Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Chapter 928 Helpless Nurse

Chapter 928 Helpless Nurse

As the evening progressed, the enchanting atmosphere of the restaurant seemed to weave a spell around Kaguya. The worries that had initially weighed on her heart began to fade, replaced by a sense of belonging that she hadn't anticipated. The laughter, the stories, and the genuine companionship they shared turned the evening into a balm for her weary soul.

As the plates of delectable dishes were brought to the table, Kaguya's apprehension melted away, replaced by a growing anticipation. She found herself immersed in the flavors and textures, savoring each bite with a newfound appreciation. The delicate dance of tastes on her palate stirred a sense of delight that she had almost forgotten amidst her daily struggles.

The easy camaraderie between Rudy, Maria, and herself made her feel at ease, as if she was catching up with old friends. The initial unease that had gripped her was now a distant memory, replaced by a feeling of comfort that wrapped around her like a warm embrace. She was no longer aware of the opulent surroundings, for in that moment, it was the connection and the shared laughter that painted her world in vibrant hues.

Kaguya's thoughts drifted as she listened to their animated conversation, momentarily forgetting the weight of her responsibilities and the disappointments she had faced.

Kaguya's life had been a relentless pursuit of her dreams, an unwavering dedication to her studies and the future she had envisioned for herself. As a child, she had harbored dreams of becoming a doctor, of making a difference in the lives of others through healing and compassion. She had worked tirelessly, her nose buried in textbooks and her mind focused on the pursuit of excellence.

But the pursuit of her dreams had come at a cost. Her singular focus had left little room for friendships or connections outside the realm of academia. While her classmates laughed, socialized, and formed bonds that would last a lifetime, Kaguya had been consumed by her studies. The rigors of her schedule and the weight of her aspirations had isolated her, creating an invisible wall that separated her from the ordinary joys of youth.

Her determination and hard work had brought her within reach of her ultimate goal - a coveted seat in a prestigious medical school. The scholarship program had been her lifeline, the promise that her dreams were within grasp even with her humble background. She had excelled, her dedication earning her a place among the country's academic elite.

Yet, fate had dealt her a cruel twist. The very institution that was meant to nurture her dreams had been tainted by corruption and greed. A student's admission was no longer based on merit, but on the thickness of their family's wallet. Kaguya's dreams were shattered when her rightful place was snatched away by the power of wealth, leaving her heartbroken and disillusioned.

Forced to change her course, she had chosen nursing as an alternative path. It was a decision born out of necessity rather than passion, a compromise that stung deeply. And as she delved into the world of nursing, she found herself further isolated. Her classmates had formed bonds during their training, but Kaguya struggled to bridge the gap that her years of solitude had created.

The walls she had built around herself grew thicker, her past experiences fueling a deep-seated belief that true connections were a luxury she could not afford. Friendships felt elusive, distant, and unnecessary when weighed against the practicality of her goals.

And so, as Kaguya sat in the luxurious restaurant with Rudy and Maria, a warmth she had long forgotten began to thaw the ice around her heart. Their genuine interest, the shared laughter, and the simple camaraderie began to chip away at the barriers she had constructed.

For the first time in a long while, she felt the stirrings of something she hadn't experienced in years - a sense of belonging, a glimmer of what it might feel like to have friends who cared.

As the evening progressed, Kaguya realized that perhaps there was more to life than her singular pursuit of a medical degree. Perhaps there was beauty in the connections she had been denying herself, in the moments of laughter and understanding that she had been missing.

The dinner had been a delightful affair, filled with laughter, shared stories, and the warmth of newfound companionship. As the plates were cleared away and the last remnants of dessert disappeared, the waiter approached their table with the bill in hand. Rudy, with his signature charm, signaled to the waiter that he would settle the payment at the counter. The waiter nodded, understanding Rudy's gesture.

Kaguya excused herself to accompany Maria to the ladies' washroom. With a friendly smile, Maria accepted the offer, and the two of them walked away from the table, their voices fading as they chatted.

Inside the restroom, Maria fixed her appearance in the mirror while Kaguya stood by, lost in her thoughts. She admired Maria's beauty and poise, her heart a mix of admiration and a tinge of envy. But she quickly shook off the negative feeling, focusing on the camaraderie she was experiencing tonight.

Upon their return, they found that Rudy had already settled the bill, and Maria offered a grateful smile.

They made their way to the parked car, and Maria quickly took the passenger's seat, knowing that Rudy was the designated driver for the journey back. Rudy and Kaguya followed suit, strolling leisurely toward the car. However, just as they were about to reach it, Kaguya paused, her fingers lightly curling around Rudy's arm to stop him.

He turned his gaze to her, an inquisitive smile on his lips. Kaguya's expression held a mixture of determination and sincerity as she spoke, her voice soft but resolute. "Rudy, I want to pay my share of the bill someday. Please let me do that."

Rudy's eyes held a gentle amusement as he regarded Kaguya. "Kaguya, there's really no need for that. We were all here to enjoy each other's company."

Kaguya's insistence remained unwavering. She nodded slightly, her gaze meeting Rudy's with earnestness. "I understand that, but I want to. It's not just about the bill; it's about showing my appreciation."

Rudy lowered his gaze as he thought, 'I wanted to cheer her up, but she is so… pessimistic…'

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