Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 382

Chapter 382 – 382 Miss Shi, Master Sheng And Master Bo Have Both Jumped Into The Sea!

382 Miss Shi, master Sheng and master Bo have both jumped into the sea!

The ocean was as deep as the vortex of the universe. Against the dark night, the deep blue color seemed even more terrifying.


Shi qinglan held her breath and looked at the calm sea.

Her red lips were tightly pursed, and her slightly furrowed brows revealed some nervousness. She couldn’t help but clench her fists.

“It’s been so long, why hasn’t he been rescued yet?”

“Could something have happened? After all, this is the deep sea. Is it possible that they will encounter sharks …”

The other guests couldn’t help but start discussing.

Upon hearing these words, Shi qinglan’s heart beat even more nervously. She stared at the calm sea with anticipation.

But time passed by …

There was still no movement, not even any movement.

“I’m going to take a look.” Shi qinglan’s Red lips suddenly opened.

There was a firm look in her beautiful eyes. Her hand gently lifted her skirt, and then she decided to go into the sea.

However, Shi qingxiao grabbed her wrist and said, ” No.

The man’s voice was extremely deep and cold, and his tone was unquestionable. His face instantly darkened.

Bo Li Cheng’s eyes darkened. if miss Shi is still worried, I can send a few more people into the sea to check on the situation. The situation in the sea is still unknown. What if you run into danger in the sea? ”

However, Shi qinglan had no intention of giving in.

The girl twisted her wrist and broke free from Shi qingqiao’s grip. She looked up at the two men and said, ” nothing will happen to me.

She was well-versed in the water and even knew how to dive. If she did not have enough confidence, she would never insist on going into the sea to cause trouble.

“That won’t do either.” Bo Zhicheng furrowed his eyebrows tightly.

However, even if the two men insisted on dissuading her, Shi qinglan could not care less. LAN Chu had fallen into the sea and there had been no news of her ever since. She had witnessed the girl fall into the sea with her own eyes and had missed the best opportunity to save her. It was enough for her to feel guilty …

“I promise I’ll be fine.” Shi qinglan opened her mouth and said in a cold voice, ” similarly, I can’t allow anything to happen to LAN Chu.

As soon as she finished speaking, she turned to look at the two men.

That pair of charming and beautiful eyes had a certain light flowing in them. In the middle of the night, they were like two cat’s eyes stones, bright and bright.

Bo Yucheng’s long and narrow eyes narrowed slightly. He could sense the meaning behind the girl’s words and also knew her personality and persistence. His throat could not help but tighten. No…

“Wait for my return.” Shi qinglan’s Red lips curved slightly.

As she spoke, she turned to look at the quiet deep sea. She bent down and tied a knot around her legs. Then, she jumped into the sea, ignoring any advice.

“LAN ‘er!”

“Lan Lan!”

Two cold voices sounded at the same time.

Shi Qing’s eyes suddenly turned cold. Seeing the girl jump into the sea, he took off his suit jacket and threw it to the side. Then, he jumped in.

Bo Yucheng’s heart also suddenly clenched tightly at her actions.

Of course, he could not let it go. At this moment, he could not care less about the underground love or whether others would suspect her relationship with Shi qinglan. He also chose to jump into the sea and chase after her!

“Something has happened! Someone come quickly!”

“Miss Shi, master Sheng, and master Bo have all jumped into the sea!”

“Save them! Hurry up and save them …”

The cries for help on the stars rose and fell. Jiang Yan, who was flirting with girls on the banquet floor, finally rushed over when he heard the cries outside. He frowned. what happened? ”

“Mr. Jiang, miss Shi has jumped into the sea.” Someone replied.

“Jump into the sea?” Jiang Yan’s tone suddenly rose. what happened to sister LAN? why can’t she just say that she wants to jump into the sea? ”

He had obviously misunderstood something, so the people around him explained the cause and effect to him, very anxiously urging him to send people to save them, and made the matter very serious!

She didn’t expect Jiang Yan to just raise his eyebrows. just this? ”

Hearing this, the person who was describing the entire situation to him was stunned. He stammered, ” miss Shi might be in danger …

“Oh, then don’t worry.” Jiang Yan pursed his lips. if sister LAN met a shark, it might be more unfortunate for the shark.

Everyone looked at him in confusion.

Jiang Yan waved his hand nonchalantly. you’re all dismissed. Do what you need to do. I’m going to continue flirting with girls.

As he spoke, he strode away without acknowledging his family.

Everyone was still counting on him to save people, but they didn’t expect that not only did he not save them, but he also advised them not to be too nervous …

Six people had fallen into the sea! How could they not be worried!


LAN Chu gradually felt a little suffocated.

She was caught off guard and fell into the sea. The cold sea water wrapped around her delicate body, and it was so cold that it pierced her bones. It made her feel cold from head to toe, and even her blood was cold.

“Save … Help me …”

The girl’s weak cry for help could be heard faintly, but the soft sound was drowned out by the sound of the waves.

The cold water was poured into her mouth and down to her chest.

LAN Chu’s head emerged from the sea, her black hair sticking tightly to her pale face. She closed her eyes in fear, and beads of water hung on her trembling long eyelashes.

“Blue … Chu …” LAN xinxiao’s voice sounded and she swam towards LAN Chu.

Hearing this, LAN Chu opened his eyes and looked at her.

The little girl couldn’t swim, and her Lotus-like arms struggled on the sea surface. She subconsciously said, ” save, save me …

LAN xinxiao was familiar with the water. Compared to LAN Chu, she was more at ease in the sea. At this moment, she didn’t seem to be in a sorry state.

She opened her lips slightly and her voice was a little gloomy. LAN Chu, make a guess … Who would a-Qing save if she jumped down?”

Hearing this, LAN Chu’s heart sank.

Her eyes froze for a moment, and she even forgot to struggle. Her body slowly sank into the sea, until a mouthful of seawater rushed into her mouth and choked her nose. cough …

LAN Chu’s outstretched arm slipped and he coughed.

LAN xinmei’s lips curled up slightly. She was about to say something when she looked up and saw Bai Yuchen swimming over.

“Save … Help! A-Qing, save me …”

LAN xinxiao’s expression changed almost instantly. She hid her smile and her delicate voice was full of weakness.

She let go of her paddling arm and let her body sink. Help me …”

LAN Chu’s eyes widened as she watched LAN xinxiao’s actions.

She turned to look at Bai Yuchen, who was swimming over. Just as she was about to call out to him, she suddenly felt someone grab her ankle and pull her down.

“Ah!” LAN Chu subconsciously exclaimed.

Almost instantly, her entire body was submerged in the sea, and the cold seawater was above her head.

She didn’t know how to swim, so seawater kept pouring into her mouth and nose.

Blue heart Gu … Blue heart Gu … It was LAN xinxuan who had dragged her into the sea! It was her who had grabbed her ankle again!

“A-Qing. save me …” LAN xinxuan’s cry for help sounded again, ” I … I can’t hold on any longer …”

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