Divine Path System

Chapter 810 The Nests [5]: Winning Without Lifting A Finger

Chapter 810 The Nests [5]: Winning Without Lifting A Finger

"Only three?" Varian raised a brow as he communicated with Boo through telepathy.

His throat was half-burnt and just using it caused him tremendous pain. For now, even moving his body was off limits.

"Yes, master. Only three secret realms here." Boo pointed to the three glowing dots on the map and nodded.


"Don't worry, Master. Even if they know what we're up to, the level 7s won't be able to reach us." Boo assured him.

"But level 9s can." Varian's eyes flashed with a gloomy light. "And the faster we finish it, the better. I'd rather not bet my success chance on Abyssals not sending reinforcements."

Boo nodded in understanding and two minutes later, the Ghostship entered a secret realm.

Pluto had three secret realms near it.

After entering it, the wyverns would be teleported to one of the intermediate secret realms between Pluto and Neptune.

From there, they would be teleported again to the secret realms near Neptune.

This was because the teleportation formations couldn't teleport directly from Neptune to Pluto. It's too far.

So, Varian made a simple plan.

The ghost ship quietly sneaked into the secret realm. As expected, this secret realm too was populated by Abyssals. But they were all weak, the strongest one being only level 6.

Even the current Varian could easily kill him.

But he didn't bother with that and let the Ghost ship enter the most important location of the secret realm.

The building with the teleportation formation.

The ghost ship opened slightly and a small but potent ball of lightning flew out and entered the teleportation formation.

It didn't immediately explode but stayed dormant like a time bomb.

The Abyssals of the realm didn't know what just happened. They received the instructions to prepare the teleportation formations and were busy retrieving the materials to kickstart the formation.

A few minutes later, Varian did the same thing to the second secret realm.

Then, he sent a message to Seth. "We're done."

The space above Pluto suddenly shone with golden light and a few minutes later, a severely injured Seth reached the coordinates and was picked up by the ghost ship.

The level 9 Abyssals fighting him were severely injured and had no interest in pursuing him.

In their opinion, he was as good as dead.

Varian sent Seth for emergency healing and the Ghost ship entered the final secret realm of Pluto.

This time, instead of destroying it, the Ghost ship entered the teleportation formation and activated it.

Boo knew some basics after watching Varian use the federation's formation so many times.

"Hey, who are you!"

"Call the patriarch!"


The activation of teleportation formation was sensed by the guards and the whole secret realm was alerted in seconds.

A soft sigh escaped Varian's lips and he raised a finger at the spaceship's exit. The door opened and a small lightning arc flew out from his fingertip.

It reached the clouds and burst into tens of thousands of lightning bolts.

The Abyssals in the secret realm paled as they watched a literal lightning rain.



"You bastard!"

Level 1 or level 4, level 5 or even level 6, it didn't matter how strong they were.

Once the lightning bolt touched them, they were burnt to ashes.

Boo gulped at that sight and even Seth who was watching everything groggily widened his eyes.

"Let's go," Varian said in a weak tone.

Boo nodded and the teleportation formation finally activated.

"Did the reinforcements teleport…no, it's a spaceship?"

"This spaceship seems familiar."

"G-Ghost ship?"

The Abyssals in the intermediate secret realm were dumbfounded by Ghost ship's appearance.

But their surprise didn't last long as they were quickly destroyed by lightning rain.

"How many?" Varian asked in a weak tone after casually killing thirty thousand Abyssals.



There were five intermediate secret realms, not counting this one. They were also quite far apart, for security reasons.

If he wanted to visit them all, it'd take at least half a day.

"Teleport back. Set the destination to another intermediate secret realm. Rinse and repeat." Varian said.

Boo was speechless but followed his order nonetheless.

The ghost ship teleported back to the secret realm near Pluto.

The wyverns were just formed into groups and were drinking the final bits of the golden liquid to boost themselves.

They wouldn't be coming here for another ten minutes.

Exploiting this chance, the Ghost ship teleported to and fro and visited all the five intermediate secret realms.

Varian smoothly destroyed all their teleportation formations except the very first one.

After finishing the final one, the Ghost ship teleported back to the secret realm near Pluto.

This time, however, there was an audience.

"What the!"

"It's you!"


A bunch of level 7 Abyssals had entered the secret realm to check on after realizing the staff here weren't responding.

As a result, they witnessed this outrageous scene.

But even if they did find out, it was already too late.

The teleportation formation lit up and the ghost ship was gone.

Not only that, a few seconds later, a hidden lightning bomb on the formation exploded, destroying the formation!

The level 9 Abyssals, Jezur and Lurth, who were recuperating just got a few terrible messages.

"Sir, teleportation formations in the secret realms near Pluto are destroyed!"

"Sir, the intermediate realms also just lost their last formation!"

"Sir, the secret realms near Neptune were just destroyed!"

The two level 9 Abyssals coughed out blood as they collapsed onto the ground. A chill shot down their spine as they realized it was all Varian's doing.


"Don't! This is just a dream!"

"A nightmare!"

"An illusion!"

The two tried to support each other but when they looked at each other's eyes, they only saw despair.

After destroying all the formations near Pluto, Varian did the same for the intermediate realms. Then, he teleported to the secret realms near Neptune and did the same!

Not even a single level 7 Abyssal was killed, yet his actions were a major blow to the Aybssals.

"Time!" Varian smiled. "They don't have time."

The biggest challenge for him during his mission to Pluto was time. Even for ghost ship, Pluto was too far from Neptune and would take three-five days.

What about the Abyssal spaceships?

They'd take at least a week!

"But these forcibly advanced wyverns have a lifespan of only five days!" Varian smiled coldly.

Without lifting a single finger, he destroyed the army of a hundred and eighty level 8 wyverns.

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