Goblin Kingdom

Chapter 2-155


There was only one month left until the war with the humans. Various weapons and armor have been prepared, and the goblin soldiers’ training have been going smoothly. We’ve also managed to increase food production and have also began cultivating the red fruits which even the goblins should be able to eat.

Although goblin diet still largely revolved around meat, at the very least, we no longer relied solely on hunting.

There’s not much that can be done about the goblins’ taste, so I’ll just have to order them to add fruits and grains to their diet.

Personally, I don’t think they taste good either, but it’s necessary, so I eat them anyway.

Naturally, I couldn’t be the only one to eat only meat, so I had to start incorporating the new menu into my own diet first.

As a result, goblin diet gradually changed. It’s not so easily accomplished, however, so we’ll have to take things step by step.

As the day of war approached, I gathered the elven reinforcements and the demihumans to the frontlines, namely the ones that specialized in war, such as Mido of the Fang Tribe, Nikea of the Araneae, and Kerodotos of the minotaurs.

On the side of the elves, Fei, who has been going back and forth the village and me, arrived with Princess Shunaria, an old elven friend, and some familiar goblins.

“Long time no see, Your Majesty!” Leader of the druids, Gi Za Zakuend, said.

“It’s been a while, Your Highness!” Kuzan, who had left for the elven school, said.

“Was it worth it?” I asked.

“Of course! I will definitely be of help to you, Your Majesty!” Gi Za said proudly with his arms folded.

“I have learned much about herbs, so just leave the wounded to me!” Kuzan said cheerfully as she jumped up and down.

I nodded. “Good, I’ll be expecting much from you. But for now rest up. We’ll talk after.”

I called out to Gi Do Buruga, who was behind Gi Za. “You too, Gi Do.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” he said with an elegant bow.

His manners were so graceful that I went wide-eyed for a moment. Who would’ve thought a goblin could become so… graceful? It seems there really is a lot we have to learn from the elves.

Everyone came back better than before, but battle-wise, the one with the greatest results was none other than Cynthia.

A peek at her status through the one-eyed snake’s evil eye showed just how much she had grown. Moreover, because she was subordinated to me, I could see that some wolves were also subordinated to her.

She was also no longer an adult but a wild beast. I can’t imagine just how much blood she must have shed to grow so much…

“Father,” Cynthia said.

I was shocked, to say the least, but I didn’t forget to spoil her by rubbing her head. It seems she can now talk a little.

“Father,” Cynthia said again.

Unfortunately, the words she could speak were still too few. Regardless, it was clear that she enjoyed being rubbed. Her voice was still that of a little girl but the path she has walked was nothing to scoff at.


Name Cynthia

Race Gray Wolf; Pack Commander; Wolf King's Successor

Level 68


Possessed Skills Raging Gale Strike; Charge; Great Blood; Howl of the Beast King; King of the Plains; Ferocious Fangs; Wise Wolf

Divine Protection Goddess of Wisdom

Attributes None;

Status Subordinated to the Goblin King

Subordinate Beasts Red Wolf; Earth Wolf; Savage Dog

The skill, Wise Wolf, must be what allows us to understand each other.

“Welcome back, Cynthia. I’m glad to see you.”

I caressed Cynthia as she snuggled up to me.

Spoiling her from time to time should be fine.


One month before the war with the humans, the people that left to scout: Shumea, Selena, Pale, and Felbi returned.

The information they came back with made me doubt my ears.

A great civil war had begun among the free cities, and the leading actors were none other than the followers of the Kushain faith.

Apparently, the Kushain adherents of the northern city state, Cultidian, rallied the adherents from the other city states and marched east.

Because everything had happened so suddenly, one of the eastern city states fell.

The war was led by the patriarch himself, who called the war a holy war.

“Did you catch the name of that patriarch?” I asked.

Shumea was the one to answer that question. “If I recall correctly, it should be Benem Nemush.”

He actually became patriarch? I suppose strange things do happen, but on the other hand, having things progress so well leaves me uneasy.

Regardless, with this, the public order of the southern part of Germion Kingdom should worsen, crippling their ability to support the west.

Germion Kingdom has no way of knowing how far that so-called holy war will spread, so they shouldn’t be able to spread the south thin. When it comes to religious wars like these, the more zealous the adherents, the fiercer the fires of war will burn.

I don’t think all the believers would be as passionate as that man, but the more aggressive they become, the more refugees and deaths there will be.

This is a good opportunity for us.

As I thought that to myself, I suggested that Pale and the others rest.

“Umm… Do you mind if I ask for a favor?” Pale asked apologetically.

Nodding, I had the others go ahead. “That’s rare, coming from you.”

From the way I saw it, Pale seemed to have resolved herself. She seemed particularly tense.

“Please let me go to the human world one more time,” Pale said.

“Why?” I asked.

Pale gulped as she hesitatingly answered. “…For private reasons.”

“That’s what I want to know,” I said.

Pale shut her mouth tight as if she had been hit.

I quietly waited for her answer.

“I was an adventurer before. My comrades from back then seems to have found themselves in trouble, so…” Pale said.

