Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3018 - Speed of Life and Death

Chapter 3018 Speed of Life and Death

Enhanced by the magical equipment, Li Yao’s roars turned into sharp electric arcs and slashed at the super plasma torrent brutally.

The thousands of cannonballs around him were accelerated by his life force, too. Dozens of them rushed out and exploded on the super plasma torrent.

The ‘incinerator’ of the Giant God Soldier, on the other hand, was emitting overwhelming spiritual flames, enlarging him into an awe-inspiring giant who was standing on the stars.

Bluffing was Li Yao’s specialty in the first place. Now that he was in the Soul Division Stage, he had trained the technique to the acme of perfection. The spiritual waves that he released right now were as powerful as a small fleet!

The super plasma torrent had indeed been fooled.

After a moment of consolidation and transformation, it lunged at Li Yao like a Lightning Snake King with thousands of heads.

When the lightning thousands of kilometers long suddenly expanded above his head into tens of thousands of kilometers long and hundreds of kilometers wide, it was not an exaggeration to say that every cell in Li Yao’s body was about to melt.

If the liquid crystal processor ‘Little Black’ had not covered his body and protected every inch of his skin, his hair and hair would’ve been burnt.


Li Yao screamed and stomped on a meteorite that had been locked onto for a long time. He suddenly accelerated and dashed forward in the stone belt.

Behind him was lightning and thunder, and in front of him was a rain of meteorites. Riding the ‘Arsonist’, Li Yao performed the most thrilling and marvelous escape in his life.

Manipulated by him, the giant soldier weighing hundreds of tons was as light as a dry leaf, as agile as a butterfly, and as agile as a spark. It turned into a streak of redness and treated the meteorites as stepping stones. With the help of the energy from the annihilation of the meteorites, it accelerated, accelerated, and accelerated!

The thunder was roaring. The sharp claws behind him reached out time and time again, only to brush past them narrowly. The hundreds of meteoroids were merely crushed, vaporized, and obliterated into mist that surrounded the plasma, adding to the unparalleled power and horror of the thunder. Calculating the trajectories of the meteoroids that were coming at him crazily and the route where he would jump and run away after using them as stepping stones consumed 120% of Li Yao’s computational ability. After only three to five seconds of running, his brain was boiling and exploding like magma. In order to cool down his brain, he even asked ‘Little Black’ to extract some professional cooling liquids for him so that he could cool down his brain. Although it was effective, his entire face was smeared with black charcoal.

He did not dare jump out of the stone belt and run into space.

In the empty vacuum, there was nowhere to run to. There was a limit to the speed of the giant soldier. There was no way that he could outrun the torrents of pure energy.

Only in the extremely unstable ‘Ancient Thirteen’s’ halo, the material eruption belt that looked like a mudslide, could he borrow the momentum to accelerate or change his direction time and time again, or he could treat the gravitational field of ‘Ancient Thirteen’ as his own ‘gravity slingshot’, and he could kick large-scale meteoroids into the super plasma torrent to weaken the enemy’s energy.

Li Yao never believed in ghosts. He only believed in objective facts and natural laws.

Conservation of energy was a truth that every existence in the Pangu Universe had to abide by. Regardless of whether or not the super plasma torrent was a real life, it was bound to release a lot of energy when it was crushing and vaporizing the meteoroids. Then, it would not be long before it collapsed and perished. It was a race between life and death.

Li Yao was going to kill it with himself as the bait!

Hiu! Hiu Hiu Hiu Hiu Hiu Hiu!

Thousands of lightning bolts were released by the super plasma torrent, which jammed the scanning system of the ‘Arsonist’, filling Li Yao’s ears with the sound of wind and screams.

The meteorites in front of him suddenly became sparse. Li Yao slowed down because he had nowhere to run to.

The super plasma torrent appeared less than fifty kilometers away from him in the blink of an eye. Like a giant beast that had covered the entire universe, it bared thousands of crushing tusks.

This was the most crucial moment. Their life and death depended on this! Li Yao’s eyes bulged. Suddenly, he turned off all the units of the arsonist!

Spiritual shields, magnetic fields, power units, and even the rune arrays to adjust the temperature inside the giant soldier were all turned off.

Every pore on his body was locked tight, trying not to leak any spiritual energy. Li Yao’s face was as pale as a corpse.

The ‘Arsonist’ suddenly turned into a meteoroid that was drifting in the current. In the continuous collisions with the dozens of meteoroids, he staggered and walked in a weird route.

Sure enough, the super plasma torrent halted the pursuit.

Once again, it stretched out 10,000 “snakeheads” that were interweaved with lightning. However, each head was like a viper with extremely poor eyesight. It could only rely on its temperature to sense its prey. Once its prey found a way to lower its own temperature to the same as its surroundings, it could only turn a blind eye.

