Empire of the Ring

Chapter 726 - You Reap What You Sow (3)

Chapter 726: You Reap What You Sow (3)

Azerbaijan’s military welcomed the proposal by the Kazakh royal family.

This was because it was a groundbreaking way to maintain the actual military power while showing a reduction in troops externally.

As Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan were already a federation, the military leadership seemed to trust Kazakhstan.

Youngho and Jong-il were at the meeting with the military leaders of Azerbaijan.

“Your Royal Highness. Would military assistance be possible if Armenia or Russia turn hostile toward us after our troop reduction?”

“That’s not going to happen. Russia and our royal family have strong ties, so Russia will not play with fire against Azerbaijan, a federal state of Kazakhstan. I’m confident it will never happen as long as our royal family exists.”

“I’m asking this in case of a contingency.”

Although the Azerbaijan Constitution stipulated the Kazakh royal family’s non-intervention in the diplomatic and military sectors, there was also a royal palace in Azerbaijan, so it was not a problem for Kazakh forces to be stationed there.

“The troop dispatch goes against the Azerbaijan Constitution. If the royal family does not abide by the principle of non-intervention in military diplomacy, will the people remain silent?”

The generals at the meeting were clearly disappointed by Youngho’s answer.

Knowing the Kazakh royal family’s strong military power, it was regrettable for them if they could not be used in case of Azerbaijan’s emergency. Some generals even went so far as to be complaining about the ridiculous constitution.

“It’s hard to amend the constitution again, but wouldn’t it work if a new treaty between countries is signed?”

“How long has it been since the peace agreement was signed? We can’t start a new military agreement that will provoke neighboring countries. Also, the Kazakh royal family has the role of the peacekeeping troops, how can we sign a military partnership with Azerbaijan?”

Then the faces of military leaders became very rigid.

Youngho’s words meant that he would not mobilize the Kazakh royal forces so easily.

“If it’s only based on defense, wouldn’t it be alright?”

“If that happens, of course, we’ll have to help. But ultimately, we’d need legal grounds in order to do so. However, you must be familiar with the royal palace in the royal territory in Baku. This means that the troops guarding this place are the Royal Bodyguards. If the palace is attacked, the guards will come forward, and we will send more troops in that case. That’s the only intervention the royal family can do.”

Everyone did not seem to be convinced by Youngho’s words.

They were not familiar with the royal guards.

“Your Highness, how many Royal Bodyguards troops do you have?”

“About 20,000.”

In response to Youngho’s reply, the military generals who at the meeting were all dumbfounded.

The forces of the Royal Bodyguards had not been publicly specified so far.

Everyone, who thought that it was a battalion at best, was surprised to hear the number of royal guards.

At the same time, they were relieved to think that this level of troops could be sent by the royal family alone.

“Your Royal Highness. May I ask why the royal family has so many troops?”

“They’re mainly used as an overseas contingent.”

As the Royal Bodyguards belonged to the royal family privately, it was free from political purposes.

“The troops to be sent overseas should be almost like a special force…”

“That’s right. They did a great job in Afghanistan and Syria. It’s comparable to the Navy Seal. It’s also China’s most feared force.”

The generals seemed to be shocked by the Duke’s remark.

The generals, who had been struggling with Armenia, were well aware of the use of special forces.

In general, the power used in war was divided into symmetrical and asymmetrical forces.

Asymmetric power included weapons capable of mass destruction, such as nuclear weapons, biological and chemical weapons, and ballistic missiles.

Armed forces penetrating underground tunnels, surprise attacks through submarines, and non-regular forces such as guerrillas were also collectively described as asymmetric forces.

Symmetric power, on the other hand, referred to weapons used in actual combat such as tanks, warships, fighter jets, artilleries, missiles, and guns.

It took a lot of time and money to build conventional power, but it was called symmetrical power because it was effective as much as it was invested, and it was called conventional power as such weapons were traditionally used.

