Farmer's Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 575 - Chapter 575: Donkey-Faced Man

Chapter 575: Donkey-Faced Man

Translator: Hcnyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Chunli thought Jiao Qinqin was being too much, “Madam Liu, please leave.”

“There’s no need for you to ask. I’m leaving on my own.” Jiao Qinqin glared at Chu Qingyue and left with a snort.

Chunli turned to comfort Chu Qingyue, “Miss Qingyue, don’t mind her. Let me take you to see Young Master.”

Chu Qingyue thought for a moment, then handed the things to Chunli, “Please give these to him on my behalf. 1 have some things to attend to and must leave now.”

Chunli couldn’t guess what Chu Qingyue was thinking but didn’t hold her back. She called two sturdy maids to escort Chu Qingyue back, while she went to find Ning Yuting.

Hearing Chunli’s words, Ning Yuting hurried out to chase after Chu Qingyue, wanting to explain it.

Chu Qingyue was caught up by Ning Yuting halfway. “Yuting, why are you here?” She took out a handkerchief and handed it to him to wipe his sweat.

Ning Yuting, seeing that Chu Qingyue wasn’t angry, sighed in relief and took the handkerchief, “Qingyue, don’t take Jiao Qinqin’s words to heart. She’s a stranger to me now.”

Chu Qingyue smiled gently, “I know.”

She was initially somewhat upset anyone would be slightly irked to see their fiance’s ex-fiancee approaching him – but seeing Ning Yuting rushing out to explain, her displeasure vanished.

“I’ll take you back.”


The maids were sent back by Ning Yuting, and he escorted Chu Qingyue home alone.

On the other side, Ren Buqing, with Chu Xujin and Ge Lihua, had obtained a list of guards who had served in the past half-month from the guard captain. They divided into three groups to investigate, and soon there was news.

There was one guard who matched Chu Qingzhi’s deductions, named He Jing.

Ren Buqing immediately dispatched people to arrest him, but both the guard captain and He Jing’s family said they hadn’t seen him for two days.

Two days. This made them feel uneasy. Could he have already dealt with the medicinal herbs?

Ren Buqing rushed to the entrance of the Imperial Hospital and shared the news with Chu Qingzhi.

Chu Qingzhi asked, “Does his family have anyone with a strange illness?”

Ren Buqing replied, “No.”

“Then he must be short of money.” Chu Qingzhi analyzed, “As a guard, he mostly returns home at night except on his days off. He wouldn’t have many places to spend money, and the salary of a guard is not low. It’s enough for his expenses, and he doesn’t have a gambling habit. The thousand-year Ganoderma is worth a hundred thousand taels, and the Eternal Youth Herb twenty thousand taels. Why does he suddenly need so much money?”

Ren Buqing speculated, “Could he be blackmailed, with someone forcing him to steal?”

“He knows the consequences of theft – dismissal at best, imprisonment at worst. As a long-serving guard, he wouldn’t be unaware of this. His reason for stealing must be more important than his future.” Chu Qingzhi said, “Go and investigate some guards close to him, see if He Jing said or did anything unusual recently. There should be some clues.”

“I know why he needs so much money…” Chu Xujin approached quickly.

Everyone turned to Chu Xujin.

Chu Xujin explained, “He Jing has a son and a daughter. His son is scholarly and has already passed the imperial examination, with a bright future. But suddenly, his son disappeared one day.”

“The next day, someone sent him a letter, asking him to steal the Eternal Youth Herb. After the deed, they would release his son.”

Ren Buqing asked, “He Jing’s son was kidnapped?”

Chu Xujin said, “Yes, this was what He Jing’s wife told me. The letter has been burned, but I found a small piece of paper in the ashes, with ‘black market’ written on it.”

Ren Buqing quickly asked, “Did you see the time?”

Chu Qingzhi added, “The black market wasn’t open the past two days, and He Jing has been missing for two days…”

Chu Xujin concluded, “So… tonight is their transaction time.”

Ge Lihua noted, “The blackmailer wants the Eternal Youth Herb, but the thousand-year Ganoderma is also missing…”

The response to Ge Lihua’s question arrived.

A group of officers rushed back, “Sir, we asked around the carpentry shops in the capital. A few days ago, a strange man with a donkey face and wearing a hat bought a kilo of glutinous rice glue.”

Ge Lihua realized, “A man with a donkey face? An accomplice?”

The officer was uncertain, “Probably an accomplice.”

“Whether he’s an accomplice or not, we’ll find out once we catch him. Let’s go.” Ren Buqing bowed to Chu Qingzhi and left with his team to set up the trap.

Chu Xujin and Ge Lihua followed along.

Chu Qingzhi, accompanied by Chu Qingning and Tang Jinghong, started walking back.

Chu Qingzhi asked Tang Jinghong quietly, “Has Third Master Lu’s vengeance been avenged?”

Tang Jinghong replied, “It has. 1 went to support him last night.”

“Was he injured this time?”

“Seriously injured and still unconscious. Fortunately, I had the life-saving medicine you gave me, otherwise he would have died along with the traitors.”

“It’s good that he’s fine.” Chu Qingzhi changed the topic. “Shall we go to the black market after dinner to take a look?” She was worried about Chu Xujin and Ge Lihua.


In the Chu Residence.

“Yaqing, are you there?” Chu Qingzhi gently tapped on Wu Yaqing’s door with her fingers.

“I’m here, Qingzhi,” Wu Yaqing hurried to open the door.

Chu Qingzhi spoke softly, “Third Master Lu has been seriously injured and hasn’t awakened. Do you want to see him?”

“He’s injured again?” Wu Yaqing asked anxiously. “How did he get hurt?”

Observing Wu Yaqing’s reaction, Chu Qingzhi explained, “Last night, he led his men in a fierce battle against the traitors. The enemy was formidable, and they almost perished together…”

Wu Yaqing became worried, “I want to see him.”

“I’ll take you there tomorrow.”

“I… I want to go now,” Wu Yaqing stammered, eager to see him immediately.

Chu Qingzhi smiled and didn’t say anything. She sent Wu Yaqing to the general’s residence and asked Nanny Han to take care of her.

Nanny Han agreed readily.

Nanny Han brought Wu Yaqing to Third Master Lu’s courtyard. “Miss Yaqing, the person you want to see is in the room.”

Wu Yaqing said politely, “Thank you, Nanny Han. Go ahead.”

Nanny Han smiled and nodded. “Alright, come to the front room to look for me if you need anything. 1’11 be in the front room if I have nothing to do.”

“Okay.” Wu Yaqing walked to the room. When she reached the door, she mentally prepared herself and pushed the door open.

Third Master Lu’s handsome face was pale. The stubble on his chin made his face look even paler.

Wu Yaqing sat by the bed and stared at the person on the bed. She seemed to have lost weight?

After watching Third Master Lu for a while, Wu Yaqing left the room to prepare medicine and cook some porridge in the kitchen. She had learned these basic life skills from Li Qingyu.

After finishing, she placed the medicine bowl and porridge bowl on a tray and carried them back to the room..

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