Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 562 - Preaching Method

Chapter 562 Chapter 562 – Preaching Method

“The Dusk Divine Weapon…”

Standing on the spot, various thoughts flashed through the Lord of Darkness’ mind. He had some impression of this divine artifact left behind by the owner of the artifact, Lord of Dusk.

As the ruler of darkness, the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Dusk naturally knew each other. This could be seen in their divine names. The Lord of Darkness actually had some impression of this divine artifact of the Lord of Dusk.

In the Lord of Darkness’s impression, although the Dusk Divine Weapon the Lord of Dusk possessed wasn’t considered top-notch and could only be considered ordinary among divine artifacts, it was still a true divine artifact.

And a true divine artifact, even in an extremely weak state, was comparable to a Legend. That king of the Hatim Kingdom had strength comparable to a Legend?

And it was in this current era.


The Lord of Darkness smiled, his dark golden eyes flickering as many thoughts flashed through his mind. At this moment, he could be sure that the king of Hatim most likely had secrets.

But that didn’t matter. In his opinion, this was a good opportunity. The strength of a Legend was enough to become a powerful hero even in the era when gods were at their peak, and demigod heroes emerged endlessly. One would be respected by the Church of Gods and be one of the strongest on earth.

In the era when gods didn’t appear, Legends were one of the strongest on earth. Even in that era, a Legend who was powerful enough was worth recruiting. Not to mention in this era where the gods were silent, and the earth was weak.

‘If he could become a follower.’

This thought flashed through the Lord of Darkness’s mind. If a follower at the Legend level could be recruited, it would undoubtedly be extremely beneficial to the current Lord of Darkness.

At the very least, many things would be much more convenient. Moreover, it would also be convenient for him to continue spreading his teachings on the earth and obtain energy replenishment to recover his strength as soon as possible and ascend to the divine throne once again.

This was extremely important to the Lord of Darkness. When the gods revived, they would no longer appear in their peak state in this era. Instead, they would need time to recover their strength slowly.

It was already an extremely terrible state for the Lord of Darkness to revive an ordinary mortal directly. It would be extremely dangerous if his enemies discovered him in such a state.

After all, he could be said to be in an extremely weak state. A god whose divinity was intact but whose strength was weak was a good prey for those powerful people. The gods who had their inheritances intact and the church still existed were fine. After their recovery, they still had the support and protection of their church, so they would not have problems during their period of weakness.

However, those like the Lord of Darkness were a little uncomfortable. They had to work hard to recover their strength, but they also had to be careful of possible hunting. It was very troublesome.

It was precisely because of this that a follower who was powerful enough was very important to him now. This was also one of the reasons why he was so interested in the King of Hatim.

As for the power standing behind King Hatim, the Lord of Darkness was still confident about turning it into his use. He was still a god and had enough capital to rope him in no matter what.

Although the strength of a Legend was powerful, there was still a huge gap compared to a god. Even if he was in such a terrible state now, the Lord of Darkness still had enough confidence to win the King of Hatim over.

Of course, the prerequisite was that everything went smoothly for him. The Lord of Darkness stood where he was, and various thoughts flashed through his mind in the blink of an eye. Then, he got up and left this place with Orith by his side, heading into the distance.

Chen Heng knew nothing about the arrival of the Lord of Darkness. During these two years, along with his series of actions, Chen Heng’s name resounded in the surroundings. It was said that even the distant Oro Empire had heard of his name. He knew that there was a powerful knight king in the distant desert.

During this period, Chen Heng gained a better understanding of the changes that had occurred in the world.

“Have there been more changes?”

In a spacious and gorgeous palace, Chen Heng sat upright. His posture seemed a little lazy. At this moment, he looked at his opponent and said softly. His voice was very soft, but it sounded very stable in the surroundings. It accurately landed on everyone’s bodies.


Everyone looked at each other. Then, Hedoxili stood up and walked out.

“Our emissary sent back news. It is said that strange auras appear in several forbidden areas. They are suspected to be unknown magical beasts…

“In various regions, those cultists are becoming more and more active. Recently, they have become more and more rampant. They have held blood sacrifices repeatedly…”

“Blood sacrifices…”

Chen Heng said softly. At this moment, he could not help but shake his head. “It’s really uncomfortable.”

“However, thanks to his majesty, at least in our country, this practice is still uncommon.”

Beside him, Guluo Mary also spoke softly. Due to the Dusk Cult’s rampage in the Karo Kingdom back then, everyone present was extremely disgusted with the blood sacrifice.

In addition, the influence of the traditional noble families within the Hatim Kingdom was not considered strong. The kingdom’s control over the entire territory far exceeded that of the other countries, so the blow to the cultists was also the greatest.

