Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 894

Doomsday Wonderland Chapter 894: We’re Unable to Go to Mid Mountsburg, But…

Chapter 894: We’re Unable to Go to Mid Mountsburg, But…


It was already too late when Bohemia let out a cry of alarm. Her feet slipped, and she tumbled into a corner—only stopping when she thudded against the plastic airbag wall.

“Didn’t we tell you,” the red-haired woolly person buzzed from behind a thick thicket of hair, “don’t try to find balance while floating in the ball. Just lie down.”

“No matter how strong you are, you can’t defy the laws of physics,” the green-haired woolly person added.

At this moment, the twins stretched out their limbs, lying flat against the bottom of the plastic airbag. At first glance, they looked like corpses. Whenever a wave crashed into this round sphere-shaped airbag, they would roll along with the force of the water, tumbling on the ground. But they remained calm as if it were nothing, as if lifeless flesh rolling inside a ball, unaffected by it.

…Bohemia couldn’t stand it.

“It’s, it’s so ugly,” she struggled to sit up, pressing her hands firmly against the wall of the airbag behind her, attempting to stabilize herself. She hadn’t completely given up this futile effort. “The two of you, it’s just…”

“Ugliness is subjective, a value judgment of one’s external appearance,” one of the twins said while lying flat.

“Judgment criteria are not innate.”

“They are shaped by the social background and cultural system one has been immersed in for a long time.”

“Therefore, we choose not to be enslaved by this consciousness shaped by external forces.”

Bohemia looked at them speechlessly for a few seconds, full of dissatisfaction, not knowing what to say for a moment. It was only when she was toppled by another wave that she finally gave up the struggle and begrudgingly lay down, complaining, “Why did you turn the escape airbag into a sphere? I feel like throwing up from all this rolling! A mouse is just a mouse.”

“You’re thinking of a hamster.”

“A spherical shape is the least likely to make people think it’s a human-carrying watercraft,” the twins responded smoothly, leaving no room for her to interject.

“I don’t care how you feel, I can’t continue to delay like this,” Bohemia suddenly clapped the wall of the airbag and sat up. “I must go to Mid Mountsburg.”

Although she harbored a lot of resentment towards Lin Sanjiu, she still had to go to Mid Mountsburg. After all, she had already promised. Of course, she had often broken her promises in the past, and there was nothing stopping her from sneaking away now. But… but… there seemed to be something that wouldn’t allow it.

Bohemia couldn’t quite figure out what it was for a moment. Well, it definitely wasn’t because she was afraid of making Lin Sanjiu angry.

“Mid Mountsburg,” the twins exchanged a glance. “It seems there are no rivers pa.s.sing through there.”

“Then find the nearest place and let me out.”

“Not possible,” the green-haired woolly person flatly refused.

“The ball is disposable,” the red-haired woolly person said.

“It can’t be opened until we reach our destination,” they both said in unison.

If it were Lin Sanjiu, she would definitely inquire about their destination, come up with a compromise, or even run a bit further herself… But that was just how Lin Sanjiu would handle it.

The more things she would do, the more Bohemia would do the opposite, not to mention her unruly and reckless nature—

“No opening allowed,” she tilted her head and smiled, then quickly tied up her long curls. “Then I’ll open it for you.”

As soon as she finished speaking, a curved silver radiance immediately appeared in her hand. She particularly liked this s.h.i.+ny, star-like color, so most of the weapons she bought from the Munitions Factory were of this color. At this moment, the thin blade, as thin as a sheet of paper, was aimed at the airbag wall, flickering with a faint light.

“Wait, wait!”

The two furry bodies simultaneously came alive from the bottom of the sphere and leaped up.

“What are you going to do in Mid Mountsburg?” the green-haired woolly person asked cautiously.

“Mind your own business.”

“We absolutely cannot go out now,” the red-haired woolly person said impatiently. “Based on the information and data we have captured and a.n.a.lyzed, if we expose ourselves on the water surface now, there is a fifty-four percent chance of being caught, not to mention the b.u.t.terfly effect and ripple range caused by the recent actions of the Coalition of Races…”

Bohemia felt overwhelmed, “Can you guys speak human language?”

“What we mean is,” the green-haired woolly person interrupted his brother, his hair and beard seemed to be tense from nervousness, “maybe you don’t need to go to Mid Mountsburg, and we can still help you.”

Bohemia perked up her ears.

She hesitated for a moment, her eyes darting back and forth. She had previously asked this pair of brothers for information about a certain posthuman and remembered their response at that time—”Didn’t you say that in the ever-changing world of the apocalypse, it’s all a matter of luck to gather information about a specific individual?”

