The entire planet became bright under Li Goudan’s law of reincarnation. From a Death Star, it miraculously began to be filled with vitality. It was not as exaggerated as saying that this vitality was the revival of all things and the growth of vegetation, the overall structure did not change much, but a life force that was different from the Death Star was spreading across the planet.

While Vaughn and Lanaya were chasing Andrew, they carefully hid their figures in the life force and avoided the inexplicable gray color beside Andrew from a distance…

Andrew, who was fleeing in front, saw this and his face immediately darkened… …

Previously, because of their size, he did not put these two outstanding children of the big families in his eyes. But now, the quality of the other party had become the last straw that crushed the camel!

As soon as Li Goudan’s law was released, he knew that he had no chance. The Death Star was his biggest trump card. Without this thing, he was just an undead without a body, let alone a star-level powerhouse.., a life form above level 15 could pose a threat to him!

Therefore, he chose to retreat without hesitation…

And at this time, if he wanted to retreat safely, these two fellows, whom he did not care about before, had become the biggest obstacle!

An assassin and a Ranger were both experts in pursuit. Once he left this planet, they could instantly finish him off!

The only way was to find an opportunity to get rid of these two troubles while the Death Star Domain was still around!

But at this time, the opponent’s cautious and excellent qualities became the biggest fatal point… …

Both Vienne and Lanaya did not lose their minds because of the sudden opportunity to win. Although they knew at the first moment that this was the best time to get rid of Andrew, they still knew that the more this time, the calmer they had to be…

Therefore, although they immediately followed Andrew who was running away, they kept a relatively safe distance and waited for the opportunity!

Good professionalism made Andrew’s heart go cold. As he looked at the sky that was getting closer and closer, a sense of powerlessness appeared in his heart for the first time!

He knew that when it flew out of the planet, it would be his death… …

What should he do? What should he do?

Andrew’s nerves tensed up as he crazily calculated. One plan after another combined with the remaining things on his body to form a temporary plan. Tens of thousands of plans were eliminated, and tens of thousands of plans emerged.

However, after a huge amount of calculations, he still could not find a stable method.

After all, in his situation, if the other party did not advance rashly, it would indeed be very difficult to have a chance… …

Then it was time to leave the planet…

Andrew’s heart sank. The most risky plan came to his mind. This plan required extremely high operating requirements. If he was not careful, he might lose it…

Thinking of this, he secretly wrapped himself in a layer of black fog. That was the standard walking tool of the undead.

In the Black Fog, a layer of pitch-black cloak quietly covered his entire body… …

The Blood Duke…

If there was an expert secret treasure master here, he would definitely be able to recognize that the cloak Andrew was wearing was an extremely strange top-grade alchemical item, and it was also a forbidden item.

It was an alchemical item made by a necromancer using the skin of the Grand Duke of the blood clan. It was rumored that it was a terrifying item that could suck the life sea-level titan into dried meat. It was one of the forbidden items of darkness!

However, this item did not differentiate between friend and foe. Once it was activated, any living creature with strong lifeblood would be the target. Therefore, in history, some necromancers had possessed it… …

However, according to historical records, the necromancers who had used it did not have a good ending… …

Within the range of the blood duke, it was the priority to attack creatures with strong lifeblood. However, once there were no other living creatures, it would also attack the undead. It would even suck the spiritual power of the undead dry, causing it to die completely!

Its function was very powerful, but it would be very time-consuming to use it. However… … most of the people who used this thing were necromancers, but their grasp of timing was far inferior to normal melee classes. …

After Andrew obtained this thing, he never thought that he would use it one day… …

But at this time, there was no room for criticism… …

Taking a deep breath, Andrew accelerated and rushed out of the planet. The Blood Duke had been activated, so he had to hurry up and lure them over, or else… … He would be the one who would be sucked dry into a human!


“Something’s wrong! !”

