Futuristic Chef Transmigrated As Mother

Chapter 177 - 177 How Stinky...

177 How Stinky…

“That’s right. This is my wife, this is my son, and this is Zhu Yang’s old butler.”

Jiang Danhe stood beside Xiaoguo and briefly introduced everyone.

Xiaoguo nodded at the butler in acknowledgment.

“Please come in. The food is ready.”

The old butler greeted them warmly and led them to the dining area.

Xiaoguo did end up holding Zhuang Zhuang’s hand. He was small and walked with small steps. How could he possibly keep up with the adults?

Zhuang Zhuang held Xiaoguo’s hand and secretly gave Jiang Danhe a smug look. “See, Mother still loves me the most.”

Jiang Danhe’s face darkened again. Zhuang Zhuang held Xiaoguo’s hand and swaggered in.

Jiang Danhe stood rooted to the ground. Xiaoguo turned around and said to him, “Let’s go.”

When he heard this, he grinned happily. In that instant, it seemed as if he was wagging his tail. “I’m coming!”

“My wife loves me too…”

Xiaoguo hid a smile. “How childish.”

Although the old butler was old, his legs were still strong. He walked rather quickly and entered the house first.

Soon, Zhu Yang strode out and immediately spotted Jiang Danhe’s… companion Xiaoguo, who was standing right beside him.

“This must be… Sister-in-law!”

Zhu Yang looked incredulous—his mouth was gaping. “Those who don’t know better would think that she’s your daughter.”

Zhu Yang circled around Xiaoguo in an exaggerated manner, making her feel a little embarrassed. He was a bit over the top.

“Tsk tsk tsk, Old Jiang, you look so old standing beside your wife.”

Zhu Yang pursed his lips and looked at Jiang Danhe with pity.

Xiaoguo covered her mouth and giggled. Jiang Danhe’s face turned red and he threw a kick at his friend.

Zhu Yang was already prepared and dodged to the side. Seeing that Zhu Yang was getting more and more excited and was raring to fight Jiang Danhe, Xiaoguo quickly spoke up.

“Zhuang Zhuang, greet Uncle.”

Zhu Yang and Jiang Danhe both snorted. Zhu Yang lowered his head and looked at Zhuang Zhuang with a loving expression. “Aiyo, my good nephew…”

“Hello, Uncle. My name is Jiang Qingwen. My nickname is Zhuang Zhuang. I’m three years old this year.”

Zhuang Zhuang straightened his clothes and spoke loudly.

“Hey, your son is much more chatty than you,”

Zhu Yang patted Zhuang Zhuang’s head and said to Jiang Danhe.

Then, he imitated Zhuang Zhuang and smoothed out his clothes while speaking in a serious tone, “Hello Zhuang Zhuang, my name is Zhu Yang. My nickname is Zhu Zhu. I’m 21 years old this year.”

“Hahahahaha…” Zhu Yang’s words made Zhuang Zhuang laugh out loud. He had never seen an adult behaving like this before.

Zhu Yang looked at Zhuang Zhuang and laughed along heartily, revealing his sparkly white teeth.

Xiaoguo was amused. Jiang Danhe’s buddy was such a joker. It was hard to imagine that he had three children. When Jiang Danhe was telling her about Zhu Yang in the carriage just now, she had thought that he was a mature man. After all, he already had three children. She had never expected him to be so young.

Jiang Danhe looked at the three people who were getting along so well and felt a tinge of jealousy in his heart. He had spent a lot of effort back then. Why was it so easy for them?

“Alright, alright. Are you going to let us in?”

Jiang Danhe’s begrudging voice did not attract their attention.

Zhu Yang clapped his hands and said happily, “Let’s go into the house. My wife and children are all inside.”

As he spoke, he led Zhuang Zhuang into the house first. He didn’t forget to shout, “Sister-in-law, come quickly. Old Jiang, just make yourself at home.”

With that, he walked into the house without looking back. Xiaoguo glanced at Jiang Danhe and snickered when he looked over. Then she followed behind Zhu Yang and Zhuang Zhuang.

