Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 2639 - 2639 What Did the Moon Empress Mean by This?

Chapter 2639 - 2639 What Did the Moon Empress Mean by This?

2639 What Did the Moon Empress Mean by This?

There was no way that the Radiance Federation would be willing to share freely in the face of such a crisis. If they could, he would not be as troubled as he was now!

The burly, short-haired man with a few black scales on his head chuckled wryly.

“Second Brother, we are not here to negotiate with the Radiance Federation but to request their help! Let’s stop with the discussions. As long as the Radiance Federation is willing to help us, we will do our best to meet their conditions!

“Watch your words when we meet with the Moon Empress later. Do not make the Radiance Federation feel like we are threatening them with the favor we have done for them!”

The short blue-haired man with two light green moles by the corner of his eye hurriedly said, “Big Brother, when have we ever been pushed to such a degree? Our sea clans will be the main troops in dealing with the dead spirits crisis that will befall the entire world.

“There will be many more dead spirits rising from the sea than the land. It’s obvious that our jobs will be harder—”

The rest of his words were cut off.

“Second Brother, you have to get one thing clear. The humans don’t need the sea clans’ help to face this crisis! If we hadn’t become aware of the Radiance Federation’s might and gotten a glimpse of their capabilities, we wouldn’t have been so easily convinced to help them with their migration!

“We control all of the sea clans in the sea, but the Radiance Federation is not directly affected by whether the other federations live or die. We are helping the other federations and not the Radiance Federation.

“The humans have always fought with each other. When have they ever decided to band together to form an alliance? If we’re only talking about the Radiance Federation, we do not have much of an upper hand!

“Don’t forget that you have also done your own investigation and confirmed that it’s true that metal-type stone boards have been laid down below the entire Radiance Federation! This means that the rumor about the Radiance Federation taking over the subterranean world is true. Otherwise, how could so many Land Imps be activated to help the Radiance Federation with this operation?

“Second Brother, your view of things is too superficial. Ice Flow sees things much clearer than you can!”

The elegant man with long black hair that reached the ground also sighed.

The Vast Sea Labyrinth was currently being forced to take action. They would inevitably have to surrender some control to the Radiance Federation. All they could do was hope that the Radiance Federation did not go overboard!

Frankly, there was nothing the Vast Sea Labyrinth could do even if the Radiance Federation chose to go overboard.

He had sought out Purple Love in the hopes she could act as a bridge that protected them. But she had turned him down.

This told Ice Flow that Purple Love cared more about her relationship with the Radiance Federation than she did with the Vast Sea Labyrinth.

Previously, the Moon Empress had already gone to see the Vast Sea Labyrinth’s three leaders in a very formal manner. Hence, she did not need to be equally ceremonial this time. Instead, she took Lin Yuan directly to where the three leaders were staying.

The three figures stood up when the Moon Empress entered with Lin Yuan behind her. The Moon Empress greeted them.

The three of them knew of Lin Yuan but did not know why the Moon Empress had brought her disciple with her. It was not suitable to have a junior present at such a meeting!

From their expressions, the Moon Empress could tell that the Heavenly Family Cottage had not told them about Lin Yuan.

The Moon Empress did not walk in immediately. Instead, she solemnly introduced Lin Yuan to the three of them. “This is my disciple, Lin Yuan. He will be the one having the discussion with you today.”

The three leaders’ faces fell. The Moon Empress’ words sounded like she was not taking them seriously or joking.

They were about to discuss the collaboration between their faction and the humans in light of the impending catastrophe. Yet, they would have to conduct their discussion with such a young man!

What did the Moon Empress mean by this?

Normally, the three of them would have immediately flown into a fit of rage. They might have even declared the Radiance Federation to be an enemy.

This treatment was akin to one showing genuine sincerity when visiting a prestigious family, only to be greeted by a trivial member of the family. This crossed the line!

Alas, the Vast Sea Labyrinth needed to ask the Radiance Federation for help. As such, the three of them were in no position to throw a tantrum.

The three of them calmly met the Moon Empress’ eyes before they each reached out their hands to Lin Yuan.

The well-built man with black scales on his face was the first to extend his arm. “My name is Ice Wave. I am one of the Vast Sea Labyrinth’s leaders. These two are my younger brothers. This is Ice Flow, and this is Ice Clarity.”

