Divine Path System

1025 Looming End

“No!” A heartbreaking cry resounded across the skies of the Emperor Abyss.

The fairy army battling the hundred abyssal fortresses, essentially the last line of defense of the Heart Province, paused.

“End this now or I’ll make you regret it!” A coercive pressure spread out and enveloped all the fairies on the battlefield.

Even though the Abyss Emperor was far away, it affected them enough for them to not brush it off. The fairy soldiers turned to their superiors.

The captains, commanders, and generals all received instructions from their respective higher-ups. They stared at the confused but bloodthirsty fairy soldiers and sighed inwardly.

To win this battle, Zions provided them with a blue liquid extracted from a strong creature. After diluting it a billion times, the fairy soldiers drank a bottle each.

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‘Even if we win, tens of millions will die just from the side effects.’ There was a desolate thought in the hearts of the fairy leaders. But they quickly concealed it and roared.

“Attack! Why do you stop at his words? That man can’t even defend his own land, what can he do to us?”

The soldiers uttered a war cry which felt more like the growls of beasts that came out of the wilderness than an army’s cry.

They resumed their offense and drowned the abyssal fortress with myriad attacks.

The abyssals in the fortresses, essentially the last defenders of this empire, were recuperating in the small break they got before they were forced to respond.

The fortresses shook as colorful attacks rocked them. The few remaining sovereigns of the abyssals met with their fairy counterparts and were quickly suppressed.

The fairy sovereigns that couldn’t be suppressed began attacking the fortresses. Thankfully, the formations came into play and invisible energy countered all the attacks of the sovereigns.

On the other hand, thick translucent barriers blocked the fairy army’s attacks.

Both of them, especially the former, were very expensive. But the entire abyss empire was about to go down anyway, so no one cared about burning the precious resources to power these formations.

As a result, the situation on the ground reached a standstill. The abyssals heaved a sigh of relief but they knew in the heart of their hearts that if they slipped up even a bit, it’d all be over.

They were on their final leg. Fairies breached all but one province. If this province falls, then the capital would be besieged.

“Come on! Fight! Give your blood and soul for the motherland!” The abyssal war cries echoed across the battlefield.

The abyssals fought with the intention to die and take at least one down with them. After all, the huge abyssal race was slaughtered to the point only a few billion were left. So they fought for their future with all they got.

But the reality was cruel.

The fairy sovereigns that were trying to destroy the fortresses all gathered on a single one and attacked it together. The formation didn’t hold up and broke like a piece of paper.

And then…there was carnage.

In a few minutes, the entire fortress, despite all its defense formations and sneaky traps was reduced to rubble while every abyssal inside was slaughtered.

This also freed up the army attacking this fortress and they picked up a nearby target. The sovereigns then went to the abyssal sovereign that came from this fortress and ended him.

The group soon went to the next fortress. The next. And the next.

The fortresses began to fall quicker and quicker. The abyssal sovereigns were dying quickly while the number of fairy sovereigns in the attacking group was rising with each attack.

Eventually, half of the fortresses fell and the order came from above. It was still the same voice of the abyssal emperor and carried the same aura, but it was weak, pitiful, and tired. “Retreat.”

The abyssals scrambled back through the teleportation formations in their fortresses and retreated to the capital. It was their last safe haven. But it’s also the next and final target of the fairies.

“Give up, Haedon.” Fairy Emperor looked at the pale face of his archenemy and shook his head. “There’s no escaping the inevitable.”please visit panda(-)N0ve1.co)m

Haedon’s eyes shone sharply as he glanced at the injured fairy and spat. “I’d rather fight to the end than surrender to a race that abandons its dignity and plays dog for Zions.”

Fairy Emperor pursed his lips and wanted to say more. But he felt the subtle but certain presence of Zion envoy in the distance.

That bastard was watching…

“Then die with your race.” Fairy Emperor snorted and left.

The fairy army below destroyed the remaining fortresses and advanced to the abyssal capital.

Injured and exhausted, Haedon returned to his study. With his order, he managed to save some of the elites that would be sent to the solar system. And it’s time to send them.

As he was about to call them, Haedon recalled the Fairy Emperor’s words and clenched his fists.

Picking up a sheet of a pristine white cloth, he began writing with his blood. It was a letter he hoped no one had to read.

As he finished the last word and leaned back, he noticed his little girl staring at him timidly from the door.

Haedon felt his heart melt. All the anger, frustration, and grief vanished as only the love of a father remained.

He beckoned her and the little girl, who seemed to have grown up too fast, trotted in front of him.

Brushing her hair, he said. “Don’t worry, we’ll be alright. I found a safe place for everyone.”

“Really?” Her eyes lit up like stars in the night.

“Promise.” Haedon kissed her forehead. “So be a good girl and bring your mother to the altar room.”

“Hm!” She hopped off like a bunny.

But Haedon’s smile vanished after she left. Even though his daughter tried his best, he could see the grief in her eyes.

And those eyes…they weren’t the eyes of the innocent girl. There was a maturity in her eyes that didn’t match her age.

‘She grew up, huh.’ Haedon sighed. Facing this terrible war, it’s only natural.

She had been trying to help as many people as she could. But her capacity was limited. And the capital itself was flooded with refugees. Recently, she wasn’t allowed to leave the palace.

The girl might’ve protested before, but now, she silently accepted the orders. And she put on that mask to not let him worry.

‘I’d rather have you be naive than be so mature that you hide your pain to keep me happy.’ Haedon tapped a button on his desk.

A hologram lit up and showed a baby on the screen. It was her. The little bundle of joy. Then came a little girl, barely able to walk. The little girl grew up and was playing with her friends.

When she reached ten, she loved going to the homes of her relatives. She won their hearts with her cheerfulness. In one picture, she was hugging several maids. They raised her and as she grew older, she came to love them more.

And then in another picture…

It was as if all her life flashed in front of him, Haedon grew emotional and rubbed the corner of his eyes.

‘She lost her friends, relatives, and many people she had known formal her life.’ Abyss Emperor leaned back in his chair and stared at the ceiling blankly.

He wondered how sad she felt. Losing everyone in your life like that would be terrifying.

‘I don’t know what I’d do if I was in her position…’ Haedon blinked blankly before he laughed sadly and covered his eyes. ‘Isn’t it the same with me?’

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