Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 501 - Chapter 501: Miss doctor, this is my grandson

Chapter 501: Miss doctor, this is my grandson

Translator: 549690339

The nurses started to whisper to each other.


It just so happened that the outpatient department was not busy during this period of time. They even went to the hospital group chat to gossip, a super handsome man just went to the Internal Medicine Clinic. Is he the boyfriend of a female doctor?”

“Really? Then I’m going to go watch and gossip!”

sisters, if there’s any news, please let me know. If he’s still single, I’m going to kill him…

The Internal Medicine Clinic received the news very quickly.

A few young nurses who had nothing to do at the nurse’s station quickly tidied up their appearance and looked expectantly at the corner of the corridor.

As expected, a handsome man suddenly appeared!

Bo chicheng slid one hand into the pocket of his suit pants, his sleeves slightly folded up, revealing a cold white wrist with distinct joints. The low-key luxurious watch looked expensive.

“It’s him … He should be the one at the consultation table!”

he’s really handsome. What should 1 do? I’m going to betray my sisters at the consultation table. If he was single, I would also want to do it!

“He’s coming over! He’s coming towards us!”

The young nurses were so excited that their cheeks turned red, and they couldn’t hold back the joy in their hearts. When they saw the man striding toward the nurses ‘station, they took off their masks and revealed sweet smiles.

“Look at you guys,” The head nurse glanced at them.

Worried that the young nurse would disturb the patient’s family because of her infatuation, the head nurse glared at them angrily, those who have work on hand, hurry up and go! Have you prepared the medicine for bed 25?”

“Sister man …” The young nurses whined in dissatisfaction.

They were covered in the smell of medicine every day, busy to the point where they were dizzy and their feet could not touch the ground. It was rare for them to have free time, and they even met a super handsome man by chance, but they were actually expelled to work…

“Hurry up and go.” The head nurse urged them in a low voice.

The young nurses looked longingly at Bo Li city for a while longer, then unwillingly dispersed to work.

But Bo Li Cheng never noticed these nurses.

“Are you the patient’s family?” The head nurse put on a standard professional smile and walked over to Bo Li Cheng.

Having been in the industry for several years, she still had this insight.

The man looked healthy, so he couldn’t be a patient, so he should be the patient’s family.

Bo Yucheng nodded slightly, which consultation room is Bo chengru in? ”

Hearing this, the head nurse’s eyes flashed with surprise, but she quickly came back to her senses and thought it was only natural.

Although he didn’t know the identity of the old man, he saw that even though he was old, he still had a noble air about him. Seeing the elegant and Noble appearance of the man in front of him, he quickly matched the two people …

“Please follow me.” The head nurse chuckled.

She then turned around and walked towards Shi qinglan’s consultation room, with Bo Yucheng following behind her with his long legs.

Shi qinglan was still looking down at the report, taking out the old man’s medical record to make a detailed comparison.

Occasionally, she would put down the documents in her hands, stand up, and put on the stethoscope. Grandpa, let me help you listen.

“Alright.” Bo chengru cooperated with her very obediently.

Shi qinglan used the stethoscope to listen to the position of the old man’s liver. Her thoughtful look added to her womanly charm.

After she took off the stethoscope, she went back to read the information to compare. Her eyebrows could not help but furrow slightly.

Bo chengru kept looking at the extremely likable girl in front of him. Although he was smiling when he looked at her, he suddenly became serious when he turned to Qin Feng, when is my grandson coming? ”

As he spoke, he even used his elbow to poke Qin Feng’s waist.

If he hadn’t come, he would have left after the diagnosis, and he wouldn’t have had an excuse to keep the little girl and set them up!

Qin Feng raised his hand and looked at the time on his watch. He coaxed the old man in a low voice,” I’ll help you make a call and rush him.

As he spoke, he picked up his phone and was about to get up to make a call.

However, at this moment, there was a gentle knock on the door of the consultation room again, knock, knock, knock-”

“Please come in.” Shi qinglan’s clear voice rang out.

The head nurse pushed the door open and walked in again.

She knew that it was not appropriate to interrupt the doctor’s diagnosis, so she turned to Shi qinglan apologetically. Dr. Shi, the patient’s family is here and is waiting in the corridor. Is it convenient for him to come in?”

Upon hearing this, Bo chengru’s eyes lit up instantly.

He nodded happily, it’s convenient, it’s convenient. Let him in quickly… Sigh, I think it’s better for miss doctor to have the final say.”

When Bo chengru learned that Bo Yucheng had come, he almost danced with joy.

But on second thought, it didn’t seem like he had the final say. The corners of his eyes drooped slightly, and he pouted his little mouth, feeling wronged, pfft-” Shi qinglan could not help but smile.

She looked up at the adorable old man and felt that he was very similar to her grandfather. The moment he smiled, there was a hint of helplessness and indulgence, it’s okay, let him in.

“Thank you, miss.” Bo chengru instantly smiled again.

“It’s only right for your family to come and see you.” Shi qinglan’s Red lips curled up. She did not think that it was inappropriate to let the family in, and she did not know what kind of big pit was waiting for her next…

After she finished speaking, she continued to look down at the information in her hands.

“Alright, 1’11 go invite him.” The nurse smiled, then turned around to invite Bo Yucheng in.

The door of the consultation room was soon pushed open again. The head nurse helped to push the door open and said in a low voice,” the patient is in this consultation room.

“Thank you,” she said. A deep male voice slowly sounded.

A tall figure appeared in the consultation room. Bo chengru stood up immediately and walked to him with his walking stick, you son of a b * tch! 1 almost thought you were going to stand me up again!”

“Grandpa, I’m here, aren’t I?” The man chuckled.

As Bo Zhicheng spoke, a faint light appeared in his deep eyes. Intentionally or otherwise, he glanced behind the old man, wanting to see if that was his girl…

However, Bo chengru swayed in front of his eyes, blocking his vision.

“At least you still have some snacks!” The old man mumbled, then he immediately pulled Bo Zhicheng’s wrist to his side, turned around, and removed the line of sight that was blocking his view…

Bo chicheng’s eyes flickered, and his gaze suddenly paused.

Shi qinglan was studying the case and report with her eyes lowered. Her long black hair fell down her shoulders and a few strands of hair fell behind her ears, adding to her charm.

The girl pursed her red lips and focused all her attention on her work. Her slender fingers held a pen, and she was writing something in circles from time to time. She had not noticed the man coming in.

“Son of a b * tch, this is the doctor who diagnosed me.”

Bo chengru smiled as he introduced the two of them to each other, miss doctor, this is my grandson.

Upon hearing this, Shi qinglan slowly raised her eyes and looked over ….

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