Usually, the moment a cultist appeared in a place, they would be quickly exterminated by the corresponding experts and people. And this was something that the other kingdoms couldn’t do. This includes the Oro Empire and other large empires.

Perhaps the Oro Empire and other large empires were even above the newly born Hatim Kingdom in terms of strength. But in terms of control over the people, the newly born Hatim Kingdom was far above these kingdoms. This was what truly determined many things. Each noble had their own independent territory in a kingdom like the Oro Empire. Even if it was a territory directly under the jurisdiction of the Empire, it was unable to govern the people there directly. It could only form general management in the city.

Under such circumstances, if the cultists and other existences wanted to do something, they would often be unable to be discovered in time. By the time they were truly discovered, the other party would already be far expanded.

However, such things rarely happened in the newly born Hatim Kingdom. The original noble in the Karo Kingdom had already undergone the baptism of the Dusk Cult, and under Chen Heng’s instructions, there weren’t many of them left.

In addition, many trained bureaucratic teams were able to establish effective management at the citizen level. Under such an efficient system, these problems would naturally be greatly reduced.

However, even so, they still existed, and every once in a while, they would pop up to create a sense of presence. It could be said to be very annoying. However, Chen Heng also came up with a countermeasure to this.

“Has the Church of Nature and the other churches been notified?”

Sitting on the throne, Chen Heng turned around and looked at Hedoxili and the others in front of him. He spoke again.

“We’ve already notified them…”

Hedoxili nodded and said, “Regarding our invitation, apart from a few churches, the rest have all agreed…

“For safety measurement, they will soon send out priests to build simple churches in each town.”

Informing the churches to build simple churches in each town was Chen Heng’s idea. On the issue of cultists, Chen Heng, as the official, had the same position as the various official churches.

Even compared to Chen Heng, the biggest feudal leader, the priests of the churches and cultists were the ones who would fight to the death. If they met, they would fight to the death without Chen Heng’s request.

By using the priests of these regular churches, they could achieve the goal of purging the cultists and better control the overall situation.

Moreover, for Chen Heng, this had many benefits. Purging and suppressing the cultists was only one of them. It was more important to rope in the power of those churches.

Dividing the town into dioceses and handing it over to those churches to preach was undoubtedly a good thing for those churches. Their instinct was to preach and recruit believers for the churches left behind by the gods. It was also the thing they valued the most.

By giving the right to preach to many churches, the purpose of recruiting many churches could be achieved very well. And in this world of gods, the churches left behind by many gods were the most powerful forces.

Those powerful churches that occupied a wide range of beliefs might not care about Chen Heng’s wooing and friendliness. Still, those weak churches that were down and out and did not have a fixed missionary area would definitely be overjoyed.

For example, churches like the Church of Nature would definitely be happy about this. As long as they had this group of people to support them, it was enough for Chen Heng.

Chen Heng led the New Hatim Kingdom to continuously attack and destroy several countries in the previous two years. There were originally gods and beliefs worshipped in these countries.

Chen Heng destroyed these countries and ended the beliefs of these gods. This was equivalent to making enemies with these Churches of Gods. In that case, it was just right to hand over the missionary area that originally belonged to these churches to other churches and rope in the people of other churches. After all, something like faith could not be prohibited, especially in this world. The faith of the people was there. If one did not take possession of it, others would take it over.

Rather than benefiting the enemies and cultists, it would be better to directly use these things to rope in a group of people. This was not a free thing.

Those church priests who wanted to join the system and preach in the Hatim Kingdom were also equivalent to entering the system of the Hatim Kingdom to a certain extent and were restricted by special rules.

When necessary, the Hatim Kingdom could mobilize the power of these priests and use them to serve itself. This was equivalent to bringing the priests that could not be restricted into their system, which added a large amount of power.

Judging from the results so far, this method was implemented quite well. After obtaining the legal missionary area, those churches that had originally lost everything and were in dire straits had become revamped and refreshed.

There were even many churches from far away that came to seek refuge after hearing the news, wanting to contribute to the Hatim Kingdom. This also allowed Chen Heng to see the difficulties of many low-level churches.

In this world, the church represented the authority of the gods, but the competition was also very serious.

A powerful church with the support and worship of a strong country had a wide range of believers. The surplus of the believers naturally translates to stronger power of belief. The gods they worshiped could also give back more power, further providing power for the church.

On the contrary, those weak churches would be squeezed into their living space step by step. In the end, they could only slowly fall to the point of barely surviving. These weak churches would most likely walk towards destruction step by step and be swallowed by those powerful churches. And these weak churches were also the easiest to rope in.