“Yes,” the twins were frank, without any ambiguity, “so you should try your luck first.”

Maybe it wasn’t a bad idea… Bohemia thought for a while and felt that she had pretty good luck when Lin Sanjiu wasn’t around, so she tentatively asked, “Have you heard of a person named Yu Yuan?”

In the myriad worlds of the apocalypse, countless posthumans come and go every day, leaving billions of traces of their actions in the world. The twins couldn’t include every person in their information database—there probably wasn’t anything in the world that could accomplish that. They furrowed their brows and thought for a while, but eventually shook their heads, “No.”

Dealing with them had at least one advantage: there was no need to worry about them lying to customers.

Bohemia rolled her eyes, “Say goodbye to your ball.”

“Wait, wait! If you want to know any information about Mid Mountsburg, we can tell you!” the red-haired woolly person seemed on the verge of tears.

“Anything!” the green-haired woolly person emphasized.

Perhaps afraid that Bohemia didn’t understand the significance, the red-haired woolly person explained carefully, “What do you want to know about this person? If he has left any traces of his actions in Mid Mountsburg, any interactions with others, we can extract information from other data…”

“Hey, that’s enough,” Bohemia didn’t let him finish, immediately interrupting him, “There seems to have been an explosion on the mountain behind Mid Mountsburg, and this person called Yu Yuan happened to be at the center of the explosion.”

She went on to describe how she had asked Jezebel to search the mountain for Yu Yuan on behalf of Lin Sanjiu, explaining everything in detail.

“Alright,” the twins spoke at the same time, “let us search and a.n.a.lyze it.”

Bohemia slowly lowered the blade, looking at the two hairy men with suspicion. They frowned and remained silent, lost in thought for a long time. Just when she thought they were trying to buy time, they suddenly raised their heads simultaneously, their movements synchronized.

“Half a month ago, people in Mid Mountsburg heard an explosion from the sky at the mountaintop. It seems to be the exact time when the aircraft exploded,” even though Bohemia didn’t mention anything about an aircraft, the twins somehow grasped this point.

“The next morning, Bliss Pavilion dispatched an aircraft and headed towards the mountains.”

“It returned after 4 p.m. in the afternoon.” Everything seemed as if the twins had witnessed it themselves.

“That evening, a gang responsible for managing several blocks outside the Black Market, by the way, it’s called Stygian Constellation, received a complaint.”

“A complaint?” Bohemia felt like she couldn’t keep up with their train of thought.

“Yes, someone had made an appointment with the medical station but found that the attending doctor was not there when they arrived.”

“At the same time, on the Mokugyo Encyclopedic Forum, a small batch of medical supplies that had been listed for sale for 17 days were sold after midnight past 12 a.m. Those medical supplies were not very useful for ordinary people,” the red-haired man added.

“Between six and seven o’clock the next morning, Miss Jezebel appeared in Mid Mountsburg and attracted nearly a hundred people to gather and watch in just half an hour.”

“Some of the men, during the night or later, boasted about having drinks with Miss Jezebel.”

“Hold on!” Bohemia quickly interrupted them. “Are you suggesting that Yu Yuan is still alive because the medical supplies was sold…?”

The twins glanced at her unhappily. “We’re not suggesting anything. These are all events that have happened. We haven’t finished yet.”

“…Go on.”

“Miss Jezebel has never had a record of drinking with several ordinary-looking men in succession.”

“But there are no intersections in the social networks of these individuals, making it unlikely that they are colluding in their lies,” the red-haired man said, and the green-haired man immediately added with enthusiasm, “It’s worth noting that they all believe going for a drink is significant!”

What does that imply?

The brothers suddenly seemed happy, forgetting that the sphere was still a threat and that they were being pursued. “Listen carefully! This part is our conclusion based on the a.n.a.lysis of over two hundred pieces of data.”

Bohemia just wished they would get to the point quickly.

“Jezebel, the person who went to find Yu Yuan,” the green-haired man explained further, “it is highly possible that she found Yu Yuan, who was severely injured, on that same day and left him at Bliss Pavilion. Then she asked the doctor to leave after prescribing specific medications… but that’s not all. For someone with such severe injuries, survival is not guaranteed even with medication and surgery.”

Bohemia listened in a daze.

“Those men had their blood secretly drawn,” the red-haired man responded with certainty. “The drowsiness after drinking masked the weakness from the blood draw.”

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