Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 514 - Chapter 514: Elder Shi, the people from the Bo financial magnate are here

Chapter 514: Elder Shi, the people from the Bo financial magnate are here

Translator: 549690339

Shi qinglan crossed her long legs lazily.


She gently placed her hand on the sofa and raised her eyes to look at Jiang boning, ask the Medical Research Institute to help me find a liver source as soon as possible. I’ll send the patient’s information to your email when I get back.

LAN girl, what are you saying? how can the Medical Research Institute do things for you be considered helping? ” Jiang boning looked at her with a kind smile, as if he was looking at a treasure.

It had been a long time since Shi qinglan had cared about the Medical Research Institute, not to mention using her identity as the heir to the Institute to borrow the hospital’s resources to do something …

She took the initiative to speak, and Jiang boning was simply overjoyed!

Shi qinglan’s Red lips curved slightly, also, I’ll be the chief surgeon for this operation, but the patient is very important to me and I don’t want anything to go wrong. Can you be my assistant? ”

Upon hearing this, song Xi’s jaw almost dropped to the ground.

When she had heard Shi qinglan ask for help from the Medical Research Institute, she had been so shocked that she didn’t know what to do.

Just as he was wondering why Shi qinglan was so familiar with the Medical Research Institute and even dared to ask them for help, he heard her even more brazen in asking Jiang boning to be her assistant…

“No problem, no problem.” Jiang boning laughed so hard that he couldn’t close his mouth.

To him, this was like a pie falling from the sky. To have the opportunity to be Shi qinglan’s assistant, even he could learn a lot. 1’11 bring Jiang CI over too!

“I’m fine with anything.” The corners of Shi qinglan’s eyes twitched.

Jiang CI was Jiang boiling’s biological grandson and could be considered to have inherited his grandfather’s legacy in the field of medicine. In terms of surgery, she could be considered the best in the Research Institute, only second to Shi qinglan.

But it was a pity that he was unwilling to do medical research, and writing a paper was like killing a pig. He really couldn’t inherit the Research Institute, or Jiang boning wouldn’t have to worry so much …

“Jiang, Jiang Cl?” Song Xi once again began to doubt his life.

She thought that the name also sounded familiar. He seemed to be a world-renowned surgeon, especially in the field of liver transplantation. Could it be a coincidence that they had the same name?

After all, she also knew that Jiang CI was Jiang boiling’s grandson.

Jiang boning, as a grandfather, had mentioned this name. He couldn’t be talking about anyone else! However, how could this grandfather-grandson duo, who had such high status in the medical field, be Shi qinglan’s assistant?

Lan Lan, are you familiar with the people in the Medical Research Institute? ”

Song Xi tugged at the corner of Shi qinglan’s shirt and asked in a low voice,” why do 1 feel that you and professor Jiang didn’t have a teacher-student relationship before? I just feel that something is off.

Hearing this, Shi qinglan looked at the girl with a half-smile.

She didn’t reveal her identity in the Research Institute and just pinched her cheek, do your project well. It will be helpful if you want to enter the Medical Research Institute in the future.

“I know,” Song Xi nodded his head numbly.

However, she still felt that something was not quite right, just like … The feeling of accidentally entering a group of big shots.

It seemed that he had to go back and study more professional information!

At the villa of the Shi financial magnate.

A luxury car stopped steadily outside the garden. The window of the front passenger seat was rolled down slowly, and Bo chengru suddenly poked his head out. He was wearing a pair of small sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, and the small round lenses made him look a little funny.

His sunglasses slowly slid down the bridge of his nose, and he looked into the villa through the iron Art gate with a sneaky look.

Until a black figure pressed over …

“Sir, do you have an appointment?” A bodyguard walked straight to the luxury car and asked in a righteous tone.

Bo chengru immediately pushed his sunglasses back, ah, I…

if you don’t have an appointment, it’s not convenient to meet him. Also, you can’t Park here. Please move away as soon as possible.

The bodyguard’s tone was polite and courteous. Although his attitude was very respectful, he still had a straight face and looked impervious to anything.

Seeing this, Qin Feng immediately got out of the car. He smiled and nodded at the bodyguard. Hello, my old man is the head of the Bo financial magnate. He came here specially to visit. Please inform him.

“The Bo financial magnate?” The bodyguard looked over with some suspicion.

He had already said that he felt that the old man looked familiar. Although Bo chengru had never visited, as a bodyguard of a wealthy family, he would pay attention to some news in this area …

Naturally, she had seen Bo chengru’s photo on the news.

In addition, this luxury car was indeed very prominent. The bodyguard hesitated for a moment before nodding, then please wait a moment.

After that, he turned around and walked into the villa to report.

Bo chengru’s hanging heart was half relieved. He pushed the door open and wanted to get out of the car with his cane. Qin Feng reached out and supported him. old Sir, you should have waited in the car.

Bo chengru waved his hand and walked to the iron gate with his walking stick. He looked inside with some hesitation. Qin Feng… Do you think the in-laws will be willing to see us?”

Qin Feng remained silent and did not dare to answer.

At this moment, Shi hongxi was playing chess with Shi Fu pingcha. Jiang yunzhe was sitting at the side, playing with flowers and fiddling with a few fresh flowers in a crystal vase. The family was happy and harmonious.

“Mr. Shi.” The bodyguard suddenly walked into the villa, there’s an old man outside who claims to be the head of the Bo financial magnate.

Hearing this, Shi Fu’s hand, which was about to place a stone, paused.

He was stunned for a moment, then slowly put down the chess piece. He turned his head and narrowed his eyes at the bodyguard, the Bo financial magnate?”

“Is it old master Bo?” Jiang yunzhe asked with some doubt.

The bodyguard replied with uncertainty,” It should be.”

Shi hongxi furrowed his brows slightly. He pursed his lips, old Mr. Bo came by himself?”

“There’s also a Butler.” The bodyguard answered honestly.

As such, Bo Li Cheng did not tag along this time.

Jiang Yunxi tilted her head in confusion and continued to fiddle with the daffodils and embroidered balls in the flower petals, old Mr. Bo has already returned to the country, but I didn’t hear any news about it.

“Hmph!” However, Shi Fuji snorted coldly in dissatisfaction.

He stood up slowly with the help of his walking stick, he raised a good pig to steal our little cabbage, but he’s happy to finally have a granddaughter-in-law! Can’t you just hurry back to the country?”

“You’re right.” Jiang yunzhe nodded his head lightly.

Shi hongxi’s eyes darkened slightly. I haven’t even had the chance to visit you, but the Bo family came to you first.

Shi Fu’s small eyes narrowed slightly, and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were filled with displeasure. I’d like to see what this old man is up to … Let him in! 1 know how to!”

“Yes.” The bodyguard bowed and left, then turned around to leave.

After, while, Bo chengru and Qin Feng were led into the living room by the bodyguard. The old man greeted them with, smile, hey, elder Shi, you old cabbage … Oh, no, you really have crane hair and a child’s face. You still look very young at your age!”

No wonder it could raise such a fresh little cabbage.

She, she almost made him scream out loud..

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