Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3242 - Super Strategic Deception  

Chapter 3242: Super Strategic Deception


Zhang Daniu stared at him and asked, “What do you mean? What do you mean?”

“Nothing. I just want to show you how unique and important you are, and how important you are to the entire Earth and even the entire universe!”

Red Pole Star counted his fingers and said, “I didn’t know why the people on the battlefield of the universe chose you as the intermediary, but after I thought about it carefully, I realized that the choice was truly marvelous!

“First of all, as I said just now, the writing style, overall structure control, and characterization ability of this ‘intermediary medium’ must not be too strong, because the stories that took place in the four cultivation universes are too rich, too wonderful, too soul-stirring, and too soul-stirring. If a random writer of a higher level were to write it, it would be very easy for him to write a piece of popular, crazy young people’s work. Then, it would spread to ten people, ten people would spread to a hundred people, and it wouldn’t be long before it would be on the hot list of major search engines. The organization of the apocalypse and the will of the earth would immediately monitor everything and capture or erase the author in advance—what was the point of this? On the contrary, it would be sending important information to the enemy!

“That’s why the people on the battlefield of the universe chose you after thorough consideration. You are a writer who is capable enough to write such a splendid theme that is not as marvelous, not as well known, and very, uh, low-key!

“I—I still don’t understand.”

Zhang Daniu looked at Red Pole Star and then at Li Yao. “Then, do I have the capability or not?”

“If you have the ability, then you naturally have the ability. After all, not every writer can write such a theme like this!”

Red Extremity said, “Especially your writing style. It’s sloppy, long-winded, and full of nonsense. It’s just a tiny detail, yet you have to explain it time and time again. It’s clearly a theory that has been expounded several times, yet you have to tirelessly explain it over and over again. You clearly know that your writing style is bad, but you like to write a few idioms in one breath and pretend that your vocabulary is very gorgeous… Don’t look at me like that. I’m sincerely praising you. This is a reflection of your strength. This shows that you have the ability to create a large amount of redundant information. This is a very amazing thing. It is precisely by relying on a huge amount of redundant data that you can cover up the really crucial information. It caused the Heaven’s Origin Sector and the will of the earth to return in defeat in front of your novel. They were not able to discover the shining gold hidden in the dog’s… soil immediately!”

“I think this guy is quite annoying.”

Zhang Daniu was silent for a while before he turned to Li Yao and said, “Even more annoying than you.”

“It seems…”

Li Yao scratched his nose. “A little bit.”

“Don’t be like that. I’m speaking from the bottom of my heart. Maybe I should express my sincere gratitude to you on behalf of all the unwilling martyred spirits on the planet, or even all the people in the universe who are fighting hard. Although your work is nothing in the eyes of literature, from the perspective of strategical deception, it is invaluable!

“Maybe a long, long time ago, when the will of the earth was at its peak, it had unimaginable computational ability and data retrieval ability. It could monitor all the information released by the six billion heroic spirits at the same time. But as time went by, especially after the damage caused by the Battle of the Vulture, its computational ability, data retrieval ability, and reality distortion ability all declined significantly. It was impossible for it to monitor and change all the information on Earth at its will, especially now that it was faced with the fierce attacks in the battlefield of the universe. The forces that it could deploy to the interior of the planet were barely enough for it. As a result, it could not monitor every fantasy work and artwork on the planet in real time, nor could it scan every heroic spirit’s mental state and emotions every second. It could only monitor the people suspected to be ‘observers’ and ‘prisoners’ selectively!

“Do you understand, Master Niu? You have built a solid ‘Wall of Strategic Deception’ with the first 400-500 chapters of ‘40,000 Years of Cultivation’!

“A long time ago, when you first started writing this novel, the Heaven’s Origin Sector and the will of the earth must’ve scanned you. But you successfully fooled them. The redundant information you sent out must’ve made their heads dizzy, making them regard your works as countless boring, monotonous, and monotonous works of the same genre. After reading one chapter, they would know the next hundred chapters of the same genre. There must’ve been some sort of screening system. The logical judgement procedure went through precise calculations and came to the conclusion that it was not worth putting more computational power and monitoring resources on you and your works. They should pay more attention to the works that are truly imaginative and original like ‘Blood and Sand’, ‘Strong Colonization Hunters’, and ‘World of Stars’. This is the opportunity, this is the loophole, and this is the key to this shocking information war!”

