Goblin Kingdom

Chapter 196.1


Within the headquarters of the Kushain believers, the holy city, Cultidian, within the room of the pope, was the saint, Mira, who watched over the meeting with a peaceful expression. In her mind, she thought of how to deal with the army of Elrain Kingdom that failed to learn its lesson, as reports say that they have once again mobilized their troops. This time numbering 15,000 soldiers strong.

That was not enough to wipe out Cultidian, but more than enough if they only sought to surround them. Moreover, with news of her spies being successfully hunted, Mira’s mood quickly worsened.

They were in a tight spot. The Kingdom of Germion to the north continued to squirm about, while the goblins to the west still haven’t been subjugated. The goblins were watching them, waiting for an opening. No matter which direction she faced, there were enemies everywhere.

Mira wasn’t sure if it was possible to hole up within the castle for a long period of time, but wise as she was, she already knew the answer.

Unfortunately, it was not something she could accept, for such a conclusion would not only be humiliating but an act of profanity toward those who believed in her.

Who could happily accept that their country was weaker than others?

The army from Elrain Kingdom brought siege weapons with them, and they showed them off as if to say that they intended to conquer Cultidian. Of course, Mira wasn’t sure if they truly intended to do so.

The Red King has been building a nest within Elrain Kingdom, and their spies within have proven themselves more than capable. Mira’s people have already exhausted every option, and yet they still failed to discern the unwavering Red King’s internal affairs.

Based on the recent battle, they might not have been aiming for Cultidian but the borderlands instead. Unfortunately, Mira had no evidence to support that hypothesis.

Suspicions and speculations are an endless hole. so she refrained from giving an answer and did not say anything.

The influential people of the Kushain believers continued to argue vehemently among themselves. Mira’s eyes began to grow dark.

These people argued whether to fight Elrain Kingdom or not. If they did decide to fight, then they would need to decide whether to hold up within the castle or to go out and fight in the fields. If they chose not to, then they would need to find out if there was any room for compromise.

There were two factions to this debate. On one hand, there is the group that simply did not want to make a loss and was trying to end this issue as peacefully as possible, while the other was trying to use this opportunity to increase their influence.

The former faction was made of up cardinals and bishops while the latter faction was from the army. Of course, there were also exceptions. For example, the cardinals who also have strong ties with the army were a part of the latter faction.

With no end in sight, Mira decided to take a break for the meantime.

She had both the support of the people and the army behind her, as well as her identity as both the pope and the saint. Such a maiden entered her bedroom to rest only to take her pillow and slam it as hard as she could against her bed.

“Damn wastrels! This isn’t the time for this!”

A knock sounded from outside her room, then a voice sought permission to enter. It was none other than Vilan Do Zul’s.

Mira responded with the voice of a lady and granted him permission to enter.

When Vilan entered, he immediately noticed the pillow thrown casually on top of the bed. He felt like sighing.

Mira could sense his feelings, but she told him to close the door, then she let herself fall on the bed.

“I’m done. I can’t do it anymore… Maybe it would be best if I ordered those senile old men to be lined up and impaled in public.”

“Milady, I’m not sure where you picked that up, but you really need to mind your words more…”

“I picked it up from the war princess of the Holy Shushunu Kingdom. Isn’t she wonderful? I would love to be able to call her elder sister.”

“That would surely trouble her, so please don’t.”

“…Strict, aren’t you, Vil?”

“I have my lord to thank for that.”

Hmph, Mira sneered as she stood up and walked toward Vilan, who refused to move away from the door.

As Mira’s footsteps resounded, something cold slid down Vilan’s back. When Mira was right in front of him, his eyes were swimming.

He wasn’t good with women, so he was desperately trying to restrain himself.

“…Hey, Vil. Do you think you can win?” Mira asked with a quiet voice.

When Vilan heard that, he forgot his own propensity and answered her as gently as he could. That was the most he could do for someone like him who wasn’t skilled in this sort of stuff.

“I will do my best.”

“My father told you something, didn’t he?”

“…His majesty is always worrying over you, so he just mentioned that you should go home if you’re tired…”

“Fool,” Mira said as she cast her eyes downward.

Vilan couldn’t meet her eyes, so he just remained standing at attention.

“…Tens of thousands could die with a single word from me. You know that, don’t you? And yet… How unsightly.”

Her hands shook as she balled them into a fist.

“Milady, you are a gentle girl. That gentleness is enough to save the believers. Please just do what you believe is right.”

“Will you follow me even if I tell you to slaughter wantonly?”

“…You are my one and only master. I give you all my loyalty. If you give an order, then I shall carry it out.”

“Thank you… Just a little… Let me be weak, alright?”

Mira leaned on Vilan’s chest, and for a while, their breathing resonated. After a short while, she abandoned all frail thoughts and gallantly left the room.

“Vilan Do Zul, I hereby order you. With the power vested unto me, take your soldiers and secure the room of the pope.”

“…As you will!”

On that day, a small internal conflict arose within Cultidian. When some 4 bishops and cardinals refused to submit to the order of the pope, their properties were forfeited and their families were all executed. The influential people within the Kushain believers quivered as they looked up in fear at the smiling saint, who sat atop the highest seat.

On that day, the maiden known as a saint also came to be known as the Bloody Queen. It could be said that it was on this very moment that the Bloody Queen was born.

The remains of the three cardinals laid before the quivering influential people as the Bloody Queen approached them.

Then she spoke.

“Send a messenger to the monsters in the border lands at once. We shall ally with them.”

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