The super plasma torrent flowed slowly from less than ten kilometers away from Li Yao.

Li Yao could even see that, at the center of the electric arcs, the lightning formed countless regular 3D geometric patterns, which were so beautiful that they vanished in the blink of an eye.

If Li Yao were to let go of all his pores at this moment, his sweat would probably overflow into the spiritual residence of the giant soldier.

After half a minute of suffering, Li Yao finally had a taste of what it meant to live a day like a year.

It was not until a long time after the super plasma torrent passed by and the distribution and speed of the meteorites nearby were calculated clearly that he took a deep breath.


The ‘Incendiary Soldier’ was activated again!


Flames surged out of the back of the arsonist and condensed into a giant foot. Li Yao kicked the ass of the arsonist hard and ran away with all his strength again! It took Li Yao only 0.5 seconds to go from absolute stillness to more than five times the speed of sound. Even the Nascent Soul Stage Cultivators and the Divinity Transformation Stage Cultivators who were best known for their speed could not be faster than him.

Although the super plasma torrent had sensed his existence, the distance between the two parties was still hundreds of kilometers. Besides, the super plasma torrent had to change its direction by brute force. Naturally, more energy would be consumed.

When it bared its fangs and brandished its claws, chasing after him again with a murderous aura, Li Yao did exactly what he had done. He turned off all the array glyphs of the Giant God Soldier, converged his spiritual energy to the point that not even a drop of water could leak out, and turned himself into an ordinary, ordinary meteorite.

It was a subtle tactic and a competition of patience and determination.

Li Yao could not restrain his spiritual energy for a long time. If so, the torrents of super plasma would certainly abandon his target and look for the starships of the exploration fleet whose temperature had not dropped to zero yet.

However, he could not release his spiritual energy for a long time, either. If so, his small boat, which was riddled with holes, would be wrecked in the sea of lightning at any moment.

That was why Li Yao told Ding Lingdang that it was a mission that only he could carry out.

It was because nobody else in the entire Pangu Universe had such a thorough understanding of the Giant God Soldier and such precise control over spiritual energy as him.

“Come on! I’m releasing my spiritual energy again! Can you feel it? Come after me!”

“Right now, I’ve retracted all my spiritual energy. Even the Giant God Soldier has been turned off to the useless state. What can you do to me, big dummy?

“Come on, I’m going to jump out again. I’m going to shrink back. Come and hit me. Torture me ruthlessly, idiot. I’m going to jump out again. I’m going to shrink back!”

Li Yao was jumping and dancing among the meteorites, trying to attract the attention of the super plasma torrent so that the enemy would not have time to perceive the situation of the exploration fleet.

It was a protracted tug-of-war.

In only a few seconds, his spiritual energy had soared from the highly-concealed state to the burning state. Both the human body and the Giant God Soldier were in excruciating pain.

It was like heating a metal from -100°C to -2,000°C in the blink of an eye, almost reaching the melting point, and then dropping to -0,000°C in the blink of an eye. The process was repeated dozens of times. Although it was not obvious on the surface, the metal elements, the spiritual energy fuel, and every cell on Li Yao’s body were all covered in tiny cracks.

Li Yao felt that he had turned into a blue and white porcelain bottle. If he was hit by the meteoroid again, he would be completely shattered.

But the super plasma torrent was not any better.

“It’s shrunk. Its size seems to have shrunk, its brightness has diminished, and its central temperature and temperature have both dropped!”

Li Yao’s eyes almost pierced through the ‘Arsonist’s’ light beam. No. It was not an illusion. The probe magical equipment of the ‘Arsonist’ had recorded its parameters clearly. Its size, brightness, and central temperature were indeed much lower than before.

Right now, it was only seven to eight hundred kilometers in diameter. Its main color had changed from bright purple to deep blue. A lot of lightning had withered and perished during the bombardment. The hideous snake heads had been chopped off by Li Yao’s will!

Every second, its energy was flowing and dispersing at a visible speed. Its magnetic field could no longer restrain its regular body. Like an out-of-control cancer, it released fuzzy halos and spread out.

It was tired, hungry, hungry, exhausted, and on the verge of death.

At this moment, forty-five minutes had passed since the hunting and the escape began.

Li Yao knew that it was the limit of the exploration fleet. After such a long time of bombardment from the meteoroid showers, all the starships were on the verge of collapse and wouldn’t be able to hold on for another second. They had to activate the faltering spiritual shields and magnetic fields and drive out of the stone belts with the strongest impetus.

Then, this was the moment of the final battle. As he expected, as soon as the thought popped up in his head, the arsonist detected that almost a hundred light spots far away from him had suddenly exploded, shaking off the powder all over their bodies and opening their wings like fireflies.

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