Lin Yuan smiled as he shook Ice Wave’s hand before doing the same with Ice Flow and Ice Clarity.

Next, he took out three brocade boxes and handed one to each of them. “The Radiance Federation hasn’t been able to make contact with the Vast Sea Labyrinth because we have been much too busy recently. This is a gift from the Radiance Federation to our friends and also a small gesture from Master and me.”

The three of them felt less aggravated when they heard what Lin Yuan said. They realized Lin Yuan was no normal human young man. Otherwise, he would not have been able to say something like that.

It would not be polite for them to open the brocade boxes in front of those who had gifted them to them.

Ice Wave, Ice Clarity, and Ice Flow stored the brocade boxes away before they thanked Lin Yuan and the Moon Empress.

Frankly, the three of them did not think much of the contents of the brocade boxes.

They might have a higher regard for these gifts if they had come from the Moon Empress. But since the young man had prepared them, they likely contained some spiritual ingredients or potions concocted by Creation Masters.

Once Lin Yuan and the Moon Empress were seated, Ice Wave did not beat around the bush and immediately brought up the Vast Sea Labyrinth’s problem.

There was no need to hide such a matter.

If the Radiance Federation truly intended to help the Vast Sea Labyrinth with their issue, they would do so immediately after he brought it up. But if they never wanted to help the Vast Sea Labyrinth in the first place, it would not matter what he said.

In the face of such a disaster, every second was tied to the survival of many sea lifeforms. If the Radiance Federation was unwilling to help, the Vast Sea Labyrinth could make other preparations as soon as possible rather than being sitting ducks.

In actuality, Ice Wave believed that with the Moon Empress’ intelligence, she would already have deduced their reason for coming.

The Moon Empress broke out in a cold sweat when she heard about the sea clans’ situation.

Ice Wave spoke with extreme sincerity and did not try to hide anything about the problem that the sea clans were facing.

If she had not already spoken with Lin Yuan, the Moon Empress would have no way of helping the sea clans and would have no choice but to disappoint Ice Wave.

The sea clans were in a much tougher situation than the humans were in.

As Ice Wave had said, all lifeforms in the main world lived in the sea from the first to third epoch.

But now that Lin Yuan could combine the five dimensional worlds with the main world, there would be sufficient space in the water world to house all the sea clans.

The Moon Empress did not see this meeting as a deliberation with the Vast Sea Labyrinth.

This was firstly because the Vast Sea Labyrinth had already shown sufficient sincerity. They did not need to try and gain the upper hand over the Vast Sea Labyrinth. Secondly, there was nothing that Vast Sea Labyrinth could do to force Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan purely wanted to help all the sea clans and rescue the entire main world.

This was why the Moon Empress had allowed Lin Yuan to take the lead in this discussion.

If she intended to deliberate, the Moon Empress would have helped Lin Yuan to make contact with the Vast Sea Labyrinth.

Lin Yuan coughed softly. This cough struck Ice Flow, Ice Wave, and Ice Clarity. The three of them knew that this cough and this young man’s response could determine the fate of all the sea clans.

The three of them all felt a sense of foreboding.

This young man’s expression had not changed in the slightest after hearing what they said. He did not seem to be mulling over the pros and cons of helping them.

Could it be that the Moon Empress had predicted they would be asking for help and was unwilling to make a decision herself for fear of hurting the relationship between the Radiance Federation and the Vast Sea Labyrinth? Thus, she was pushing her disciple to make the decision instead?

Ice Wave took a deep breath. He had anticipated a result where the Moon Empress refused to help them.

The Radiance Federation didn’t need to help the Vast Sea Labyrinth, and this would not be easy help to provide either.

Even if the Radiance Federation refused to help, Ice Wave had no intention of recalling the Island Whales.

It would be better not to go back on his word!

They did not currently have any other use for the Island Whales as the sea clans did not need to use them for transportation.

Ice Flow and Ice Clarity had the same thoughts as Ice Wave.

Since the three of them had already prepared themselves for the worst, their first emotion after hearing what Lin Yuan said was not happiness. Rather, it was disbelief!

