Divine Path System

Chapter 689 A Brother's Letter

Chapter 689 A Brother's Letter

"Oh….Oooh!" Vin let out a surprised gasp before making an expression of realization.",

Then she nodded and said with a silly smile. "I should've anticipated it. With the current situation, his leave might get canceled. Haha."",

Her voice was clear and filled with cuteness. Her smile was bright and bursting with joy.",

"Vin, you know that's not what I meant." Joshua Xander said in a heavy tone and lowered his gaze to meet her eyes. "I'm sorry."",

"Ah…Ahaha. He got punished for something, right? I know my brother, he does what he wants." Vin's fists were clenched at her sides, yet she was smiling brightly.",

Seeing her trembling eyelashes and clenched teeth, Joshua realized she understood what he meant.",

But she was denying it.",

Even if it meant deceiving herself.",

"Alright, I'll wait for him." Vin put her hands behind her back and grinned. Then, she turned around and was about to hop off before her gaze stopped on Varian.",

"Ah!" Her face showed an embarrassed smile as she said. "I'm sorry I didn't welcome you. You see…I was busy with the preparations."",

Varian didn't reply. He stared at her with a gaze that seemed to be a mix of emotions. Pity. Sadness.",

"H-Hey! Don't stare at me like that!" The young lady pouted and said. "My brother isn't coming this time. Even though I wasted your time today, I'll be selfish the next time and request you to share the purple sky with him next time too, okay?"",

She looked at him with hopeful eyes.",

Eyes that begged. Eyes that showed her determination to get her brother the best gift she could.",

Varian couldn't look into those eyes anymore and turned his head away.",

"I'll take that as a yes. Thank you very much." Vin bowed lightly and turned around. ",

Like a cheerful bunny, she started to hop away.",

"The next time brother comes, I can try cooking something for him~"",

"What will he like? He doesn't like sweet things~ But he ate all the chocolates I gave him on his birthday…"",

"Should I try to find another purple sky for him? One he can own? If only grandfather left it. Don't worry, brother. I'll make your vacation worth it~"",

Hearing her joyful words, the atmosphere of the hall grew heavy.",

Joshua Xander was a man of few words. He had no idea how to deal with a girl who denied her own reality. So, he did what he could.",

He handed a box to the man who remained silent the whole time.",

With trembling hands, the mayor gripped the box and pressed his finger on the lock.",

With a plop, the box opened, revealing its contents.",

The Mayor's shoulders shook before they drooped. He remained silent for a few seconds before he exhaled deeply.",


The mayor raised his head and called out.",

His voice was dry, drier than the sands in the desert. But more than dry, it was heavy.",

Vin stopped in her tracks, in front of the staircase. But she didn't turn around.",

"What is it, father?" She asked in a clear and soft voice.",

Unlike her father, she appeared perfectly normal.",


"You can cry here." The mayor caressed the box and said with a bitter smile.",

"Cry? Why cry?" Vin sounded puzzled.",

Pulling a small hologram chip out of the box, he said. "…Your brother left a letter to y—"",

Before ending his words, Vin rushed to the mayor and grabbed the chip. With lightning speed, she tapped it.",

A hologram popped up and a letter appeared in front of her.",

[Dear Vin,",

If you are seeing this letter, it means I'm gone.",

Don't hate me for not being able to bring you the gift I promised, okay?",

But Vin, I tried my best. I struggled with everything I have to live. Yet, death was inevitable.",

Speaking of death…I will confess a shameful secret.",

I always acted like a courageous brother, didn't I? But in truth, since I can remember, I was always terrified of death.",

I don't know what will happen once I close my eyes. Is there an afterlife? Is there something beyond us, watching us? Will it just turn blank, like turning off the switch?",

I don't know. To this day, and I'm sure even on my dying breath, I wouldn't know.",

But what I did know was that death was inevitable.",

If I'm going to die anyway, I wanted to choose a death that was the most meaningful.",

Something I can be proud of.",

Something that gives me the courage to stare death in the face and live with courage.",

I chose mine long ago. I'd die on a battlefield. On the rough soil. In the harsh weather. Alongside my brothers and sisters who fought for you, father, and every human.",

It's the most meaningful death I know.",

So, don't feel sad for me. Not only did I live the life I wanted, I even died how I always wished for.",

So, don't cry too much okay?",

I know it's hard to ask you this, even a bit cruel, but whenever someone says my name, I want you to smile.",

I want my little sister to smile with pride and say 'Yes, my brother pursued his dream. He lived his dream life.'",

Father acts as if he hates me, but he'll be sad if I die. Vin, take care of him, okay?",

Except for you and father, I have no relatives.",

I want you two to be happy.",

After all, I only have you two. I wish I could leave behind something for you.",

But Vin, I spent all my life improving my strength and battling.",

I have no money to pass on to you.",

I'm not very famous for my reputation to be useful to you in any way.",

I'm not friends with any powerful figure who can help you.",

I don't have money, power, or influence.",

Unlike our father who can pass down the city, I don't even have a legacy.",


Everything I had belongs to you.",

My vintage wine.",

My little apartment.",

My love.",


I'm sorry I couldn't spend more time with you.",

I'm sorry I couldn't give you everything you wanted.",

I'm sorry I couldn't see you grow up, get married, and have a happy family.",


Thank You.",

When I came back from the stressful battles;",

Thank You for bringing a smile to my face.",

Thank You for filling me with joy.",

Thank You for being my little sister.",

Vin, I might be gone from this world.",

But I will be watching over you.",

Wishing You Happiness.]",

Vin collapsed onto her knees as she blankly stared at the letter.",

Bit by bit, her vision began to blur.",

Her cheeks felt the warm liquid flowing down from her eyes.",

She wanted to scream. But someone seemed to be choking her as only a painful groan left her throat.",


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