Fate Online: Shadow

Chapter 439: The Ghost of the Past (6)

Chapter 439: The Ghost of the Past (6)

“It’s show time”

[This is Peacock, I see them. Northwestern side, he’s in a black hoodie, and he’s with the girl. Should I take the shot sir?]

[Are you trying to cause chaos down there? Just be ready!]

“It seems they’ve also arrived,” Tony said after she heard the conversation from the authorities through the radio in their hands.

“When do we start?”

“Once Randy takes the first shot”

“Do you think he will kill him?”

“He won’t”

While the conversation between Miya and Tony were taking place, another place was also about to start the “party”.

In front of a convenience store, parked an ordinary looking eight wheeler truck. Inside it, there was Olivia, the police captain and the operators operating the various monitors that took most of the space inside the truck, and on them are scenes coming live through the surveillance cameras spread throughout Central Park.

“He’s here” said the Police Captain as he turned to look at Olivia.

With her arms crossed, Olivia replied with a frown while watching the man who had kidnapped her daughter in one of the screens inside, “I heard, but why did he come alone with just my daughter? Isn’t he supposed to be working with someone? They trust him this much?”

The police captain was also suspicious so he immediately radioed everyone saying, “Status report on our suspects”

[This is Pikachu, everything is normal, over]

[This is Mantis, all good on my side sir, over]

[Raven, so far so good sir. He’s still drinking his coffee, over]

[This is Chestnut…]

[This is…]

Reports from different officers simultaneously arrived, hearing that everything was normal made the police captain scratch his head as he even thought that they made a mistake identifying the accomplices of the kidnappers, but were in fact, just ordinary civilians.

Confused, he tilted his head to the side and thought furiously, ‘But these individuals all have various crimi- wait a second! Is there a chance that this kidnapping is actually just a smoke screen? Crap, isn’t there a meeting between the city mayor and a representative from Mine Tech. Industries happening tonight?’


‘But that place is even more heavily armed than the combined force of the entire city police. If that is their objective, then they are bold and even more dangerous than I predicted’



Startled out of his thoughts by the sudden shout beside him, the police captain couldn’t help but also yell back at the operator, but then noticed Olivia frowning at him, and his embarrassment became even more apparent when he noticed his officers looking at him, probably bewildered at his sudden outburst.

“Apologies, I was deep in my thoughts” said the police captain, no one has a clue if he was actually apologizing to his men or to Olivia since he was facing her when he uttered those words.

Then he turned towards the operator who was talking to him earlier and said, “So what happened?”

“The suspect has arrived at the meet up point, but he’s demanding to see Ms. Olivia sir” said the operator as he gave Olivia a quick glance.

The police captain looked at Olivia, and the latter immediately nodded her head saying, “I’ll do it, I’ve been itching to beat him up since this morning”

The police captain and the other officers just smiled to themselves when they heard her words.

Following that, the captain quickly led Olivia down the truck and made their way towards the park.

As the duo walked along the busy streets tonight, she saw people laughing and walking around, and cars cruising along the road.

An everyday sight of the locals of the city, either people are going home from work or to some other destinations.

Oblivious to the fact that there’s a kidnapping currently happening in the city, and the fact that such a thing is happening right in the middle of Central Park.

Even with her family’s current situation, Olivia couldn’t help but slightly pity them, why?

It’s because it’s always the ordinary folks who are always the last ones to hear about important events taking place around them or current events happening around the world.

A good example was an epidemic that happened almost ten years back that struck a country in the east.

Thanks to the governments covering it up, the population of the world became oblivious to the horrors taking place in that city, and people only found out about such news after a month or so when the government finally couldn’t contain the news from leaking when the virus started appearing in other countries.

Everyone was shocked when they learned of it, and upon learning about the repercussions that it can bring to people, the humans started living in fear.

They hid inside their homes or to some isolated places they can find just so that they can lessen their contact with others.

It was like an apocalyptic event suddenly struck the world one day from out of nowhere, and the humans suddenly disappeared, there were no cars or even people walking on the streets.

It was like Thanos came and snapped his fingers.

The world literally lived in fear.

“The police are really capable of hiding the news about tonight’s event, right captain?” said Olivia as she donned on a bulletproof vest that was handed to her.

Processing her words, the captain looked at her in astonishment for a few seconds before saying, “What do you mean? Wasn’t it you who hid the news about your daughter’s kidnapping? The police isn’t that capable ma’am, even the mayor’s hands can’t cover the whole city”

Dumbfounded, Olivia just stared at him.


In another corner of the city.

Inside a room in one of the luxurious hotels in the city, sat a dangerous looking middle aged man in a suit, and the smile on his face would give anyone the impression that he’s one cunning individual.

“It’s almost time. The young master’s new friends are really troublesome individuals”

While eating, the man looked at his watch, before muttering something under his breath while smiling slightly.

“Did you say something sir? Was the food not to your liking?” carefully asked a familiar figure sitting right across the man.

The cunning looking man just smiled and replied saying, “Don’t mind me Mr. Mayor. Right, didn’t you ask our company before for help in regards to the Hydro Power Plant that the city council is planning to build?”

Hearing his words, the eyes of the mayor quickly lit up in excitement as he hurriedly said, “Y-yes! I’ve personally written a letter to your company a month ago regarding a large project that the city is currently undertaking….”

The Mayor then seriously started talking about their project and the bottleneck that they encountered during the process, causing them to turn to Mine Tech. Industries for help, while the company representative on the other hand just patiently listened to him with a smile on his face.

‘Central City…it really feels like it had truly become the company’s backyard that they’d rather turn to us for help instead of approaching the state government for more support’


“Mommy! Over here!”

Summer must be really a strong minded child as she wasn’t even fazed knowing that her own father had kidnapped her, a good indication of it was when she noticed her mother walking over towards them, and she still had the boldness to wave at her with a huge smile on her face.

The expression on her face was like they had never seen each other for years, even Randy who had been watching their every movement from afar was amazed that Summer didn’t seem to be that scared given her circumstances, or is it just the innocence of a child?

“Nikolayyyyyy! You are…sooooo dead!!!”

“W-what are you doing?! Ahcck!!”

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