There were many such churches in this world. Chen Heng had seen many of them during this period. Some were so weak that one wouldn’t even dare to believe it.

Naturally, the missionary areas given to these churches were different. Those powerful who had contributed and helped the Hatim Kingdom were naturally given larger missionary areas.

On the contrary, some of the weaker ones weren’t of much help. They might only be in a few small cities, barely maintaining their worship and faith. This kind of treatment was something that some churches could only wish for.

Thinking of this, Chen Heng could not help but shake his head. However, no matter what, with the perfection of the missionary law, the priests of the various churches rushed to their areas. The cultists who were originally hidden in various places were all uncovered and quickly suppressed.

Law and order in the various places were improved at speed visible to the naked eye. This could be considered a pretty positive change.

After the discussion in front of him was over in the main hall, Chen Heng walked out of the main hall and went to the garden outside. At this moment, there were not many servants in the garden. The only one standing was only Guluo Mary.

At this moment, Marie was wearing a long dress and had an elegant smile. Whether it was her appearance or attire, they were almost perfect. It made people’s eyes light up.

If one carefully sensed it, one could find that Guluo Mary’s aura had also changed a lot. At this moment, she had already reached the Second Ring level. This level, of course, was not entirely dependent on her own cultivation.

Although Guluo Mary’s talent was not bad, it was still somewhat difficult for her to reach this level by relying on herself. The main reason was that Chen Heng took into account her contributions and used divine power to improve her.

“Have you investigated everything?”

Walking in the garden, Chen Heng’s expression was calm. He said softly, “Are you sure there’s no problem with that ruin?”

“I’ve already sent a priest from the Church of Nature to investigate. There are several priests from the church who are accompanying me. They can all feel the obvious divine power reaction from that ruin…”

Looking at Chen Heng beside her, Guluo Maru said softly, “Among them, the priest from the Church of Nature has also used his nature’s eye to observe the situation inside that ruin.” “How is it?”

Chen Heng continued to speak.


Guluo Mary shook her head and said softly, “Because of the isolation of divine power, even the eyes of nature can not see clearly. They can only barely see some scenes… “However, this kind of performance itself can already explain something.” “That’s true.”

Chen Heng nodded and expressed his agreement by listening to Guluo Mary’s words. The Eye of Nature was a divine artifact treasured by the Church of Nature, left behind by the former God of Nature.

To be able to block the detection of this divine artifact, to a certain extent, could already fully explain something. In ruins, there was something that could block the Eye of Nature.

And that thing was obviously at the level of a god. Otherwise, nothing else would be able to do all this.

“A God’s ruin…”

Walking on the road, this thought flashed through Chen Heng’s mind, and then he could not help but fall into silence. As time passed, the changes in the world became more and more obvious.

In the last two years, Chen Heng could feel that the elemental concentration of the entire world was recovering. The environment was improving

The increase in elemental concentration meant that some races that could only survive under high elemental concentration would be able to reproduce better, and some geniuses that were more adapted to the high elemental environment would also have a higher probability of appearing.

The number of geniuses would increase, and coupled with the changes in the environment, the number of powerhouses would also increase, allowing the entire world to become more prosperous. These were all scenes of the world about to prosper. At present, the figures at the Third Ring level were the pillars of support in the various kingdoms. However, after a few more years, the existence of the Third Ring level would be abundant, and it would no longer be as scarce as before.

Under such circumstances, some of the Divine Ruins would also appear one after another. The figures at the god level undoubtedly left behind those Divine Ruins, and many of them were remnants of the Ragnarok.

For many people, these ruins represented danger. But for others, these things meant opportunity, even though it came with a certain danger. And just recently, a similar discovery was found near the Hatim Kingdom.

That secret realm was located in a forbidden area, and it was rarely visited in the past. However, because it was located near the Hatim Kingdom, it was coincidentally discovered by Chen Heng. He then sent his people to investigate. From the current situation, there should be a lot of things inside.

“Should I go in and take a look…”

Chen Heng’s face was calm walking on the road, and his heart sank into contemplation. A ruin left by a god. Such an existence was very attractive to him.

In a Divine Ruin, it was very likely that there was a legacy left by a god, or even flesh and blood of a god, or even the Godhead and divinity. No matter which one it was, it was priceless and extremely precious. It was the same even for Chen Heng.

But the danger was also not to be ignored. Chen Heng’s current strength was only at Seventh Ring. This strength could be considered very strong in the world of gods. It could even be said that there were not many opponents on the surface.

But this strength, compared to a god, was extremely insignificant. An Epic was only equivalent to Seventh Ring, but a god, even if it were just a demigod, would naturally be above Nineth Ring The difference in levels was so great that the danger was foreseeable.

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