Futuristic Chef Transmigrated As Mother

Chapter 318 - 318 Returning to the Fishing Village

318 Returning to the Fishing Village

Xiaoguo put down the towel and Jiang Danhe went out to discard the water.

She gently coaxed Zhuang Zhuang. When his breathing was even, she pulled the blanket over him.

When Jiang Danhe returned, Zhuang Zhuang had already fallen asleep.

The two of them went to the table and sat down. Jiang Danhe poured her a glass of water and said softly, “We’ll be able to reach our destination tomorrow, so we’ll take a break out here tonight and set off tomorrow.”

“Yes, yes.” Xiaoguo nodded. “We won’t arrive till the day after tomorrow?”

“Pretty much. We’ll reach in the evening.”

Xiaoguo nodded. “Where is the summer resort?”

“It’s on an island. We need to cross the sea. It’s a naturally formed island.”

“Cross the sea and take a boat?”

When Xiaoguo thought of the sea, the first thing she thought of was seafood. She wanted to catch some seafood!

Jiang Danhe nodded. Thinking that she liked to take the boat, he secretly made a mental note to bring her along often in the future.

“Do you have a fishing rod?”

The other party’s words changed so quickly that Jiang Danhe couldn’t keep up. His mind went blank for a moment. “There should be.”

Among the travelers, there were bound to be people who enjoyed fishing, so there should be fishing rods available on the boats.

“That’s great!” Xiaoguo tried her best to suppress her joy.

Jiang Danhe looked at her in confusion. So his wife was actually an angler. It seemed that he would have to fish with her more often in the future.

“By the way, does Brother-in-law know that you’re out?”

Jiang Danhe suddenly thought of Qin Anming. Xiaoguo was going away on a long trip. If Qin Anming didn’t see her when he returned, he would be so worried.

“I told him. I told him on the way when I brought Zhuang Zhuang home.” Xiaoguo smiled. Jiang Danhe was quite meticulous.

“Have you planted the crops at home? I was planning to go back, but I got delayed by some matters.”

Jiang Danhe was already prepared to return home, but something happened along the way.

“Yes. Brother planted the crops with me.” Xiaoguo glanced at him. Why was he being so wishy-washy all of a sudden?

“I’ll go back when it’s harvesting time. Don’t do it. I’ll do it when I get back.”

Xiaoguo was about to say no, but seeing the sincerity in his eyes, she swallowed her words and nodded. “Okay.”

Jiang Danhe looked happy when he heard this. Then, he laughed silently.

“What are you laughing at?”

“It’s nothing.” Jiang Danhe shook his head. “I just want to laugh.”

Xiaoguo looked at him and shook her head strangely. How could he look so beautiful while thinking about work? Then she looked back at the bed and said, “Go to sleep.”

It was getting late. Zhuang Zhuang was already in lalaland.

Jiang Danhe nodded. The two of them were still sleeping on either side of Zhuang Zhuang. Fortunately, the bed was big enough to fit the three of them.

For some reason, Xiaoguo didn’t sleep well the entire night. All she could hear was the sound of footsteps and a bonfire burning.

The next morning, Xiaoguo was still in bed when she heard the sound of clothes being put on beside the bed. She opened her eyes and saw that Jiang Danhe was dressing Zhuang Zhuang.

“Did I wake you up?” Jiang Danhe’s ears were sharp. He heard Xiaoguo’s movements immediately.

“No.” Xiaoguo shook her head and got up to look outside. There were no lights. It was still early. “Where are you going?”

“Zhuang Zhuang is going to the toilet.”

Zhuang Zhuang nodded in a daze.

After dressing, the two of them went out. Once they were gone, Xiaoguo didn’t want to lie down anymore, so she got out of bed too.

The two of them returned not long after with breakfast and a basin of water.

Xiaoguo quickly took the basin of water from Zhuang Zhuang and placed it on a stool.

After washing up, the three of them started eating breakfast.

Halfway through the meal, a greeting came from outside. A small figure lifted the curtain and entered. He shouted, “Zhuang Zhuang!”

His big eyes locked onto the figure who was stuffing steamed buns into his mouth. He ran over excitedly and hugged him. “Hehe, my dear Zhuang Zhuang. I missed you so much!”

