Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Chapter 881 Suspecting George

Through his vision, Rudy peered through the closed door of George's room, observing his movements and actions. His senses honed, Rudy paid close attention to every detail, searching for any indication of George's presence and any potential impact it might have on their conversation.

As Alice continued to speak, Rudy's attention remained divided. He absorbed her words, processing the information she shared, while simultaneously monitoring George's activities. It was a delicate balance, one that required him to remain attentive to both the present conversation and the potential presence of Alice's father.

With each passing moment, Rudy's assessment of George's actions deepened. He noted the subtleties, the nuances that could reveal George's intentions and possible reactions. It was an exercise in reading between the lines, deciphering the unspoken messages that unfolded within the confines of George's room.

Out of a sudden, George emerged from his room, his cheerful smile and nonchalant demeanor attempted to mask his true intentions.

George approached them, his voice laced with feigned curiosity. "Oh! Rudy is here!"

"Yes, I just arrived."

Rudy maintained a composed expression, aware of George's covert surveillance through the hidden cameras that lined the house. He knew that George was watching, observing their every move.

"It's good to see you both. Any plans for the day?"

Rudy responded calmly, his voice steady and composed. "Actually, George, Alice and I are heading to school. We have upcoming final exams, and we thought it would be best to study together."

George nodded, seemingly satisfied with Rudy's answer, but his watchful eyes betrayed his suspicions.

However, their intended destination was not the school but Rudy's majestic castle in his dynasty.

Unbeknownst to George, Rudy possessed the ability to discern his true intentions. While Rudy maintained a calm and collected demeanor, his mind was racing, devising a plan to outmaneuver George's surveillance.

With a well-practiced air of casualness, Rudy continued, "We'll be back later this evening, George. Just a focused study session to make sure we're well-prepared for our exams."

George smiled, a gleam of mischief dancing in his eyes. "That sounds like a sensible plan. Good luck with your studies, both of you."

As George watched Rudy and Alice leave the house, his suspicion grew stronger. There was something amiss in their behavior, something that didn't align with their supposed destination of school. Determined to confirm his doubts, he called out to them, urging them to wait for a moment.

Rudy and Alice paused, exchanging a quick glance. They couldn't afford to reveal their true intentions, but they also couldn't outright refuse George's offer without raising suspicion. Reluctantly, they complied and waited as George disappeared into the house.

Minutes later, George emerged from the garage, keys in hand. He approached them with a smile, his voice warm but tinged with curiosity. "Hey, Rudy, Alice, I just realized that I'm heading in the same direction for a work-related meeting. How about I give you both a ride to school? It'll save you the trouble of taking public transportation."

Rudy's mind raced, searching for a way to navigate this unexpected turn of events. He knew they couldn't refuse outright, but they also couldn't allow George to uncover their true destination. With a calm demeanor, he responded, "That's very kind of you, George. We appreciate the offer. We were just about to catch the bus, but if you're heading the same way, we'd be happy to accept the ride."

George beamed at their acceptance, seemingly oblivious to their internal turmoil. As they all climbed into the car, Rudy and Alice exchanged cautious glances, mentally preparing themselves for the challenge ahead.

As the car pulled away from the curb, George engaged them in conversation, his questions subtly probing for information. Rudy and Alice maintained a facade of nonchalance, deflecting his queries with vague answers. Inside, their hearts raced, aware that George's suspicion lingered.

Rudy's agreement to accept George's offer of a ride raised a subtle tension in the air. As they climbed into George's car, Rudy and Alice exchanged knowing glances, their shared secret weighing heavily on their minds. They had to play their roles carefully, ensuring that George remained oblivious to their true intentions.

Sitting in the backseat, Rudy maintained a calm and composed exterior, his gaze focused on the passing scenery outside the car window. Alice, too, exuded an air of casualness, engaging in light conversation with George about everyday topics.

Meanwhile, Rudy's senses were on high alert. He watched George from the corner of his eye, attuned to any signs of suspicion or a change in his behavior. The weight of their hidden agenda weighed on him. The need for discretion was paramount.

As the car smoothly moved through the streets, George engaged in small talk, oblivious to the fact that his passengers were concealing their true destination. Rudy listened attentively, his responses measured and carefully crafted to maintain the facade of normalcy.

As Rudy and Alice settled into the backseat of George's car, a subtle tension hung in the air. George's gaze flickered repeatedly to the rearview mirror, his attention fixed on the connection between their intertwined hands. Unbeknownst to George, Rudy and Alice were engaged in a silent telepathic conversation, their thoughts and intentions concealed from prying eyes.

In their shared mental space, Rudy guided Alice, his words flowing effortlessly. He urged her to ask him about the bracelet she had gifted him not long ago, a strategic move to divert George's attention and plant a false trail. With a calm and composed demeanor, Alice followed Rudy's lead, her voice gentle but purposeful.

"Hey, Rudy," Alice began, her tone casual yet calculated. "I just realized I haven't seen you wearing the bracelet I gave you. Did you lose it or something?"

Rudy, relying on his telepathic abilities, responded without missing a beat, his voice matching the cadence of their conversation. "Ah, yes, the bracelet. I actually dropped it somewhere while I was out the other day. Must have slipped off without me noticing."

George, still glancing intermittently at them through the rearview mirror, appeared slightly intrigued by their exchange. His curiosity, however, remained focused on their physical connection, oblivious to the hidden subtext of their conversation.

As the car continued its journey, Rudy and Alice maintained the illusion of a casual discussion, occasionally touching upon other topics to further veil their true intentions. With each passing moment, they moved further away from the clandestine facility and deeper into the fabricated narrative of the lost bracelet.

As the car approached a significant junction, Alice took a calculated risk, steering the conversation toward their supposed destination. "Rudy, do you remember where you might have dropped the bracelet? Maybe we can retrace your steps later and try to find it." innπš›πšŽπšŠπš.cπš˜πš–

Rudy, playing his part, responded with a hint of regret in his voice. "I'm afraid it's a lost cause, Alice. I covered quite a bit of ground last night. It could be anywhere by now."

George, seemingly engaged in their conversation, chimed in with a hint of sympathy. "Oh, that's a shame. Losing something sentimental can be quite disheartening. But don't worry, maybe it'll turn up someday. Or you can always get another pair if it was truly that important to you."

Rudy smirked inwardly, as he had planted a seed for his next quest.

He knew where he had dropped the bracelet. In fact, he had dropped it purposely, and the location was no other than area 69.

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