Eternal Melody

Chapter 571 - Gift

No, it's not like they never tried to get her.

There were times when it felt like she was not alone. She felt like somebody was watching her. But she could not be too sure because she was half crazy. The only time she stopped feeling that way was when Toh visited.

Sumire paused as she thought about her words. When Toh visited?

He must know something. She ought to contact him.

For a while, she was indeed in contact with him, but after she arrived in Tokyo, a lot happened, and she had not heard from him. Would it be shameless of her to contact him now?

Her thoughts broke off when she heard the sound of rattling and noticed that Shin had attached something to the bracelet on her wrist. It was a small charm in the shape of a piano.

She blinked for a moment before asking. "Is this my Christmas present?"

Shin does not say anything, but Sumire immediately notices how he averted his gaze. She stared at the charm made out of pure silver. It was one of the things she learned of when she was studying fashion design, how to identify real silver and real gold.

It may seem like a small and cheap gift to others, but she could determine the value from a mile away.

"I didn't think you had good taste," Sumire commented, causing the silent Shin to speak up.

"I heard that silver can be used as a form of protection. Although I do not understand the logic behind it, I figured this was a less obvious way of protecting you."

She still wore the bracelet he gave her because Shin insisted it was for protection. Indeed she confirmed with Yuhi that there was a tracking device on it.

A small bracelet with a small ginkgo on it, it was such a simple gift, so she did not think much of it at the time. But she still showed Yuhi and told him that Shin had given it to her.

It is wrong for her to wear a gift from somebody who is not Yuhi. Even though they personally knew that he had no hidden intentions when he bought it for her. If the media knew that Shin gave it to her, it would be easy for them to cook up a story. So whenever anybody asked her, she casually mentioned that it was something Yuhi made for her. Yuhi also went along with the story.

Normally she would tease him; however, perhaps it was the impact of singing with Yumi-senpai. But for the first time in so long, she felt relaxed.

"Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me. I am only protecting you because I was asked."

At those words, Sumire shook her head; she already knew the truth.

Why is this person still trying to lie- no, why does he insist on protecting her to this extent? She already knew the reason, yet she also felt it was not that simple.

Her gaze fell back on the documents. "So next month, it seems the peaceful days have come to an end."

"Sumire, you-"

"I understand. I knew this time would come when I insisted on pursuing the truth. I could have easily turned back. They gave me a chance to turn back. However, they also provoked me."

The reason why Sano was suddenly interested in investing in the entertainment industry. It was something she asked him the last time they saw each other. 'It was something they ordered.'

Those people knew about Yuhi and her, and they also knew she would be in the company that day. It was a set-up from the very start. How despicable of them to use this method. They knew they could use Sano against her, and unfortunately, they were right.

They deliberately gave him that badge so she would take an interest in it. She felt like a huge fool when she thought about how obvious they have been this entire time. How could she have allowed such people to trick her?

But, a part of her already understood when she saw that emblem. It is far too much of a coincidence. No matter how much she asked Atushi to investigate it whenever he visited her, he said it did not exist. She knew Atushi, and the others thought she was going crazy. Perhaps she was, but that emblem remained in her mind even when she was sleeping.

It was a clue, but she could not make sense of exactly what it was in her state. Did she see it before or after the accident? What meaning did it have?

Even though she wanted nothing more than to have a peaceful life, now she was finally together with Yuhi. It was not possible at all. For her to move forward, she has to confront the things disturbing her heart.

The accident that day, and what those people want with her until she learns the truth, she cannot move on properly.

"Are you going to be fine? Those people are not using ordinary means. Half the artists they recruited are individuals who dislike you a lot." Shin pointed to the next page. "See this name?"

The words Hori Ayaka made her exhale deeply; it was clear who this person was even without much investigation. "Is there something wrong with that family? They were the ones who put me through hell; why do they keep harassing me and not leaving me alone?"

Is it not enough for that woman to have stolen her manager, place in the company, and used her status? Later on, after settling into Star records, she quickly investigated how far those two would go.

If they could get hold of the elite invitations sent for her, it meant they must have infiltrated the elite industry to a certain extent.

According to what she learned, Hori Fuuko debuted into high society using her status. She made it look like the only survivor of the Ibuki family was ill and that she would be the one to inherit all the assets. So, naturally, people started to flock to her.

She wondered how that woman could gain so much fame and connections in a short amount of time. It turned out she used the connections she gained there.

"Right now, there is not much they can do but this. However, if they do cause further trouble with you, let me know right away."

Sumire immediately sensed his change in tone.. "Does this mean that this one-" She pointed to the name on the top of the second page. "-is an evolved human too?"

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