Xiaoguo did not see Jiang Danhe’s aggrieved expression. His brows were twitching uncontrollably. After a while, he had no choice but to follow everyone into the house.

Zhu Yang’s wife was five years older than him. Zhu Yang called her Xiaoyang. The two of them had been married for twelve years. In the past four years, they had given birth to three children—the oldest was three years old and the youngest was just a month old. Xiaoyang, who was still in her confinement period, was holding a baby girl who had just finished feeding and was playing with her eyes wide open. The baby’s eyes were big and beautiful. Her cheeks were rosy and she looked extremely adorable. At this moment, she was reaching out her small hands, and grabbing at things.

Xiaoguo entered the room and chatted happily with Xiaoyang. The two of them were playing with the little baby while Zhuang Zhuang stood by their side. He looked at the child who was wrinkly all over. “You call this cute…?”

“Xiaoguo, come and carry her.”

Xiaoyang handed the baby in her arms to Xiaoguo.

“Huh?” Xiaoguo was nervous. She didn’t know where to put her hands. How does one carry such a small and soft child…

Xiaoguo’s heart softened when she saw the small child. She did her best to pick up the child from Xiao Yang’s arms. She was feeling awkward as this was her first time carrying a child. Her arms had become stiff and she did not dare to move her hands at all. She could only try to support the child’s neck and buttocks while keeping her hands steady.

Watching Xiaoguo from the side, Xiaoyang started to laugh softly.

Xiaoguo knew what she was laughing at. She had no choice but to summon Zhuang Zhuang over. “Come, Zhuang Zhuang. Come take a look at the baby.”

Since he was called out, Zhuang Zhuang walked over reluctantly and looked carefully at the child in Xiaoguo’s arms. “Okay, it doesn’t look so bad…”

He took a closer look at the baby, and she smiled at him with her eyes wide open. Zhuang Zhuang couldn’t help but grin. “Alright, she is indeed a little cute.”

Xiaoguo looked at Zhuang Zhuang, who was reluctant at first, but in his heart, he was starting to like the baby. She looked up and smiled, while exchanging glances with Xiaoyang.

Just as the atmosphere was getting better, the little girl in Xiaoguo’s arms suddenly scrunched up her face and trembled. Her face had also turned red from exertion.

Xiaoguo did not understand what was going on. Zhuang Zhuang leaned closer to look at her curiously. Only Xiaoyang, who was on the bed, understood those facial expressions on the baby’s face. Her heart skipped a beat, but before she could say anything to them, it was already too late.


Zhuang Zhuang was the closest, so he smelled it immediately. “It stinks!”

He jumped three steps back and looked at the small poisonous gas bomb. It smelled so bad!

At first, Xiaoguo didn’t know what was going on. Then she smelled something pungent. ” What is this smell??”

“Give her to me. She must have pooped…”

Xiaoguo stiffly handed the baby to her. She didn’t know that a child’s feces could be so impressive…

Xiaoyang was also a little embarrassed. She didn’t expect her child to poop such a big one…

Zhuang Zhuang and Xiaoguo inadvertently moved further away…

Xiaoguo was fine, but Zhuang Zhuang’s face was filled with resistance from that moment on. He no longer dared to go near the child and kept hiding behind Xiaoguo. No matter how Xiaoguo called out to him, he simply refused to budge.

This time, it was Xiaoguo’s turn to be embarrassed. Although the child’s feces was indeed smelly, he shouldn’t behave like this. “Oh my little Zhuang Zhuang!”

At that moment, they heard some commotion coming from outside the room.

“It must be Zhu Yang and the others coming over.”

Xiao Yang recognized her husband’s voice. Other than her husband, there were not many people who had such a hearty voice.

Xiaoguo nodded in agreement as she detected Jiang Danhe’s deep voice.

After hanging around in the house for a while, Zhu Yang had gotten Jiang Danhe to bring out his other two children. They were being taken care of by the nanny in another room. Since it was almost time for dinner, the children should also be brought out now.

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