Futuristic Chef Transmigrated As Mother

Chapter 333 - 333 Overthinking

333 Overthinking

That day, she put on her most beautiful clothes and combed her hair into the most beautiful bun. She was prepared to meet Jiang Danhe in her most beautiful getup. Unexpectedly, that woman was even more eye-catching. She was simply-dressed and yet she looked so beautiful, attracting the attention of everyone present. Of course, there was also that person’s gaze. The gaze that she yearned for was not directed at her…

Hence, jealousy instantly filled her heart.

Along the way, she could not help but observe Qin Xiaoguo. She also saw Jiang Danhe’s thoughtfulness and love for the other party. It was really making her crazy with jealousy!

His smile, his eyes, his heart, and all his emotional changes were influenced by one woman.

She didn’t dare to face him now, so whenever she saw him, she had to hide and watch him secretly. She couldn’t help but picture herself with him. Even in her dreams, she also saw herself with him. Qin Xiaoguo’s face had also been replaced by her own.

Once on the island, it was difficult for her to see him again. By chance, she saw him in a group and followed the group in a daze. Coincidentally, he caught her along the way. She wasn’t ready to meet him at that time. But facing the person she had been thinking about day and night, she didn’t know what to think. She stood up shyly and came to him with her heart beating wildly.

Unexpectedly, the other party only took a few steps back coldly and asked her who she was.

At that moment, her world was on the verge of collapsing. She looked at him in disbelief. How could he have forgotten about her?

She wanted to question him, but she couldn’t bring herself to do so. She only told him that she was a physician who came along with Mrs. Yang.

Mrs. Yang was the Prime Minister’s wife. Yu Zhizhi didn’t know Mrs. Yang’s true identity. She only knew that they were a bunch of rich people who came from the capital.

That day was her darkest day. From that day onwards, she decided that she would spend her life with Jiang Danhe, since fate had reunited them. Although he didn’t remember her, it was a small matter. She had to be with him. This was fate!

Moreover, such an outstanding man was destined to have more than one wife. It was only right for him to have a few concubines by his side.

She was willing to be his concubine, as long as she could remain by his side.

Yu Zhizhi retracted her thoughts and happily sorted out her next plan. The next step was to get close to Qin Xiaoguo and become part of their family in the future. They would serve Brother Jiang together…

If Xiaoguo could read her thoughts at this moment, she would definitely laugh out loud. What wishful thinking!!


“You even prepared clothes for me?”

Xiaoguo stood up in surprise and came to his side. “Let me see.”

Although Jiang Danhe said that, he came in with nothing in his hands. There was no sign of any clothes.

“I didn’t. I will bring them over later.”

Jiang Danhe smiled and opened his arms for her to pat him down.

Hearing his words, Xiaoguo stopped looking for the clothes and looked at him strangely. “Will you bring over the clothes later?”

What kind of clothes were they? His expression looked so mysterious that she was looking forward to it.

“Yes, Li Shouji will bring it to you later. I’ll wait for you in the banquet hall. Just come over when you’re ready.”

Jiang Danhe seemed rather busy. He left immediately after saying those words.

Xiaoguo had wanted to wear the clothes she brought along for this trip, but after hearing Jiang Danhe’s words, she dropped the idea. She started looking forward to seeing the clothes he had prepared for her.

Xiaoguo waited until the evening, when the sun had already set. By that time, she was almost dozing off on a stool. At this moment, Li Shouji arrived.

As soon as he saw her, he apologized and told her he was held up by some other matters. However, before Xiaoguo could say anything, he hurriedly called out to the woman behind him to help Xiaoguo dress up. After which, he left.

Xiaoguo retracted the smile on her face. Only then did she see a woman behind him. She also saw some clothes and bottles on a tray that the woman was holding.

“And this is?”

Xiaoguo was filled with doubts. She wanted to ask Li Shouji. But like Jiang Danhe, the man came and left in a hurry, leaving her with a back view of his receding figure.