Therefore, asymmetric power was a frightening power because it exerted superior power in killing human life and could target the opponent’s weaknesses as much as possible.

That was why countries with more to protect reacted more sensitively to the other side’s asymmetric power.

Azerbaijan’s generals left the conference room with a look of encouragement.

It was very reassuring to hear that the Kazakh royal family had such a great asymmetric power, believing that they had no opponent to fear.


Youngho did not want the Aliyev regime to collapse immediately.

For the time being, it was convenient for Kazakhstan if things were maintained the same in Azerbaijan.

Already, the public sentiment was completely tilted toward the royal family as well as the military of Azerbaijan, so there was nothing to be busy about.

He hoped that the atmosphere would be maintained for the time being as the political burden would be reduced if Aliyev was put on the front burner.

Aliyev did not try anything reckless as if he recognized his position. He was crawling on his own.

The evidence was the fact that he had been cleaning up his surroundings these days.

He withdrew his wife’s appointment as vice president and was quietly clearing up stakes of the presidential family since it had invested in various rights projects.

Reducing the number of troops in the military also played a part in this.

After the National Police Agency sided with the Kazakh royal family, the military was his last remaining supporters, but he lost power when the military leaders agreed to reduce the number of troops.

It was a necessary decision to keep the peace treaty because the Kazakh royal Bodyguards and Russian troops had already agreed to serve as peacekeepers, and maintaining the current military force could not be justified.

Fortunately, the military’s weapons could be moved to Kazakhstan without dismantling.

In order for such weapons to be brought back, there would have to be an unexpected change in the Caucasus. As long as the Kazakh royal family was holding out, no country would dare to provoke Azerbaijan.

There was no country that was willing to fight against Kazakhstan for a palm-sized Azerbaijan.

These days, Aliyev had been under a lot of stress.

He even prepared an institutional mechanism so that he could serve as president for generations and hold permanent power, but he could not resist the surging waves of change.

So in frustration, he requested a private meeting with the Duke of Kazakhstan.

“Your Royal Highness. Now that the era of peace has come, I think I’ve lost my job. I’m very disappointed that my supporters are turning their backs on me.”

Aliyev, an old-fashioned politician, looked a few years older just in a few days.

Youngho was also nervous when Aliyev said his situation without hesitation.

It seemed he had come to negotiate something.

If Aliyev was to the point of bringing this up, he must have prepared a lot.

“Your Excellency, why are you saying this? Who on earth has turned back on you? How dare there be anyone in Azerbaijan who disobeys your word?”

Youngho was careful to comfort Aliyev because he did not know what he might be hiding behind.

“Even the power seemed eternal had lost its power before time. I lost the hearts of people. How can I not know that? People are just supporting me because they don’t have any alternative now.”

“Your approval rating is the same and the people are following your regime well, so what’s the problem?”

“I’m having a hard time after the peace treaty. It’s hard to get people together in the presidential palace.”

It was Aliyev, who had gathered his aides every day to hold parties and distribute money and valuables.

However, now his aides did not respond well to his invitation.

This was because high-ranking officials and military leaders also felt a sense of crisis. Knowing that staying with Aliyev would not save them, they were slowly keeping a distance from him.

That would not mean that corruption would be eliminated, but they were trying to keep away from immediate bribes.

“Isn’t this a transition period? It’s probably because everyone is busy and trying to get accustomed to the new changes. Who will they listen to if they don’t listen to the one who has appointed them? If you don’t like it, just let it go.”

“How can I swing my sword when the people are watching? I thought it was time for me to slowly get ready to leave, so I came here to hear your advice.”

Youngho felt like he was struck in the back by Aliyev’s sudden remark.

Aliyev should still be in power. There was no suitable alternative to replace him yet, so if he left, who would do his job?

“I don’t know what makes you so depressed, but don’t forget that the people still support you. The royal family will do its best to help you. So cheer up.”

When Youngho said he would help, Aliyev’s expression changed slightly.

He had gained a small hope.

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