“Ahem, Xiaoyi, I miss you too!”

Zhuang Zhuang spat out the steamed bun that almost got stuck in his throat and hugged him back happily.

Xiaoguo and Jiang Danhe ate by themselves, not forgetting to look at the two kids who were hugging each other. Children’s feelings were pure. Whenever they met, they had to hug each other tightly for a long time.

For breakfast, Xiaoguo and Jiang Danhe each fed one child. Neither of the children had eaten. As soon as Xiaoyi woke up, he heard that Zhuang Zhuang and the others had arrived. He put on his clothes and ran over. In fact, he had wanted to come over in his undergarments so that he could lay in the bed with Zhuang Zhuang. However, he was coaxed and begged by the servants until he gave up on the idea. He was only allowed to leave after he was fully dressed.

After breakfast, everyone got ready to set off. After Jiang Danhe made arrangements for Xiaoguo, he returned to his post.

When she got on the carriage, Xiaoguo put aside her bag. She was sitting alone in the big carriage. Jiang Danhe was working and needed to ride a horse. Zhuang Zhuang was brought away by Xiaoyi. Xiaoguo was invited too, but she turned him down. Not that she was unwilling, but there were many ministers and their families traveling together this time. So it wasn’t appropriate for her to get too close to the crown prince. When there were no others around, she didn’t care about this. However, under such circumstances, she should really be mindful of her behavior.

Just like Jiang Danhe, he was like a brother with Shao Zhan in private, but he could not act recklessly on the surface.

The carriage quickly started moving. Xiaoguo lifted the curtain and looked out.

Jiang Danhe rode in the lead, followed closely by Li Shouji. He was surrounded by armored soldiers and cavalrymen.

The soldiers with sharp spears surrounded the entire group. It was impenetrable and they felt very safe.

The emperor’s carriage was in the center, followed closely by the crown prince’s carriage.

As Xiaoguo was the general’s family, she was also in the center, right behind the crown prince’s carriage. Behind her were the ministers and their families. They were lined up according to their ranks and were arranged in an orderly manner at the back.

Xiaoguo glanced behind her and looked away. She lowered the curtain and sat back down.

She was the first to board the carriage just now. She had taken a good look at the other ministers’ families. Everyone was dressed in ordinary clothes and were very low-key but they all exuded a sense of nobility. Even their ages were a mystery. The ministers were so old, but their family members all looked so elegant and poised.

Xiaoguo felt that her temperament and looks were alright. She was relatively confident in her figure. Hence, she was not afraid of embarrassing Jiang Danhe. This time, she had specially brought very expensive and beautiful clothes with her to add luster to Jiang Danhe’s reputation.

Although she was not worried about Jiang Danhe getting blinded by the flowers and butterflies outside, she had to keep up with the pace. She must not allow herself to become an old hag. She wanted to be a super beautiful wife!

She made up her mind. When they arrived at their destination, the first thing she had to do was take a shower and dress up. It was not her goal to overwhelm everyone, but she hoped that she wouldn’t embarrass herself!

Xiaoguo didn’t expect the carriage to stop so quickly, but it suddenly stopped halfway through the journey. Xiaoguo looked outside curiously and saw that it was still dawn and it wasn’t lunchtime yet. Why did it stop? Had they arrived so quickly?

“Xiaoguo.” Just as she was wondering, Jiang Danhe rushed over and said succinctly, “We can’t board the boats today. We have to wait until tomorrow morning, so we have to spend the night at the fishing village.”

“A small fishing village?” Xiaoguo repeated. It sounded familiar. Wasn’t this the village she had heard of before, which was by the sea?

“That’s right. I’ll come to you later. Wait for me.”

As Jiang Danhe still had something to do, he explained to her briefly and rode back to the front.

In fact, he didn’t have to pass the message to her himself. However, he was worried about Xiaoguo, so he came to tell her in person. After reminding her and seeing her nod, he felt less worried.

Xiaoguo watched him leave and looked around. Didn’t they say that the fishing village was near the sea? Why was there no sea here? There was no beach in sight either.

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