Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Chapter 949  Book of Prophecy

Chapter 949  Book of Prophecy 

With a deliberate shift of energy, Rudy's form underwent a mesmerizing transformation. His human-like figure gave way to a transcendent being, radiating a luminous, otherworldly aura. Amidst this cosmic spectacle, his body seemed to meld seamlessly with the fabric of existence itself.

In his celestial form, Rudy embodied the mysteries of creation, a deity whose very presence defied mortal understanding. His stardust limbs and eyes that held the wisdom of universes held George in awe.

Rudy had transcended the boundaries of humanity, becoming a living manifestation of the cosmic forces that governed all existence.

George's eyes widened in sheer terror as he beheld Rudy's sudden and awe-inspiring transformation. His breaths grew shallow, and an icy shiver ran down his spine. Unbeknownst to him, his own body quivered involuntarily, reacting to the overwhelming presence before him.

But it wasn't just George who quaked in this moment of cosmic revelation. The menacing black spears clutched tightly in his trembling hands, seemed to pulsate with an alien, jittery energy. These were instruments of obliteration, forged to devour anything that dared to cross their path.

However, they, too, were not immune to the undeniable power that radiated from Rudy's transformed state. In the face of such cosmic might, even these voracious black holes trembled, aware on some fundamental level that any proximity to Rudy's celestial form would spell their own swift and inexorable annihilation.

George, growing increasingly annoyed by the relentless trembling of the black spears in his grasp, finally reached his limit. With an exasperated sigh, he casually tossed the ominous weapons into the vast abyss of space. They tumbled into the cosmic void, disappearing into the inky darkness.

Turning his attention back to Rudy, a disarming smile crept onto George's face. "Why are we fighting?" he questioned rhetorically. "We don't have to fight, Rudy. In fact, we want the same thing!"

Rudy arched an eyebrow, skepticism etched across his features. "Do we now?" he responded, his tone laced with doubt.

George persisted, his voice earnest. "Yes, Rudy, we share the same goal. We could be a formidable force together."

He went on to explain his motivations, painting himself as a self-proclaimed savior of humanity. "Everything I've done, Rudy, it's all for the greater good," George asserted passionately. "It's to secure a future for humanity, to protect them from the dangers they can't even fathom."

But Rudy's patience was wearing thin. He couldn't fathom how George could justify his cruel experiments on innocent humans. His voice carried a potent mix of anger and disbelief as he challenged George's twisted sense of morality. "Protecting humanity by conducting inhumane gene experiments on the most vulnerable among them, from newborns to the elderly? George, you're deluding yourself."

George, despite the skepticism in Rudy's eyes, continued to press his case. "Yes, Rudy, sometimes sacrifices must be made for the greater good," he reiterated, a hint of desperation in his voice. "It's not always pretty or ethical, but it's necessary. I've seen what's coming, the dangers lurking in the shadows. I had to act, even if my methods were... extreme."

Rudy's gaze remained unwavering as he replied, his tone firm. "No one gets to play God, George. No one gets to decide who lives and who dies."

George, undeterred, argued his point further. "But people die all the time for useless causes," he asserted. "Soldiers die in wars that only serve the government's lust for power. People perish from diseases they brought upon themselves, chasing unhealthy lifestyles. They even die in absurd pursuits of validation on social media. What I did, Rudy, it was different. At least those humans served a purpose before they met their end."

Rudy couldn't hide his astonishment. He had never encountered someone who saw themselves as a savior while conducting such monstrous acts. It was a warped sense of morality that left him baffled. "George," he said, shaking his head, "you're no savior. You're a perpetrator of cruelty, and I won't let your delusions continue."

George's face contorted with frustration at Rudy's response. "It must be nice," he sneered, "To be the ultimate judge of what's right and wrong, good and evil. But if you say no one should play god, then, Rudy, you shouldn't either."

Rudy simply shrugged, an air of indifference surrounding him. "Perhaps," he replied calmly. "But when one holds the power I do, the responsibility to make those judgments often falls upon them."

This only fueled George's anger further. He jabbed a finger towards Rudy, accusingly. "You're a hypocrite," he hissed. "You, the Lord, the supposed most powerful being in the universe according to your so-called prophecy."

George's voice grew even more intense as he revealed his twisted motives. "The human race is the weakest among all the other races out there," he said with a venomous glare. "I conducted those experiments to change that, to make us capable of standing our ground, of annihilating the other races if need be."

Rudy's expression remained composed, but his eyes bore into George's. The stark contrast in their beliefs was undeniable, and the confrontation between them seemed far from over.

George's words hung heavily in the air as he continued, his tone passionate. "All the things mentioned in the book of prophecy came true. There's another prophecy, Rudy, one that foretells that the human world will once again be inhabited by the other races, just like it once used to be!"

Rudy maintained his silence, his gaze unwavering, as he absorbed George's argument.

George's voice held a sense of urgency now. "Think about it, Rudy," he implored. "If the other races return to Earth, humans will become their slaves once more, as history has shown. Humanity will either be tools and toys of the other races or go extinct. Either way, it's doom for us. And if that truly happens, who will save humanity? The answer is clear: humanity itself."

He emphasized his point, his eyes locked onto Rudy's. "If every human has superpowers, they can be unbeatable. We can stand our ground and ensure our survival, no longer at the mercy of others."

George's eyes bore into Rudy's, challenging him to see the reason behind his actions, even if they had been horrific.ṣṣ

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