Unable to get an answer, Xiaoguo turned to the woman in front of her. Before she could open her mouth, she was quickly brought to the back room by the woman. To Xiaoguo’s confusion, she closed the door.

Although the woman was thin and small, she was extremely strong. Xiaoguo did not put up a struggle. She was made to sit on a stool and forced to go along with the woman’s next course of actions.

With her eyes closed, her senses became exceptionally sensitive. At this moment, she felt something dragging across her face, accompanied by varying sensations of pain. She quietly opened her eyes and realized that someone was threading her face. She was feeling pain because the hair on her face was being pulled out during the threading process.

She couldn’t bear to watch the process. Hoping that it would help to reduce the pain a little, she closed her eyes. But clearly, it was ineffective.

After some time, her face temporarily regained its calm. In the next instant, something soft was pressed against her face. The brush gently swept across her cheeks, eyebrows, eyes, and mouth.

Then, all was calm again. Xiaoguo was about to open her eyes when she suddenly felt someone touching her hair. It was a very comfortable feeling. She couldn’t help but close her eyes and relax. However, that didn’t last long. Shortly after, she could feel sharp objects being pushed into her hair. Although the movements were very gentle, they were still detectable.

After which, it was her ears’ turn. Her ear piercings, which were usually unadorned, were suddenly burdened with some heavy decorations. It was an uncomfortable feeling. She felt like her head was being held up by a frame. All movements became quite impossible all of a sudden.


The woman put down the comb and said her first words of the evening.

Xiaoguo was dazed for a moment before she slowly opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was the woman’s satisfied smile. Then, at her signal, Xiaoguo looked into the mirror.

In that instant, she was shocked. “This… this is me?”

Xiaoguo shook her head and admired herself. This was truly the work of a professional. Her hair was styled to perfection!

Next, Xiaoguo was dragged to her feet. The woman helped her to undress and change into the set of clothes that were brought in earlier.

When Xiaoguo realized what was going on, she felt a little embarrassed. After all, having someone help her with changing was something completely new to her.

But if she had to put on the clothes herself, it might be too much for her to handle.

Standing in front of the woman in only her undergarments, Xiaoguo was made to raise her arms mechanically.

After that, Xiaoguo was wrapped in multiple layers before the woman stopped to take a breather. Xiaoguo had already become numb at this stage. Her eyes were the only part of her body that could move freely now.

At this moment, she finally understood why those rich and powerful ladies from the ancient era had to be helped along while walking. Not that they didn’t want to walk by themselves. It was impossible to walk without any help.

With much difficulty, the woman helped her to the mirror. Xiaoguo stared blankly at her reflection. This was the first time in her life that she had worn a formal suit. As Jiang Danhe’s official rank remained the same, her outfit was tailored to match his rank.

Although the design was dignified, the colors were not dull. The coat was dark blue, and it came with an ivory-white lining. The hint of white perfectly neutralized the dullness of the design and added a dash of vitality. It was low-key but still eye-catching.

“The general personally chose this dress for you.”

The woman spoke at the side.

Xiaoguo looked at her in surprise. “He chose it for me?”


The woman was a smart person. She didn’t say much and didn’t waste her breath on unnecessary words.

Xiaoguo wanted to ask more questions, but the woman didn’t give her a chance. She informed her that there was no time and asked her to set off.

Xiaoguo had no choice. Worried about being late, she had no choice but to head towards the venue of the banquet with the woman’s help. The banquet venue was located at the oversized garden behind the residential area.

Fortunately, it was just a short distance away. Otherwise, she would have given up halfway through the journey.

Along the way, the surroundings were brightly lit. It didn’t look like night time at all. There were all kinds of lanterns and lights. It was a very beautiful sight.

There were many people bustling around. Some were carrying snacks, while others were carrying wine and delicacies. They were all walking in rows towards the garden.

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