Demon Sword Maiden

Book 6: Chapter 20: Weak Point

Book 6: Chapter 20: Weak Point

“Kagami Lily! It’s that woman again!” Fujiwara no Renbo’s face started twitching.

“Lord, are you sure this incident is the result of that Kagami Lily?”

The Imperial Chancellor immediately sent Arima back to the Izumo shrine, the magatama cost was not something they cared about now.

Within half a day, Arima returned.

He had confirmed that Kagami Lily had indeed arrived at the shrine a few days ago as a miko administrator. Some people witnessed a huge cherry blossom tree during the night of the battle and her whereabouts are unknown now.

“Looks like it really was that Kagami Lily. That Sakura Blizzard is her domain!” Fujiwara no Yoshio concluded.

“Yes, our retainers investigated the grounds. The blade marks left are very similar to the ones Kagami Lily left on the competition field, only stronger.” Arima added.

“Kagami Lily…as expected, it was you, you death deserving b̲i̲t̲c̲h̲. You’ve gone against me so many times, injured my eldest son on the tournament stage, and now you’ve killed my second son and my uncle! Hateful! My son! You died so miserably…aghhhh!” Renbo sorrowfully cried.

He wiped his tears and vowed, “Kagami Lily, I will tear you to pieces!!!”

“Kagami Lily is one of Ayaka’s close confidants in the imperial court. Since she arrived in Heian-kyo she’s done much, she conveyed the Heavenly Oracle, solved Fayumi no Yoruko’s murder case, and even won the championship of the Yoshitsune Memorial martial competition. She is a very prominent military official now!” Arima said.

“Lord! Previously, Ayaka suffered many roadblocks before, though she had the skill, but was often restrained. But after Kagami Lily arrived, what issue has Ayaka accomplished that was not related to Kagami Lily?”

The group sat shocked, that seemed to be true!

“Only, Kagami Lily could be considered one of the top geniuses in the world, but how is it possible for her to defeat one of the Yamato’s Eight Legions, Lord Yaiba?” A samurai asked.

Ibaraki Doji snorted, “Do not judge that woman with regular logic. Even my arm was slashed off by that woman, and she had not yet attained peak permanence strength back then.”

Ibaraki Doji did not know, in fact Lily had only been an adept at the spirit jade level.

“Yes, when that woman acts she does so unscrupulously! Our honorable, elegant warriors1 have repeatedly lost to her!”

“That’s right, Ayaka might be powerful, but as the Chief Advisor she is constrained by her identity! In the past, she lacked such a capable subordinate!”

“Ever since Kagami Lily appeared, