Farmer's Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 804 - Chapter 804: Matters of Secrecy

Chapter 804: Matters of Secrecy

Editor: Henyee Translations

Mid-flight, realizing she might not make it in time, Chu Qingzhi waved her hand, and the vines on the cliffside came to life, weaving into a net, layer upon layer, suspended in mid-air to catch Wen Shaoyuan.

Between the vines, translucent spiritual energy diffused, easing the gravity on Wen Shaoyuan’s descent. Otherwise, even if caught, the impact would crush him to pieces.

Chu Qingzhi pointed at Wen Shaoyuan, sending a stream of spiritual energy towards him that entered his brow, causing him to faint. This scene was not meant for his eyes.

Wen Shaoyuan’s rapid fall broke through the layers of vines, creating a large hole.

Chu Qingzhi quickly manipulated the vines again, weaving another net below until Wen Shaoyuan was safely caught.

With a gesture, the vines carrying Wen Shaoyuan flew towards her, landing softly on the ground.

Then, she broke several trees growing horizontally from the cliff, altering the ground to create a scene where those trees had saved Wen Shaoyuan’s fall. Coincidentally, while destroying the trees, Chu Qingzhi found the herbs she had been searching for.

She collected all the herbs, then summoned Da Bai to carry Wen Shaoyuan, and whistled for the parrots to gather, preparing to leave.

The forest was fraught with dangers, and the parrots were now fully capable of scouting. Losing even one would be a great loss to her.

Back in Chu Village, Chu Qingzhi had Shuang’er summon Hong Yujun since the keys to Wen Shaoyuan’s house were with her.

Hong Yujun, puzzled but quick to respond upon hearing Chu Qingzhi s request, followed Shuang’er immediately.

Seeing Wen Shaoyuan lying on Da Bai’s back, Hong Yujun hurried over, nearly tripping in her haste. She asked Chu Qingzhi, filled with anxiety, “What happened to Shaoyuan?”

“Let’s get him settled in his room first,” Chu Qingzhi suggested.

“I’ll fetch the keys from the room,” Hong Yujun said, rushing towards Chu Qingzhi’s house where she had left the keys.

Returning with the keys as quickly as she could, Wen Shaoyuan was laid on the bed.

“What happened?” Hong Yujun urgently inquired.

Chu Qingzhi explained, “I’m not entirely sure myself. I just saw him falling from the cliff and breaking the trees. I was nearby gathering herbs, so I brought him back.”

Grateful, Hong Yujun knelt before Chu Qingzhi, “Thankyou, Qingzhi. Without you, Shaoyuan might have died from the fall or been eaten by wild beasts.”

Chu Qingzhi helped Hong Yujun to her feet. “Get up.”

Hong Yujun, her eyes red with worry, asked, “When will Shaoyuan wake up?” “Let him rest for a while. He’s physically fine, so don’t worry,” Chu Qingzhi reassured.

“Okay,” Hong Yujunnodded.

“You stay here and take good care of him. I’ll go prepare the medicine, Chu Qingzhi instructed.


Chu Qingzhi, accompanied by Da Bai and the parrots, left Wen Shaoyuan’s house.

Hong Yujun meticulously cared for Wen Shaoyuan, removing his shoes and outer clothing, washing his face and hands, and then preparing food for him in the kitchen.

Bringing the food to the room, she found Wen Shaoyuan just waking up. “Wen Shaoyuan slowly sat up as Hong Yujun put down the tray and embraced him tightly, “I was so scared when Qingzhi brought you back.”

Wen Shaoyuan comforted her, “I’m sorry for worrying you.” Pausing, he asked, “Did you say Chu Miss brought me back?”

“Yes, she had Da Bai carry you back,” Hong Yujun confirmed.

Wen Shaoyuan was grateful. ” Why would Chu Miss go to the mountains?” “The wheat in the fields was turning yellow due to pests, so she went to gather herbs,” Hong Yujun explained.

Wen Shaoyuan tightened his embrace, relieved. “I’m lucky Chu Miss was in the mountains; otherwise, I might not have seen you again.”

“Don’t say such things,” Hong Yujun scolded, then looked at him, “Chu Qingzhi mentioned seeing you fall from the cliff. What happened?

Wen Shaoyuan gently adjusted Hong Yujun’s hair, apologetically stating, “It’s a matter of secrecy. I can’t tell you, or it might bring you deadly trouble.”

Hong Yujun understood. “So, you nearly died because of a secret?”

Wen Shaoyuan nodded. “Don’t tell anyone I’m back. If they come looking, it could bring harm to the villagers.”

“I understand,” Hong Yujun promised solemnly.

“By the way, I’ve prepared some food for you. Eat something,” she suggested. Wen Shaoyuan’s gaze softened. “Alright.”

Chu Qingzhi arrived at the pharmacy, instructing everyone to help process the herbs.

All the herbs needed to be ground into powder. She could easily do this with magic, but that would raise suspicions. Thus, she opted for a collective effort.

After organizing the tasks, the preparation of the medicine proceeded smoothly and efficiently.

Ge Lihua approached Chu Qingzhi, carrying a stack of test papers. “Qingzhi, the children have completed their exams. Would you like to review them?” she asked, handing the papers to Chu Qingzhi.

“I’ll take a look,” said Chu Qingzhi, sitting down and starting with the first paper.

Ge Lihua sat beside her, joining in the review.

The first paper belonged to Xu Songnian. The initial question asked for a summary of the learning experience over the past three months in twenty words or less.

Xu Songnian’s response was: “Without carving, there’s no jade; without learning, there’s no knowing.”

Chu Qingzhi commented to Ge Lihua, “This answer is quite good.

Ge Lihua nodded in agreement, “He’s clever to come up with such a phrase.” They continued through the exam, eventually grading Xu Songnian’s effort. “He deserves seventy points,” concluded Chu Qingzhi.

Ge Lihua chuckled, “He usually scores above ninety-five. Suddenly getting seventy might not sit well with him.”

Chu Qingzhi considered, “Children’s temperaments can be fragile. It will definitely affect him, but keep a close eye on him. If he struggles to adjust, offer him some guidance.”

“I understand,” GeLihuaacknowledged.

They moved on to review a math problem.

The task was: “With one bag of rice weighing 120 pounds, one 70 pounds, and another 110 pounds, without weighing, use an empty bag to even out each bag to 100 pounds.”

Xu Songnian’s solution: Split the 120-pound rice into half, 60 pounds each, into the empty bag.

Combine the 70 and 110-pound rice, then divide equally, making 90 pounds each.

Mix 60 and 90 pounds together to get 150 pounds, then use the empty bags to divide into three 50-pound portions.

Combine two of the 50-pound portions to make one 100-pound bag.

The remaining 50 pounds are mixed with the 150-pound portion and then divided equally to get two 100-pound bags.

This method was also acceptable among many.

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