Fey Evolution Merchant

Chapter 1595 - A Blueprint that Sends Chills Up Night Leaning Moon's Spine

Chapter 1595: A Blueprint that Sends Chills Up Night Leaning Moon’s Spine

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

There was a purple moon in the marsh world.

Lin Yuan decided to take the Moon Empress with him to the marsh world to harvest the purple moon and take control of it.

This would allow the Moon Empress to gain another moon, and her power should increase.

Blood New Moon, Blue Lotus, and White Phoenix had said that there were two of the Eight Pages of Tower Canon who would be coming to attend the Radiance Hundred Sequence selection and that three of them were going to kill these two Pages while they were in the Radiance Federation.

It would be a clash of top experts.


Lin Yuan felt that it would benefit the entire situation if the Moon Empress increased her power.

Lin Yuan immediately turned Night Leaning Moon’s offer down.

“Auntie Night, if there will be a two-day long imperial meeting starting tomorrow, I need to do something with Master tonight. Once I clinch a spot in the Radiance Hundred Sequence, I will go and have that meal with you.”

Night Leaning Moon did not force Lin Yuan. She knew that he had to have something important to do if he was going to see the Moon Empress at this juncture.

However, Night Leaning Moon was still uncomfortable.

This Radiance Hundred Sequence selection would bring glory to whoever was chosen.

However, the glory was not without its risks.

Lin Yuan was not even 19 years old, yet he was already going to fight under the watchful gazes of thousands for the sake of the Radiance Federation’s glory.

All of these young people had done everything they could to improve themselves.

Cicada Song had mentioned that Gao Feng had contracted an impressive sacred source lifeform.

Cicada Song was very pragmatic.

If he praised Gao Feng’s sacred source lifeform, it meant that this sacred source lifeform had to be very powerful.

Night Leaning Moon took a deep breath and said, “Once the Radiance Hundred Sequence selection is over, I will prepare all the ingredients and ask You Zhe to prepare a feast for you and Little Jie.”

Night Leaning Moon never excelled at cooking.

In order to cook porridge for the Moon Empress, Night Leaning Moon had sought Chef Supreme’s tutelage.

In the end, she accidentally set Kitchen Fragrance Palace on fire.

This was the reason for the grudge between Chef Supreme and Night Leaning Moon and why he had not spoken a word to her in five years.

Night Leaning Moon was never going to learn how to cook.

However, You Zhe perfectly made up for this area where she was lacking.

Night Leaning Moon felt that You Zhe might not be as good as Liu Jie, but he did not lose out to Kitchen Fragrance Palace in any way.

After ending the call, Lin Yuan used Node Transportation and sent himself to the edge of the Spirit Guards’ land.

The Ethereal Jellyfish had reached Diamond X/Legend.

Although it still showed no signs of comprehending a Willpower Rune, the Ethereal Jellyfish already had more than 1,000 tentacles.

When any tentacle was broken off, and an Item-Storing Walnut was used, the Ethereal Jellyfish would be able to grow another one out in two days.

This meant that Lin Yuan could have 2,000 tentacles every two days if he wanted.

With so many tentacles, Lin Yuan would not have to be so frugal with his usage of them.

It could be said that there was no place in the Royal Capital that Lin Yuan could not teleport to.

However, this was the first time that Lin Yuan had come to the Spirit Guards’ land.

In order to express his respect, he was going to walk in.

There seemed to be no one guarding the Spirit Guards’ land, but there were actually countless Guard Envoys hiding in the shadows to protect the Spirit Guards’ land.

These Guard Envoys all recognized Lin Yuan.

If anyone else tried to walk into the Spirit Guards’ land, they would immediately stop him and investigate him thoroughly,

Lin Yuan realized that there were almost no decorations within the Spirit Guards’ land. Everything was designed very minimalistically and was permeated with the smell of metal and blood.

When he walked to the iron bridge, he saw that Night Leaning Moon was waiting for him at the center of the bridge.

The spring breeze was gentle, yet the bridge was swinging violently.

Nonetheless, this did not affect Lin Yuan.

Close Guard Sand appeared by his feet and helped him find balance in accordance with the swinging of the bridge.

Thus, no matter how the bridge swung, Lin Yuan continued to walk as though he was on flat ground.

But even without Close Guard Sand, Lin Yuan would not be afraid.

He had obtained combat skills and fighting strategies after he ate the Muscle Hyperthymesia Grass.

Even if the bridge started swinging ten times more violently, Lin Yuan could continue walking steadily on.

When Lin Yuan drew nearer to Night Leaning Moon, she acted as though she had just seen a junior she was very familiar with.

She gently patted Lin Yuan’s shoulder and said, “I already informed Little Jie. However, the side effects of the insect species carcinoma feys left him completely drained of spiritual power. Hence, he couldn’t come out and see you with me. But by the time you arrive in the Spirit Guards’ land, he should have recovered.”

Night Leaning Moon did not tell Liu Jie that Lin Yuan would be bringing him something transformative. All she said was that Lin Yuan was coming to see him.

She did not expect her silly disciple to become so excited that he would move his focus off of the Spirit Burning Prion Insect.

Once he lost focus, he would have to return all of the spirit qi that he took from the Spirit Burning Prion Insect.

Luckily, Liu Jie had only been trying to take on 500 of the Spirit Burning Prion Insects.

If there were 2000 of them and he suddenly lost focus, he would be incapacitated for four hours.

Liu Jie had always worked hard as Lin Yuan’s retainer.

In the beginning, Night Leaning Moon felt that Liu Jie’s goal of wanting to protect a singular person reminded her too much of the old her.

If something happened to that person, their faith would crumble, and that would be the end of their lives.

But now, Night Leaning Moon felt that this road of singular faith was not a bad thing for Liu Jie.

It was just like how the person that Night Leaning Moon wanted to chase was not bad for her either.

While Lin Yuan walked next to Night Leaning Moon, he pondered for a moment before he took out the Firefly Demon Fetus and handed it to Night Leaning Moon as he said, “Auntie Night, look at this source time item. Do you think it will be able to help Liu Jie like I said it could?”

Night Leaning Moon was a pinnacle Class 4 Creation Master.

Although her talent prevented her from advancing further and becoming a Class 5 Creation Master, she was already satisfied.

After all, Mystic Moon was also a pinnacle Class 4 Creation Master.

Although she was not stronger than Mystic Moon, she did not lose to him in terms of Creation Master talent either. This was enough.

Hence, Night Leaning Moon immediately recognized the Firefly Demon Fetus’ abilities.

At this moment, Night Leaning Moon’s body started to tremble.

A blueprint that sent shivers up Night Leaning Moon’s spine unrolled in front of her eyes.

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