“After 400-500 chapters of strategical deception, the people on the battlefield of the universe are finally able to project the truly important information into your brain remotely and release it with your own hands. Even at this moment, your creative style and your own strength are still playing an important role. You have used your barren writing style to cover up your brilliant imagination. You have used your routine to level up, fight monsters, and show off to drown out countless twisted and bizarre schemes. You have used your pale and powerless characters to cover up the brilliant brilliance of the heroes of the sea of stars to the greatest extent. You have turned them from fireflies in the dark night into floating dust under the sun. You have put on a camouflage uniform of a thousand people so that they can ‘sneak into the night’ with the wind and quietly sneak into the brain or even the depths of the target reader’s soul. With your own strength, you have delayed the Heaven’s Wrath and the will of the Earth from discovering the whole thing!

“Let’s take a look at the time when you wrote the novel. It’s been almost two years. You’ve written 2,000 chapters in two years. The overview and the main storyline of the four worlds have been written. The heroes of the sea of stars and their beliefs have surfaced, too. The struggle between the Pangu Clan and the Nuwa Clan, and even the civilizations that are above the Pangu Civilization… Everything has been vaguely reflected. It is safe to say that 80% of the critical information has been exported and disseminated! It was not until this moment that the Heaven’s Origin Sector and the will of the earth realized that something was wrong and attacked you. It was a very serious oversight and even a fatal mistake!

“It’s too late. They discovered it too late. The information has been sent out. The virus has spread out. The cancer cells have expanded to the maximum. All the preparations for the final battle have been completed. Even the will of the earth cannot change the final outcome. In the endless cycles of time, you are the only one who can fool it successfully. Isn’t that something to be proud of?”


Zhang Daniu did not know what kind of expression he should put on. His facial muscles wriggled for a while before he gnashed his teeth. “I’m so f*cking proud!”

“As for our target readers, or the people that Ding Lingdang and the rest of them want to wake up in the battlefield of the universe, they are naturally the heroic spirits with ‘Li Yao’s soul fragments’ embedded deep inside their brains, or the people who don’t have soul fragments but still have unquenchable hot blood and dreams deep inside their hearts.

Red Pole Star said, “These people don’t care that your language is boring, that your characters are dry, and that your plots are old-fashioned. They also like to use many idioms and say them eight times in a row on purpose, because they must be able to feel the ‘hot blood’, ‘soul’, and ‘free will’ hidden in the depths of the information streams of Ding Lingdang and the others. They will be deeply moved by these things, resonate with them, and enter a state similar to self-hypnosis. No matter how you write, they will persist in reading and will pursue Li Yao’s story. The story of the endless universe is also… their own story!”

“Yes, that’s me.”

Li Yao was deep in thought. “Although I also think that Teacher Niu’s work, uh, I’m not saying that it’s bad. I’m saying that it’s not good enough to win the literature award, but it is indeed filled with incredible magic that can make people reject it verbally, but their eyes and hands just can’t stop. For some reason, they just keep reading chapter by chapter. It’s like stinky tofu. It smells bad, but it’s delicious!”

“Because you have ‘Soul of Li Yao’ inside your body. You have boiling hot blood, an undying dream, a yearning for freedom, and a will to never yield to any power. You are the heroic spirit that has been searching for. Naturally, you can resonate with this work.”

“It’s like we are watching a movie shot by someone else and telling their story. Naturally, you will be picky about the plot, the camera, the appearance of the person, and so on. But if you are watching the family video shot by your family and recording your own story, the moment of happiness between you and your family, will you still care about the camera, the light, or the plot? No. It is the moment of your life where your laughter and unforgettable experiences are recorded. They are completely yours. You won’t care about the details at all, will you?”

Li Yao suddenly understood and nodded his head.

“Also, if it is a real creator of the arts, the ‘Type-1 Observers’ often have a very stubborn creative mind. They have their own creative methods and things that they want to talk about. Their will is very firm, and their brain is heavily guarded. They will definitely want to tell their own story. It is impossible for them to accept the projection of foreign information.

The Red Pole Star continued, “But Master Niu doesn’t have such a problem at all. In a sense, his brain is very… clean, his soul is very friendly, and his thinking is relatively simple. With the interference of foreign information, he immediately accepted it happily and never doubted why he wrote such a work.

“Besides, you live alone, don’t you, Master Niu? You don’t have many friends or a girlfriend. You don’t have any friends on the Nexus, either. No one will care what kind of weird phenomena you experience when you are writing. Such comprehensive conditions are too suitable for ‘information transmission and strategic deception’ missions!

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