Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 379

Chapter 379 – 379 The An Family Is Still Nothing In The Eyes Of The Shi Financial Magnate!

379 The an family is still nothing in the eyes of the Shi financial magnate!

The atmosphere fell into a strange silence, and only the faint sound of the sea breeze and the waves could be heard.


Everyone looked at the beautiful girl in front of them in shock, and then turned back stiffly to look at the luxury ship again. They were all a little confused and couldn’t come back to their senses for a while.

“This … This is the most valuable ship in China …”

the cost is over a billion. Plus the annual maintenance fee, it’s a bottomless pit of money to raise stars.

didn’t they say that Shi qinglan was in Ying city before she was taken home by the Shi financial magnate? where did she get so much money to buy the stars? ”

Jiang Yan scoffed coldly when he heard these ignorant comments.

He thought to himself that these people were really narrow-minded. The starry sky was just one of master Lan’s small properties …

“Tsk.” Jiang Yan’s eyes revealed some disdain.

Hearing this soft voice, an mu instantly felt a little numb on her scalp. She looked up at him carefully and said in a soft and sweet voice, ” brother Yan, I …

“Don’t call me brother Yan.” Jiang Yan raised his eyebrows.

He glanced sideways in Shi qinglan’s direction. how dare you offend my sister LAN? I don’t dare to have any relationship with you.

Hearing this, an mu staggered and fell back.

She bit her lower lip lightly, tears welling up in her eyes. She looked so pitiful that any other man would be heartbroken to see her like this, but Jiang Yan had seen her like this many times.

A look of disgust flashed across his eyes. chase her away.

Jiang Yan ordered in a deep voice, and several Men in Black immediately came down from the stars and grabbed an mu’s shoulders.

“Release … Let me go! Let me go!”

“How dare you drive me away! Do you know who I am? I’m the daughter of the an family in the capital!”

An mu’s voice was sharp and coy as she protested.

Shi qingxuan’s cold eyes narrowed slightly, and he shouted in a deep voice, ” Shi qinglan is still the young miss of our Shi financial magnate! The an family in the capital is nothing in the eyes of the Shi financial magnate!”

At the side, Bo Zhicheng faintly glanced at him. The an family in the imperial capital was even less important in the eyes of the Bo Financial Group, but because he could not expose their relationship, he could only sulkily remain silent.

An mu’s heart instantly turned cold …

She continued to protest and scream, but those Men in Black from the pure world Pavilion were all rough men, and they were directly dragged away by her.

“Sister LAN, I’m sorry for making you suffer.” Jiang Yan tried to please her.

Shi qinglan raised the corner of her eyes lazily, a faint smile on her lips. let’s get on the boat, ” she said in a light tone.

Since the master of the stars cruise had spoken, everyone stopped talking about it and boarded the ship.


The stars cruise was luxuriously decorated with several floors with various functions. There was also a special banquet hall, which was filled with tables and desserts, and the crystal lights were shining brightly.

Stepping on the red carpet with dark patterns, Shi qinglan’s ocean blue dress dragged on the ground, which complemented the sea and sky.

“Xiao Qingqing!” A soft voice suddenly sounded.

Shi qinglan turned around and saw LAN Chu, who was wearing a light yellow short evening dress, running towards her with her short legs. I knew you would be there!

Seeing the girl, Shi qinglan’s Red lips curved slightly.

LAN Chu threw himself into the girl’s arms and wrapped his arms around her thin waist. He used his head as a pillow and rubbed against her gently.

Upon seeing this, Bo Li Cheng’s long and narrow eyes narrowed.

He stared at LAN Chu with a cold look in his eyes. His expression was quiet and full of warning when he saw her actions …

“Eh?” LAN Chu pouted her pink lips and mumbled.

She got up and let go of Shi qinglan, then raised her hand to touch her arm. the sea is indeed colder than the land.

The little girl blinked her eyes in confusion, but she didn’t feel cold when she first got on the boat, so she didn’t know what was going on …

“You came here by yourself?” Shi qinglan asked.

LAN Chu raised her head and looked at the girl with a smile. Her eyes curved into crescents as she smiled. Of course it’s my husband who brought me here to play!”

A clear and melodious voice happened to ring out. Chu ‘er.

Dressed in a white suit, Bai Yuchen strode over with his long and slender legs. LAN Chu immediately pounced on him excitedly.

“Old eunuch!” The girl jumped directly onto the man’s body, her short legs wrapped around his waist, and her Lotus-like arms wrapped around his neck.

Seeing this, Bai Yuchen immediately reached out to support her.

Fortunately, LAN Chu was very light and the man was able to hold his own. Otherwise, the two of them would have fallen to the ground.

“I’m embarrassed.” Bai Yuchen chuckled helplessly.

Shi qingxuan’s eyebrows twitched slightly, but he didn’t care. It wasn’t like his sister was showing off her affection to a Dog Man. Other people didn’t have anything to do with him.

Bo Zhicheng snorted coldly and ignored him.

“Come down quickly, what does it look like with so many people.” Bai Yuchen gently ruffled LAN Chu’s soft hair, then bent over and gently put her down. you’re already married, but you’re still not mature enough.

LAN Chu raised her face and pouted unhappily.

She was clearly still a young girl in her Prime. If she had not been swindled by him, how could she have stepped into the grave of marriage so early?

“Young master Bai.” Shi qinglan greeted him with a slight nod.

Bai Yuchen nodded in response and wrapped his long arm around LAN Chu’s waist. Then, he looked up at the two men beside him. I’ll take my wife away first. I have a few friends I want to introduce to her.

He deliberately emphasized the word ” Madam “, and when he looked at Bo Zicheng, his eyebrows even raised, as if he was still showing off.

Bai Yuchen turned around and left with LAN Chu.

Shi qinglan’s Red lips twitched slightly. She looked around the yacht to see if there was anything to eat, and then she found the dessert table.

Just as she picked up a piece of chocolate mousse and was about to taste it, she suddenly heard a voice behind her. miss Shi, I’ve heard a lot about you.

Upon hearing this, Shi qinglan raised the corner of her eyes and turned around.

She saw a young man with greasy hair in a suit standing beside her with two glasses of wine in his hands.

The man smiled. let me introduce myself. I’m Zhou haobo from the Zhou family in the capital. I fell in love with you at first sight when I saw you at the Shi financial magnate’s family recognition banquet.

“I didn’t expect to have the opportunity to reunite with miss Shi here today. I wonder if I have the honor of treating you to a drink?”

Zhou haobo was elegant and polite, but his words sounded a little greasy.

Upon seeing this, Bo Li Cheng, who was secretly guarding the girl at the side … He suddenly narrowed his long and narrow eyes, and a cold light appeared!

Shi qinglan pursed her red lips, ” I …

“Miss Shi,” A deep and clear voice suddenly sounded.

Just as the girl was about to reject Zhou haobo, she felt a cold aura beside her. Bo Zhicheng was walking steadily towards them, standing between the two of them.

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