Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Chapter 786 Test Subject 005

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Rudy rubbed his chin as he took a moment to ponder.

"Are you the janitor at the school? If you are angry about that clogged toilet, then I have to tell you it wasn't me. It was like that when I teleported there."

"I told you I am test subject 005! Why would you mistake me for a janitor?"

Of course, Rudy had heard it clearly, but he was buying time. He wanted to find a way to deal with Peauru, and for that , he had to know more about him.

Even if Rudy had asked him nicely about himself, he wouldn't have answered, obviously. So Rudy chose the old classic method to make him utter everything.

"Test subject?" Rudy raised his brow with a serious look on his face. "Oh, right! Now I remember!"

"Of courrsee you do," Peauru said smugly.

"We have a test for subject history tomorrow. Thanks for reminding me. I am bad at history, you see." π™›π™§π™šπ™šπ’˜π’†π’ƒπ’π’π™«π™šπ’.π™˜π’π’Ž

"Enough! How darre you mock me?! I am betterr than you! And I will prrove it by killing you!"

"Argh, you ruined it." Rudy let out a frustrated sigh and muttered, "I have dealt with many pieces of shits like you who came to harm me and ended up ceasing to exist. You made a unique entry but then turned into the cliche enemy."


"I am not like them! I am pearrru. They called me a failurrre and mocked me because I didn't have any offensive powerrr, but I will prrrove them wrrong after I kill you! You arre the strrrongest being in existence!

If I kill you, I will prrove to them that I don't need offensive power!"

Peauru hovered in front of Rudy and waited for Rudy's response and reaction.

'I can easily kill him using one of my overpowered attacks, but it could hurt me too. I can't counter against my own power, which is my biggest drawback in this battle.

If I wanted to kill him, I would have one shot him in the store, but mom and Elena were around. I could have killed him after that, but I purposely kept him alive because I wanted to ask him a few questions.

I assumed I would torture him to get my answers and then kill him, but he has a strange power. I am not sure if I should even call this a power. And he said he is the test subject of a supergene experiment.

He can't be from the other timeline. He is from this timeline where the supergene experiments have been successful. I already knew that since the zombie apocalypse was the result of the supergene experiment.

This man standing in front of me is yet another successful test subject who acquired the power to counter me… the Lord. But is it his power or the hoodie? I guessed that earlier, and judging by how he reacted, I think I hit the mark.

If he is getting this power from the hoodie, doesn't it mean that he is powerless without it? I had touched him at the store when I tossed him in the sky. Since I can copy anything I touched, I copied his hoodie and pasted it to make an exact replica, but it only copied the structure, not the materialβ€” which is weird.

But what's the point of being a test subject if anyone who wears that hoodie can become like him? I am missing something. I need more answers.'

Rudy had already analyzed the situation in the middle of the battle. He had his ways to win the fight, but he needed a few answers.

Rudy stared at Peauru with emotionless eyes and uttered, "Looks like I need to remind you why I am called the strongest. If small pests like you keep interfering in my lovely and peaceful life, what am I going to do with the big fry?

Since you know about me, that must mean you know who I am. Seriously, and I thought I was doing a good job keeping my lordship hidden. Who are you people, and where do you come from?

If you wanted, you could have harmed my lovers, but you didn't because you were aware of my spell. So why do you fear my spell but not me? No one can win against me, and that's an absolute rule, so why did you come here to die?

You cannot defeat me, no one can. Also…" Rudy raised his brow and squinted his eyes before asking. "What did you do with the real terrorist whose phone you are using. Two terrorists managed to escape, and one of them turned out to be a superhuman?

That's an unbelievable coincidence. And why was it that the phone's location was pinged in my town, in my lover's store? It doesn't make sense. Your goal was to call me out.

But why? What did you achieve by doing that? Let me guess… death. If you wanted to die, you could have just asked me. I would have granted your wish.

"We don't fearr the Lorrd, but we fearr his powerrs. Anyone can be Lorrd. You arre not a special case. But you arre… unworrthy to become Lorrd. You arren't using your powerrs how they are supposed to be used.

Why is this worrld still living a peaceful life? Where is Chaoss? Where is blood? Where is destruction? You know humansss don't deserrve to live a peaceful life. So why are you prrotecting them?"

"What did you do with the real terrorist who escaped that day?" Rudy asked, ignoring Peauru's questions.

"I am that terrrorrist."

"No, you are not. A superhuman wouldn't even be interested in a bank robbery. Who is your leader, and where is the mastermind?"

"I am the masterrmind!"

"Yeah, right. And I am masterdick."

Rudy raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


That was the only sound in the silent space that echoed across the galaxy.

"Since you are not worth wasting my time, I am done dealing with you."

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