“You have guessed right. The Radiance Federation has indeed taken control of the subterranean world and can allocate the Land Imps. But based on what you have said, I don’t think sending the Land Imps into the sea to lay down the metal-type stone boards is the best course of action.

“The seabed is much harder than land. The Land Imps are afraid of water and can’t work properly at the bottom of the sea. As opposed to this plan, there are better ways to protect the sea clans.”

Ice Flow, Ice Clarity, and Ice Wave blinked a few times.

Although this young man had not explicitly agreed to help, he did say there were better ways to protect the sea clans.

Ice Clarity, the most anxious of them, hurriedly asked, “What do you have in mind? There are tens of millions of lifeforms living in the sea. It won’t be easy to protect all of them! If there isn’t a place where the sea clans can be sheltered from the dead spirits’ invasion, they will eventually be swallowed by the dead spirits.”

Although Ice Clarity had an impulsive streak, he had highlighted the key issue the sea clans were facing.

His words reminded Lin Yuan there would be no way to solve the sea clans’ issue if they could not find a safe haven for them.

Normally, Ice Flow was the one who liaised with other factions on the Vast Sea Labyrinth’s behalf. He knew that humans liked to leverage whatever advantage they had.

Ice Flow thought that Lin Yuan would also try to corner them. Yet, he said, “The sea clans are asking for too little. A safe haven won’t be enough to keep them safe from the dead spirits crisis.

“Besides the subterranean world, the Radiance Federation has also taken control of the water world. We have a way to combine the water world with the main world. All the sea clans can move into the water world. At that time, due to the water world’s lack of ley lines that have been infected by death aura, we can build defenses there.

“Additionally, the Dictators, Apostles, and other dimensional worlds in the water world can also become the sea clans’ companions and help them fend off the dead spirits’ invasion. Does my plan meet your satisfaction?”

Lin Yuan had spoken in a straightforward manner. Even someone dim-witted could understand him.

However, his words went beyond the three brothers’ comprehension. All at once, astonishment, excitement, and exhilaration rushed into their heads, causing them to feel dizzy!

If what this young man said was true, all their problems would be solved!

The sea clans would be able to live in the water world.

They had also encountered water world dimensional rifts in the past.

At that time, the water world dimensional lifeforms and sea clans were bitter enemies. But now, they were about to become comrades.

Although the three brothers were shocked, they did not think the Radiance Federation was lying.

The Moon Empress was sitting right here, and she had not rebuked anything her disciple had said.

If the Radiance Federation had any intention of lying to the sea clans, it would be pointless and result in the sea clans eventually seeking revenge on them. The sea clans would never accept being lied to!

Ice Wave, Ice Flow, and Ice Clarity forcefully composed themselves before they thanked the Moon Empress and Lin Yuan and asked, “How does the Radiance Federation intend to combine the main world with the water world? Will we need to do anything during this process?”

Lin Yuan did some calculations before he said, “About 15 days later, the other federations will have migrated to the Radiance Federation’s vicinity. At that time, the Radiance Federation will combine the main world with the dimensional worlds.

You can start relocating the sea clans to the Radiance Federation immediately. This will help more sea clans reach the Radiance Federation before the crisis of the dead spirits occurs. Ensuring this is the primary task for the sea clans.

“After merging the water world with the main world, I will arrange for the two main factions of the water world, Grace Sacred Hall and Mermaid Forbidden Sea, to establish contact with you.

So far, everything that Lin Yuan had done had been in secret. Once he was done weaponizing the Radiance Federation, he became assured.

There was no way they could hide the migration of the federations from Tower Canon.

Tower Canon’s inaction meant they cared more about triggering the start of the Sleeper’s Revival plan than stopping the migration.

Since they could not hide this from Tower Canon, they could cause as large of a commotion as possible.

Even if Tower Canon tried to take action against them, they would not be able to know what to do immediately.

Lin Yuan was racing against Tower Canon for time. He could also use this time before the dead spirits crisis began to find more information about Epoch God Palace.

As feys and the Vast Sea Labyrinth’s leaders, Ice Flow, Ice Wave, and Ice Clarity had very long lifespans. They likely knew more about Epoch God Palace than Eighth Page Apoptosis did!

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