Eternal Melody

Chapter 980 My Beautiful Monster Part 81

Chapter 980 My Beautiful Monster Part 81


An entire week, four extra days since Lucifer said he would return. But, there is still no sign of him. Neither of his men have returned either. Toh has tried getting a message several times but there hasn't been a reply. Sumire tossed and turned on the large bed. The first day she moved into Lucifer's room, she noticed how large the bed was. But lying there beside Lucifer every night, she stopped noticing the large space. She just focused on him, and the way he made her feel when he touched her. She sighs deeply as she changes the song on the music player.

Listening to Sora's voice calms her down. But, it truly feels like a betrayal to Lucifer when she listens to his music. However, it's the only thing she can do to stop herself from being overwhelmed with all the memories she has been getting back.

She followed Toh's instructions and made sure she didn't fall asleep when she got those migraines. It was almost like her falling asleep and taking medication was what stopped her from retaining her memories properly. The medication Lucifer told her to take whenever she got those migraines. Sumire sighs deeply, even though she knew he lied to her. After crying about it for a few days, Sumire realized she still couldn't hate him.

If she was truly furious, she would have left by now. After all Lucifer gave her a way out. He told her what to do if he didn't return and something happened to him. She ought to have followed his instructions. But she can't do that, she needs to meet him face to face and discuss this properly.

He lied, but people don't lie for no reason. Liars aren't necessarily bad people, and from the memories she regained? It's not like she is a completely honest person either.

The memories she regained huh? Sora- no, 'Terashima Yuhi.' It's not much but she finally has Sora's name from this life and managed to regain memories with his face. Toh eventually relented and allowed her to at least look at his picture.

So handsome. Sumire felt her cheeks colour as she frantically shook her head. She needs to stop thinking about Sora- Yuhi like that. Even if she doesn't remember the circumstances that lead her back to Lucifer. There is no doubt that right now she is Lucifer's wife. Besides, she has already shared Lucifer's bed so many times now. Even if there was something between Yuhi and her, how can she go back to him with a clean conscience? It's impossible.

Moreover, Sumire recalls Lucifer's words before he blocked the bond. 'I love you.' That must be the first time he said those words to her properly. Although he has said things like 'how can you doubt my love for you.' The words, 'I love you' have been difficult for him to say. It's not like she is any better, so she has never pressured him on it. But, after hearing him say it so sincerely. She wants to hear him say it to her directly.

'I want to talk to him properly, and we can decide where to go from there. Even if I regain all my memories, I probably won't leave him so easily.'

But, where is he? Has something happened to him? It's already half way into the second week, and he was supposed to come back on the fifth day. At most he would only be delayed for an extra day. However there has been no signs from him at all.

She tried speaking into his mind but the shield was still there. That confirms he is still alive but she is very uneasy.

Suddenly the doors burst open. Sumire jumped to her feet half expecting it to be her husband. But instead it was Jacks.

"What is it?" Sumire asked calmly but she sensed Jacks tense emotions.

"Lucifer is back. But-"

Sumire didn't wait for Jacks to finish that sentence and bolted out of the room.


He's back.

He has finally come home to her.

Lucifer could have been anywhere, but she felt like she knew where he was. She rushed down the hall at full speed and could hear Jacks rushing after her. She knew she ought to have slowed down and allowed him to explain. But it didn't matter. She will see with her own eyes. She halted in front of the entrance of the throne room which was wide open.

Even from out here in the corridor she could smell the heavy scent of blood. Thump. Thump. Her heart beat increased and her body trembled. She was afraid of what she would find.

Sumire shakes her head. She has to do this. She stepped inside the room. The sight that greeted her horrified her. Toh was leaning Lucifer against one of the stone pillars in the throne room. Lucifer's entire face was covered in dirt, wounds and blood. The blood on his clothes concerned her greatly. How deep are his wounds that it's showing through his black clothes? His face colour is devoid of any life.

Toh cursed. "I've never seen you like this before, what the hell happened Hiriji-san?" He turned to someone and that was when Sumire noticed someone else was there.

A man with caramel coloured hair wearing a lilac coloured cloak. Sumire stared at him. Something, there is something familiar about him. Is he someone from her past? But, unlike the other times where she felt like she encountered someone she knew before. Unlike the feeling when she saw Hino, this one is different.

It's different because although he feels nostalgic, there is also a deep hatred. Hatred she didn't think existed inside her. It reminded her of the darkness she unleashed when she killed the members of Lucifer's harem in cold blood.

Despite what she told him, it was an accident. She just wanted to speak with the people there and see if she could come to an agreement. She never intended to chase the women from the harem away. Even if they can't be friends, she wanted to at least come to an agreement. But those women immediately mocked her and even tried to get her raped. That was the last straw.

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