Farmer's Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 601 - Chapter 601: The Intelligent Ones

Chapter 601: The Intelligent Ones

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Tang Jinghong listened quietly. In the eyes of those vying for power, such means were all too common.

“Why did Zhuo Bainian want you to kill the two princes? And why did he want them dead?”

Tuoba Qi was silent for a while before replying, “1 don’t know why he wanted them dead. As for why he had me do it, I volunteered.”

Tang Jinghong gazed at Tuoba Qi, “You were confident in your medical skills and thought no one in the Daling Dynasty could solve the case, but unexpectedly, it was deciphered in less than a day…”

Tuoba Qi remained silent, implicitly admitting it.

Having no more questions to ask, Tang Jinghong left some instructions for Ren Buqing and left the Ministry of Justice.

Back at the General’s Mansion, he immediately ordered his secret guards to investigate this Zhuo Bainian, “Hopefully, we can find some clues.”

In the Chu Residence.

After Chu Xuyuan and Chu Xuyao returned home, they went to Chu Qingzhi’s courtyard.

Chu Xuyao looked around, “There are no lights in the courtyard. Fifth Sister hasn’t returned yet.”

Chu Xuyuan suggested, “Let’s ask our mother.”

They headed to the adjacent courtyard and upon entering, they heard laughter and lively conversation from inside the house.

“Father, Mother, Brothers, Sisters.” They rushed into the room, finding everyone there.

Li Qingyu smiled, “Back already?”

“Yes.” Chu Xuyuan and Chu Xuyao approached Chu Qingzhi. Chu Xuyuan opened his mouth, somewhat awkwardly, “Fifth Sister, there’s something we need your help with.”

Chu Qingzhi looked at them, “What is it?”

Chu Xuyuan, looking down, hesitantly said, “Fifth Sister, during dinner, Brother Zhuang Yuyan said that the couplet he wrote was from a book he read. It only had the first line and no second line. He has been trying to come up with a satisfying second line for half a year. We were hoping you could help.”

Chu Xuyao guiltily added, “Seventh Brother agreed too quickly. I couldn’t stop him in time. Fifth Sister, I’m sorry.”

Chu Xuyuan apologized, “Fifth Sister, I didn’t know. I won’t agree so hastily next time.”

Hearing this, Li Qingyu was slightly annoyed, “If you can’t do it, then don’t. Why show off?”

Chu Xuyuan’s head hung even lower, “Mother, I was wrong. I won’t do it again.”

Chu Qingzhi didn’t blame them, “Mother, it’s okay. I’ll think of a way. Matching couplets isn’t that hard.”

She asked the two, “Did Zhuang Yuyan bring the book?”

Chu Xuyan nodded, “Yes. His books are all about matching couplets. Whenever he has free time, he studies them. He’s really passionate.”

Chu Qingzhi said, “Let’s go find him.”

Chu Xuyuan was confused, “Why find him?”

“To learn how to match couplets from his books.”

At the inn.

As usual, Zhuang Yuyan took out all his books and placed them on the table, a total of eight. He picked up the top one and started reading.

He was anxious, thinking that if he couldn’t find the second line by tomorrow, it would be a big joke.

In his anxious state, he heard a knock on the door.

He got up to open it and was surprised to see his visitors, “Miss Chu, Xuyuan, Xuyao, what brings you here?”

Chu Xuyan said, “My Fifth Sister came to borrow your books.”

Zhuang Yuyan readily agreed, “Come in. All my books are on the table. Feel free to borrow them.”

“Thank you.” Chu Qingzhi walked into the room and picked six books from the table. After reading these six, she should be able to find the second line, “Young Master Zhuang, thank you. I’ll return them early tomorrow morning.”

Facing Chu Qingzhi up close, Zhuang Yuyan was a bit nervous, fidgeting as he said, “You can return them whenever you like.”

Chu Xuyuan and Chu Xuyao exchanged glances, impressed by their sister’s influence. Normally, Brother Zhuang Yuyan would never allow anyone to touch his precious books, treating them as if they were unique copies.

Having borrowed the books, the three siblings returned to the Chu Residence.

Chu Qingzhi went to her room and sat at her desk, beginning to read the books.

She read with focused attention, quickly scanning through the pages.

She needed to finish all six books and come up with a matching line for the couplet before dawn.

Outside, under the eaves, Chu Xuyuan and Chu Xuyao sat on the steps, their faces cupped in their hands, feeling downcast.

Wu Yaqing passed by and, after a moment, came back, turning to look at them, “What’s wrong with you two?”

Chu Xuyuan and Chu Xuyao simultaneously shook their heads, their furrowed brows indicating their unhappiness.

This was the first time Wu Yaqing had seen them like this and, curious, she entered the courtyard, “Tell me, maybe 1 can help.”

Chu Xuyao sighed, his mood somber, “This time, no amount of money can solve our problem.”

Wu Yaqing didn’t know what to say.

She only had money. If she couldn’t solve it with money, there was nothing she could do.

“Tell me, what’s the matter?”

Chu Xuyao waved his little hand, his face full of worry. “I’ll tell you tomorrow.”

“Alright then.” Wu Yaqing didn’t press further, sat with them for a while, and then went back to sleep as she was feeling sleepy.

Chu Xuyuan watched Wu Yaqing’s departing figure, “Being as naive as Sister Yaqing is nice.”

Chu Xuyao agreed, “I think so too.”

Time ticked by, and Chu Qingzhi went through one book after another, taking about half an hour for each. She finished the last one just as dawn broke.

She wrote the first line of the couplet on a piece of paper, then quickly wrote the second line.

She looked at the second half of the couplet in satisfaction. “It’s not that difficult to match the couplet.”

Satisfied, she waited for the ink to dry, then rolled up the paper and walked out of her room.

Chu Xuyuan and Chu Xuyao were already waiting at the door, their eyes filled with anticipation, guilt, and apology…

Chu Qingzhi handed the couplet to the two boys, smiling, “The second line is written.”

Chu Xuyuan and Chu Xuyao rushed to hug Chu Qingzhi, overjoyed, “Fifth Sister, thank you.”

“It’s no trouble. I’m a bit hungry now, let’s go have breakfast.”

The two boys let go of Chu Qingzhi and led her towards the dining hall, “Fifth Sister, we bought you the five best breakfasts in the capital. Try them.”


On the way to the inn.

Chu Xuyao admiringly said, “Seventh Brother, Fifth Sister is amazing, solving the couplet in just one night.”

Chu Xuyuan replied with pride, “Of course, our Fifth Sister is the smartest person in the world.”

Their excited conversation continued as they walked away.

Their words were overheard by a student from the Imperial College, Luo Jisheng, who was a few steps behind them. His gaze fell on the paper in Chu Xuyuan’s hand. If his senior brother couldn’t match the couplet, the Imperial College would be greatly embarrassed.

With this thought in mind, he suddenly had an idea. He whispered a few words to his assistant, who nodded and quickly left.

Luo Jisheng sneered. He wouldn’t let the Yufei School humiliate the Imperial College so easily.

Suddenly, Chu Xuyuan and Chu Xuyao were knocked down from behind, and the paper flew out of their hands.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m in a hurry…” The young man apologized as he picked up the paper and returned it to them. “I’m sorry. Are you alright? If you’re hurt, we can go see a doctor..”

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