Vaughan and Lanaya, who were closely following Andrew, saw the other party accelerate, but they did not catch up immediately. Instead, they hesitated and stopped… …

Because they knew that Andrew, who had left the planet, would be extremely weak. At this time, he actually chose to speed up his retreat. Was it because he didn’t want to die fast enough?

This was obviously impossible…

“What should we do?”

Lanaya looked at Vivian. It might be dangerous to chase after him at this time, but if they watched him escape, they would obviously miss the best opportunity to kill Andrew. This kind of opportunity didn’t come every time.

If that guy did not die, who knew what would happen next?

Vaughn frowned, raised his hand, and released a magic bolt!

The bolt brought with it a hurricane that distorted space and headed straight for Andrew. But something strange happened. The bolt passed through Andrew’s Black Fog, like the shadow of the Moon in the water. After shaking for a while,. I Can’t believe it went right through… . .

And that Andrew is like the shadow of the Moon, after the fluctuations by the original… . .


Lanaya and Winn’s faces darkened at the sight. It was obvious that the opponent had used some means to evade the long-range attack. It was not unusual for a high-level necromancer to have such means. However, if they could not detect the depth of the attack from a long-range attack and get close to it…

“The older the ginger, the spicier it is…”

In the distance, the principal could not help but sigh when he saw this scene. “He managed to escape just like that?”

“How is that possible?”Maya, who was at the side, suddenly laughed. “I have offended the teacher thoroughly this time. If he really ran away, I’m afraid that I won’t be able to sleep in the future…”

“Oh?”The principal heard this and looked at her. “Don’t tell me you have a backup plan?”

Maya didn’t answer. Instead, she looked at Rainmaiden Wugua. “Little girl, aren’t you going to take it out?”

Everyone:”! !”

Rainmaiden Wugua:”…”

The principal also looked at Guo Xiaoyun in shock. This situation had nothing to do with her?

Rainmaiden Wugua was stunned for a moment. Then, she looked straight at the other party. “How did you know?”

“I’ve been watching…”Maya smiled innocently. “Weren’t I with You When you were researching the array formation in the teacher’s Field?”

Rainless melon:”…”

Indeed, when she fell into Andrew’s hands back then, she was allowed to research Andrew’s array formation for no reason when she was in the hall of the Dead Souls. And this guy knew about it… …

“What’s the situation?”The principal asked in a daze.

Everyone also looked at raingirl without melon curiously.

Raingirl without melon looked at Maya. “I’m just a kid, I’m just playing around. That Old Lich didn’t even care about it, but you do care about it…”

“You’re very special…”Maya looked at him with a smile. “So I paid more attention…”

“What did she study?”The principal asked curiously.

“The teacher’s space rune…”Maya answered with a smile.

“F * ck…”a few players were confused and said, “The boss is awesome…”

“Awesome my ass!”The principal rolled his eyes at the players who were making a fuss and looked at Maya again. “So What?”

Maya said, “Andrew thought highly of her and even gave her a space rune. There’s an alchemy creature with great potential in the rune…”

“So What?”The principal was still speechless.

Maya said, “That’s a space rune directly under Andrew. It has a connection with his own space domain. High-end developers can use this to crack the rune circuit and send some things to his space bag in reverse. As long as she activates this reverse teleportation, I can test out the last life-saving means of the teacher!”

“Huh?”The principal suddenly laughed. “You also said that she is a high-level developer. If this little girl grows up for another one or two eras and becomes a star-level developer, she might be able to do what you said. The current her, what does she have…”

Suddenly, the principal’s smile froze on his face. He suddenly realized a problem… …

“It seems that you have reacted?”Maya said with a smile, “Just now, in a certain period of time, wasn’t she a star-level developer?”

The Principal:”…”

“Andrew probably wouldn’t even dream about it…”Maya looked at rainless melon, “His last chance of survival will be ruined by this little guy, right?”

Rainless melon:”…”

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