“We are about to go to war with the western feudal lord of Germion Kingdom. You do understand that we need every man we can get, right?” I said.

Pale quietly nodded, and I thought about her proposal.

“First of all, what exactly do you want to do about these comrades of yours? Do you want to save them? If so, what will you do after you save them?” I asked.

Pale might be blind now, but I’m sure with her skills, she could still manage as an adventurer. According to Shumea, her blindness wasn’t really much of a deterrent.

“I would like to save them if I could,” Pale said.

“Go if you must, but I hope you’re not planning on going against us,” I said.

“But of course!” Pale said.

When she said ‘favor’, she was probably referring to Selena. I’m not keen on sending Pale out alone, but it can’t be helped.

It doesn’t seem like she’s just running away, though. After all, she could have just left without saying anything.

“Nothing bad will happen to Selena. Go in peace,” I said.

“Thank you,” Pale said.

Like that Pale left, and I went to where Selena and the others were.

Pale isn’t going to be around, so it seems I will have to rethink my plans.

Tl Note: The volume title ‘Distant Paradise’ is actually written in the same way as this chapter’s title, but the way it’s used here makes the current translation more apt than ‘Distant Paradise’. I’m pretty sure they’re supposed to mean the same way, but I didn’t know the context until now, so… yeah.

Also, no teaser today, and I will be gone on the 31st and possibly the next day or two as we will be out on our new year’s trip.

I chose to post this chapter out over a TMPG chapter as it is the last chapter of the volume.

“In 20 days, we shall march our forces into human territory.”

The gathered people stirred. That included the noble and duke class goblins, as well as the orc king, Bui, the elves, and the various demihumans.

The gathered people looked at each other, then they looked up to the heavens.

When things began to settle down, I spoke. “I’m thinking of splitting our forces into 2 main groups. One group to surround the colonial city and another to deal with the enemy reinforcements.”

Normally, we would move together, but without any siege weapons, we can’t really attack the colonial city effectively.

With high walls occupied by archers and deep moats below which are beds of swords, it’s simply too difficult to fight a straight-up battle. And even if we do try to force our way through, losing too many men will leave us too weak to stabilize the city. Worse, the reinforcements might end up just sweeping the floor with us altogether.

Fighting a battle with exhausted warriors against a group of vengeful humans is a situation I really don’t want to imagine.

My end goal is to defeat the humans and create my own kingdom. My first step towards that goal is to defeat the western feudal lord and take his territory.

That being the case, the lifeline of the western region is not actually the colonial city itself, which is essentially a vanguard, but the western capital, their home base. The fall of the colonial city would mean little so long as the western capital is able to continue sending forces. They would just rebuild it as many times as they need. On the other hand, if I could destroy the west capital, supporting the colonial city would become a difficult endeavor, not just supply-wise but also in terms of morale.

Morale isn’t an easy thing to keep up during extended periods of battle.

When people don’t know when help is going to come, everyone is starving, and friends are hurt, the only thing that can really keep people together is hope for reinforcements. Without that hope the only thing left is defeat.

“…Are we only going to ignore the enemy in front of us?” The Orc King, Bui, asked in that unchanging timid fashion of his.

“We will be surrounding the colonial city to seal their movements. If the opportunity to destroy it presents itself, then by all means,” I said.

That being said, we would have to attack to some extent. We can’t just surround the colonial city and stare at them like scarecrows.

After all, we need to live up to our reputation as monsters. The more fearful and panicked they become, the quicker they will call for help.

We’ll try to limit our casualties as much as possible, but zero is impossible.

“The force that will be surrounding the colonial city will be led by Ra Gilmi Fishiga of the Ganra Tribe. Within the same force, Gi Gi Orudo will be leading the beast army; and then the araneae, the minotaurs, the tarpidae, the rizalat, and the papirsag along with the orc forces,” I said.

The force surrounding the colonial city will strike fear into the enemy while attacking them from a distance. There will also be a support team to distribute supplies. Frankly, it would be ideal if I could get Ganra and the beast army to break through, but unfortunately, the circumstances won’t permit it.

The mad lion, Gi Zu Ruo, has yet to return, so I’m unable to incorporate him into this force.

“Gi Gu Verbena will be leading the vanguard against the enemy’s main forces,” I said.

That is the reward I promised him for gathering the most subordinates among the goblins I’ve sent out. This honor is his.

“Our main force will have Gi Jii Yubu’s army, Gi Za Zakuend’s Druids, and the Gaidga Tribe,” I said.

Gi Jii Yubu’s army has been trained well to adapt to unexpected situations. Although not yet completed, his army is one of the few forces that actually act like an army as opposed to a horde. It would be a waste not to have them be a part of the main force.

The druids too. Magic is too great of a trump card to leave unused.

As for the Gaidga, they’re a tribe that specializes in brute force, so naturally they’ll be added too.

“The mobile unit will be handled by the Paradua Tribe, the centaurs, and the fang tribe.”

Naturally, it would be filled by those with the most mobility. That means the Paradua and their beast riders, the gray wolves and the werewolves, and the centaurs who make a living running through the plains.

