Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 360

360 The 36 ways to eat breakfast while showing off your affection

Boye city stood between the shadows of swords and flashes of knives as cold as ever. Next to his bright and brand new leather shoes was a pool of sticky blood.

However, the man showed a bit of elegance and nobility in the blood, as if the murderous scene in front of him had nothing to do with him, and he was just an out-of-place elegant young master.


“Dirty.” Bo Yicheng’s lips lifted slightly as he spat out a word.

He furrowed his brows slightly, turned around, and strode away with his long legs. He stepped through the blood and left chuanyang temple.

He took off the black trench coat that was stained with the smell of blood …

Bo Zhicheng casually threw him away. His white shirt and black trousers accentuated his tall figure, making him look even more elegant and Noble. His every move was like that of a gentleman.

Who would have thought that he had just stepped over countless corpses?


Clear water Pavilion.

The warm light of the early morning shone into the bedroom through the floor-to-ceiling window and gently fell on the soft bed.

Shi qinglan was sleeping on her side, her soft hands clenched into an empty fist. Her sleeping face was delicate, quiet, and peaceful.

She was gradually awakened by the sunlight, and her fluttering eyelashes trembled slightly. She subconsciously rubbed her body like a spoiled child, but suddenly realized that the person under the blanket seemed to have disappeared.

The girl opened her eyes. ah-Cheng? ”

She sat up and scanned the empty bedroom, but did not see the man. There was almost no warmth left in the blanket.

However, the slightly wrinkled bed sheet and the familiar smell in the blanket confirmed that Bo Li Cheng had indeed slept here last night.

“Where is he?” Shi qinglan’s eyebrows furrowed slightly.

She lifted the blanket and got out of bed. She raised her hand and rubbed her sleepy eyes as she walked into the bathroom. After washing up and changing her clothes, she was about to call Bo Yucheng to ask when the bedroom door was suddenly pushed open.


Shi qinglan looked up when she heard the voice.

Bo Li Cheng walked into the bedroom in a white shirt and black pants, carrying a few takeaway boxes in his hands. When he saw that the girl had woken up, his dark eyes rippled slightly, and then he strode over like shooting stars.

“Why are you awake?” He asked in a deep voice.

Shi qinglan raised her hand to stroke her fluffy hair. I woke up when I realized you weren’t around. Where did you go so early in the morning? ”

There was no emotion in Bo Li Cheng’s dark eyes.

His red lips curled up slightly and he placed the takeaway box on the bedside table. I went to buy you some breakfast.

His normal expression did not reveal the slightest flaw.

Shi qinglan raised her eyebrows slightly. buying breakfast? ”

He could just leave this matter to Wen le or Wen Mo. Although there were no servants in the pavilion, the three meals were arranged in advance.

“Yes.” Bo chicheng looked at the girl with a smile.

His eyes were filled with love and a smile. He sat on the edge of the bed and opened the takeaway box. try it? ”

As soon as the lid of the box was opened, a strong fragrance hit his face.

The skin of the shrimp dumpling was as white as snow, and it was translucent like a crystal. One could vaguely see the shrimp sink.The barbecued pork bun was in the shape of a tall Vermilion Bird cage, with a big belly and a small mouth.

There was also seafood shaomai, steamed pork ribs with tempeh, Hong Kong-style Guiling paste, and other breakfast dishes. It was the most famous Hong Kong-style morning tea in the Imperial City.

“It smells so good.” Shi qinglan took a deep breath.

Her appetite was instantly whetted by the fragrance. Just as she was about to pick up her chopsticks, Bo Li Cheng’s large palm grabbed her fair wrist, and he lovingly rubbed her skin with his fingertips.

“I’ll feed you.” His voice was deep and full of enchantment.

Then, he picked up a shrimp dumpling with his chopsticks and put it in his mouth. He nibbled on the thin layer of skin on one side and leaned closer to the girl.

Shi qinglan’s Red lips curled up, and a sly smile flashed across her eyes. She quickly moved closer to bite the prawn dumpling and snatched it over. Her movements were so fast that the man had not even prepared himself before she ran away.

Her soft lips gently brushed against his …

In an instant, his heart trembled slightly, and the hostility of killing someone in the middle of the night was instantly appeased by the girl’s insignificant actions.

Her taste buds were greatly satisfied by the breakfast, so Shi qinglan did not ask him about his whereabouts last night.


She heard that LAN Chu was well taken care of.

Recently, Bai Yuchen had deliberately pushed aside all his work at the company and did the work that had to be handled at home. He practically stayed by the girl’s side and only let her get out of bed when she had basically recovered.

Half a month later, LAN Chu was finally allowed to return to school.

Imperial University’s welcoming party was in full swing at the moment, and the students were discussing it in high spirits.

“Of course, I have to wear a gown for the welcome party.”

The corners of han Yina’s lips curled up slightly. She raised her hand and played with her slightly curly long hair. the wealthy families in the capital often hold all kinds of parties, so my parents prepared a cloakroom for me. There are all kinds of dresses in it. If you want, you can borrow them from me.

Her every movement was filled with pride and arrogance, and the disdain between her brows was even more undisguisable.

the life of a daughter from a rich family is so enviable!

“Sister Yina’s cloakroom is bigger than my bedroom, right? I already have an image in my mind, a very rich one!”

“I’m so envious … Sister Yina, are the young Masters of your wealthy families as handsome as those in the TV series?”

I heard that there are two golden Bachelors in the rich families of the imperial capital. They are master Bo of the Bo financial magnate and master Sheng of the Shi financial magnate. Sister Yina, have you seen these two handsome men before? ”

Han Yina was showing off in the dormitory’s garden.

Many girls surrounded them curiously, enviously and curiously gossiping about the life of a rich family far away from them.

Imperial University was the best University in China. Those who could get in were those who had real ability rather than money. Therefore, most of the students were ordinary, and there were very few children of rich families. After all, if they had money, wouldn’t it be better to study abroad?

“Of course I have.” Han Yina covered her mouth and chuckled. when I was young, my parents even joked about an arranged marriage.

“Ah! Oh my God, this is like a novel plot!”

two handsome men fighting for a girl’s affection and asking to marry their childhood friend. I think I can write a novel now!

are they really super handsome …

The girls instantly started to scream like groundhogs. After all, the plot of the overbearing President falling in love with them was too fragrant. The girls probably hoped that this kind of sweet love would fall on them.

However, it turned out that neither the money nor the handsome man belonged to her.

All presidents had bald heads and beer bellies, and all the handsome men were in love with boys … Was it the destruction of humanity or the loss of morality?

“It’s so lively over there.” LAN Chu’s pink lips pouted.

She held Shi qinglan’s arm as they passed by the small garden. She had wanted to go back to the dormitory to get something, but she did not expect to see han Yina showing off her wealth in a crowd.

LAN Chu tilted his head slightly. I think it’s han Yina …

Upon hearing this, Shi qinglan’s beautiful eyes glimmered with a little light, and then she looked up at the crowd.

Han Yina was in high spirits. She looked arrogant and condescending, as if she was showing off something.

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