I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1318

1318 Chapter 1358: Wait for a Miracle?

This was truly an extremely painful choice! !


The principal’s expression turned extremely ugly…

If he chose to surrender, he would be standing on the side of the man who had once made an enemy out of the entire universe. If he chose to die unyielding… … The consequences wouldn’t be much better… …

Many people knew that being killed by the undead was impossible to resurrect. However, there were still many people who didn’t know that if they were killed by the undead from purgatory, their souls would be directly brought to purgatory!

What kind of place was hell? Anyone who knew a little bit about the death realm would know… …

It was definitely a terrible place. The undead gathered there were all extremely sinful, similar to the anti-human existences on Planet D. after all, the one sealed there was a crazy person… …

The principal felt that he had never done anything that would disrupt the balance in his life. Moreover, his academic contributions were extremely high. The worst part was that he would be assigned to a chaotic area, but not to Hell, right?

Perhaps he could find a path in his long life, and he could even get back to being Queen Xi’s lap dog. It was also a good choice…

But now… … It seemed like there was no choice at all. …

If he boarded the pirate ship, he would be with those lunatics in purgatory. If he didn’t board the pirate ship, he would also be killed to join those lunatics. Moreover, the outcome might be even more tragic. It was said that in purgatory, those undead were really like evil spirits. Encountering a living spirit was like encountering a feast. They might even be torn apart and devoured on the same day…

What would happen to a spirit that didn’t obey the will of the boss of the Purgatory faction if it went there? was there even a need to say it?

Vien and Lanaya’s faces were also deathly pale. They looked like they had lost their souls… …

Their lives seemed to be over…

Moreover, he didn’t even have the interest to ask them, and he directly asked the principal… …

After remaining silent for about 15 minutes, the principal finally sighed and reached out his hand, handing over the rune of the space link… …

Andrew’s face revealed a smile…

The principal was a talent that was absolutely worth roping in. Moreover, in their big plan, the demand for Space Warlocks was already very high. Taking down the Emerald Dream was only the first step, and how to use this space after that.., how to achieve the connection between that technique and the death realm needed a knowledgeable advanced space warlocks as a reference.

Without alerting the death realm and the material universe, the principal was one of the few people who had the ability to disappear for a short period of time without arousing suspicion!

In comparison, Vienne and Lanaya were more troublesome, especially Lanaya. She was the leader of the new generation of the Templar assassin family. It would be troublesome if such a person died, and even more troublesome if she lived.

It was hard to guarantee that she would not be noticed when she returned…

The more children of such a large family, the more troublesome it would be for them… “…”. However, if they wanted to get things done and establish the scale of the second natural disaster invasion, they needed sufficient preparations, and these preparations also required corresponding talents. This was also one of the problems that Andrew and the others had to deal with in the later stages.


Andrew smiled as he looked at raingirl without a melon. Although it was an accident, it had to be said that the people under the little lord had solved the problem very well.

With the aptitude of these children, in less than half a century, they would be able to nurture a group of people who could take charge of their own affairs… …

However, the person behind this fellow was also a problem… …

Of course, this was a matter for later. They had to solve the problem at hand first… …

Andrew took the link rune and casually drew a line in the air. A long and densely packed contract was formed in the air.

The principal looked at the long contract. His eyes were extremely conflicted, but in the end, he didn’t take a step forward… …

“Oh?”Andrew looked at the other party. “What’s wrong? Are you still hesitating at this time?”

“Yes…”the principal took a deep breath and finally said, “I want to wait…”

“Wait?”Andrew was stunned, “Wait for what?”

“Wait for a miracle…”the principal said firmly… …

“Ha…”Andrew sneered, “Why should I Let You Wait?”

“If you don’t think I’m worth waiting…”the principal said firmly, “Then do it…”

Hearing this, Andrew was stunned at first, then he stared at the principal. However, he didn’t take action immediately because of what the principal said… …

The value of a dead principal and living was completely different.

Purgatory had existed for countless eras, so it was impossible to say that there were no space warlocks who were more powerful than the principal. On the contrary, there were quite a number of them. After all, those who could enter purgatory were considered dangerous existences by the death realm, and those who could be considered dangerous.., naturally, they couldn’t Be Idiots!

But no matter how powerful the guy inside was, there was no need to use him here… …

The purgatory was a sealed place. Before the plan was completed, it would be like the water moon in the mirror… …

The principal was a rare talent to him, but if he was sent to the purgatory, then it wouldn’t be the same… …

At the thought of this, Andrew finally held it in for a while. He fixed his gaze on the other party and said with a faint smile, “A miracle should have at least some hope, right? At this time, who else do you expect? That Yimo?”

The principal raised his head and stared at the principal. “Did you forget about a person?”


As soon as he said that, Vivian and the others were also stunned.

Forget about a person? Who Else?

But they immediately reacted…


There was another person…

But that guy… did he have any effect on the situation?

———- —

“Wow… that’s really scary…”

In a place billions of stars away, Maya, holding an ultra-distant sky mirror, looked at the Dark Planet and patted her chest, an exaggerated look patted his chest: “I said that the teacher is sure to make big waves, did not expect to make so big! !”

“Yes…”another voice faintly sounded next to maya: “I did not think that the senior is so generous, as expected of the example of our clan!”

Hearing that, Maya turned around and looked at the other party with a smile. And this figure was none other than Alice, who had disappeared for a long time!

“Death Star… Lord of Purgatory, Arthas. TSK TSK, I never thought that I would be involved in such a major event in my life. So, senior, what should we do next?”

“Wait…”Alice said faintly.

“Wait?”Maya smiled and said, “Sometimes, I really admire your big heart. In front of such a person, you actually entrusted such an important matter to a little guy. If not for the fact that every step was as you expected, I sometimes wonder if you are crazy!”

“That’s because you don’t know them well enough!”Alice looked at the starry sky and said faintly, “Those little guys have potential that you can’t imagine. Our clan has always relied on luck to make a living. Senior, you have experienced too much, but you have forgotten the root of our clan!”

“The problem is… even if the little fellows can complete your plan, how can we snatch seer from the hands of a life sea-level lich?”

“Have you forgotten?”Alice smiled and said, “Among our group, there’s another life sea-level!”

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