“The rear guard will be filled by the elves, Gi Ga Rax’s imperial guards, and my own platoon.”

When worse comes to worse, the deciding pieces will be the ‘wounded ones’ who are more persistent than any other. I will be leading them personally as I want to decide when to send them.

“Gi Jii Arsil’s unit will be working alongside the harpies for reconnaissance.”

The reconnaissance mission, which has the greatest influence on the battle, will be handled by Gi Ji and Yushika. They will be ascertaining the enemy position from the sky and from the ground.

This is the formation I came up with that allows us to exhibit our mobility even while prioritizing damage.

There wasn’t anyone who excelled in defense, so I decided to just give the iron equipment to the vanguard.

“Our path to world domination begins with this war. Let the proud humans know the might and fury of our blades!”

With this our course has largely been decided. All that’s left now is to deal with the small details, such as the timing of the surround, when to break through the humans’ main force, and deciding the routes we will be taking up to the western capital.

The old goblin, Kuzan, and Yellow are in charge of dealing with the reserve force and those that will be left behind.

All the big players will be coming out in this battle.

We will use all the power of the Forest of Darkness to deal a mighty blow to the humans.


The goblins within the Fortress of the Abyss were as busy as bees due to the coming war. Of the busied people in the fortress, one person was on her way away. It was none other than Pale.

She hadn’t said goodbye to anyone even Selena.

“Are you going?” Felbi asked.

The only one sending her off was her comrade in arms, Felbi.

“Sorry. I’m not scared that the elves have chosen to walk with the goblins. It’s just that…” Pale said.

“I know. There are things we can’t abandon. Even if we want to, it’s not easy,” Felbi wryly smiled.

He looked young on the surface, but he had already put on many years.

He rarely showed this side to him.

In response, Pale looked down on the ground. “Felbi, I…”

“You don’t have to say anything,” Felbi said. “Even if you worry, no one’s going to die.”

All of the sudden, Felbi was back to that jovial attitude of his, keeping Pale from saying anything more.

“The problem with you is you’re too serious,” Felbi said. “You should live more selfishly from time to time. No one would blame you.”

“Felbi…” Pale said.

“Live as you wish, Pale. That’s why you left in the first place, right? When you come back, we’ll accept you, and even if you end up fighting against us, I won’t blame you. That’s what veraltas (comrade in arms) are for, right?” Felbi said.

Right, Pale said as a tear leaked from her closed eyes.

“Thank you, Veralta (Comrade in arms),” Pale said.

“Don’t call me that right to my face. It’s embarrassing!” Felbi scratched his head.

Pale bid farewell to Felbi.


Within the morning haze surrounding the Fortress of the Abyss was the mighty coalition army consisting of the goblins, the demihumans, and the elves.

There were 10 days left until the appointed day of the Goblin King. They would have to send an advance party to begin the war, so considering the time, they had no other opportunity to meet up together except for this.

A large black body with a lone horn on his head reaching for the heavens and a tail that slammed against the ground… On his body, he wore a set of leather armor and an overcoat made from the pelt of a red-speckled bear. Two great swords were sheathed by his waist. He seemed to be the very embodiment of power.

On his right arm was a symbol of a coiled snake blacker than the tone of his skin, and on his left hand was the blessing he received from the twin-headed snake. His features were miles away compared to any goblin.

That goblin climbed up a hill, and with his red eyes, looked down beneath him.

“On this fated day, we shall change history!”

At his voice, the heavens trembled and the earth quivered. His majestic presence bore so strongly upon the goblins that they were forced to kneel.

His voice was like the very act of rebellion against the heavens itself. The Goblin King bellowed at the morning sky.

“You who have lost your homes to the humans!”

The demihumans looked zealously at the king.

“You who have lost the war for supremacy!”

The elves clenched their fists.

“You who have been hunted as monsters!”

The goblins could not contain their emotions as they waited for the king’s words.

“Our paradise is a long way away. We cannot even see its silhouette, but… No matter how steep the path, one day, we will find it. To us godless ones (goblins), divine protections are worthless; therefore, without any prayer, with only the might of our unrelenting wills… we shall crush the human race!”

The Goblin King raised his fist toward the heavens.

“Defeated one! Let the proud humans taste our might!”

With a howl the whole forest shook.

Tl Note: This is the last chapter of this volume. Also, a map is finally provided but I’ll post it next time.

Happy new year to everyone! Jiggly is going to be away for like the next day or two, so no chapters until then. Jiggly prays everyone has a good time!


(Note: If you see anything amiss, please let me know. I couldn’t read some kanji because of the image quality and the handwriting.)

1. Unexplored Forest of Darkness land.

2. Sylph HQ

3. Unexplored Forest of Darkness Land

4. Demihuman HQ

5. Gi Zu’s Territory

6. Fortress of the Abyss

7. Gi Gu Verbena’s Territory

8. Gi Gi’s Territory

9. Orc HQ

10. New Orc HQ

Red text. Gi Go’s Travel Route

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