Ferocious Boss: Hubby, Let’s Get Married

Chapter 534 - Stupid Girl, This Is A Kiss!

Chapter 534: Stupid Girl, This Is A Kiss!

Ji Mianmian struggled, trying to retaliate. However, Ye Shaoguang managed to hold on to some unknown pressure point on her hard, paralyzing it, causing her to lose her strength.

Ji Mianmian panicked. She opened her mouth to bite him, but instead gave Ye Shaoguang the chance to take it further.

Ye Shaoguang pried open her teeth and pushed right in.

Ji Mianmian’s eyes almost popped out. Ye Shaoguang that shameless scoundrel actually sent his tongue into her mouth…

Ye Shaoguang’s original intention was to teach Ji Mianmian a small lesson and let her go, but the moment he kissed her, he changed his mind. Since he was already kissing her, what difference did it make if it was a little longer or shorter?

Ji Mianmian felt faint, her lungs feels suffocated.

Ye Shaoguang must be a monster. Addressing him as a demon was right. Ji Mianmian felt that her rational thoughts were slowly being sucked away by Ye Shaoguang. He was like an incubus from the horror stories.

Luckily, Ji Mianmian held onto her last vestige of common sense. She lifted her leg trying to give Ye Shaoguang’s groin a devious kick.

Unfortunately, Ye Shaoguang was guarding against that move. He suddenly let go of Ji Mianmian and pushed her away with just enough strength to push her past the door.

With no strength in her body, Ji Mianmian’s legs gave way and sat on the floor from the push. The hotel hallway was carpeted so it would not hurt even when seated on the floor.

Ye Shaoguang gave a condescending stare at Ji Mianmian, lifted his long slender fingers and run them lightly over his luscious red lips, curling upwards lightly forming a seductive smile: “Stupid girl, remember well. This is a kiss. What you did was considered biting.”

Ji Mianmian’s brain was still running high, but when she heard the last statement, her fiery rage immediate burned strong, “hey, say that again?”

She jumped up and tried to rush up to him, but before she could get close, Ye Shaoguang slammed the door shut.

The moment the door shut, a sentence followed suit: “Ji Mianmian, I’ll let you go this time…but, no more next time.”

Ji Mianmian was stunned. Her numb lips trembled even more as she tried to speak, causing more numbness.

Ji Mianmian banged on the door: “Damn demon, what do you mean?”

“Hey, clarify yourself.”

Ye Shaoguang had his back to the door. The vibrations of the door was transmitted to his body, barely feeling Ji Mianmian’s strength.

Ye Shaoguang’s lips curled up slightly, with two parts of cruelty, three parts of bloodlust, and five parts of evil.

He was not running a charity like the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

Ji Mianmian delivered herself to his door, but he let her go this time. That was already the first good deed he had, however, it will not happen again.

Ye Shaoguang walked to the sofa, sat down, then used the hotel phone and gave the front desk a call: “Someone is creating a ruckus outside my door and disturbing me from resting. Have the security throw her out.” He then ended the call. Ye Shaoguang looked at the door while listening to the knocking sound, his mood suddenly improved.

Ji Mianmian was dragged out by four security officers of big stature.

No matter how strong Ji Mianmian was, she was just a human, and a girl at that.

The security guards threw her at the door and warned her not to go in again. Ji Mianmian rubbed her swollen lips and muttered through gritted teeth: “That scumbag…”

Luckily she destroyed the evidence, so that day was considered a success.

‘Hmph, the next time I see you, I’ll slam you to death.’

Ji Mianmian got in the car and sent Yan Qingsi a message: Goddess, your method was really effective. Mission accomplished, it is done!

After sending the message, Ji Mianmian was in a good mood. ‘Who cares what he meant. Today I used my goddess’ first technique and settled the issue. So happy, my goddess was right!!’

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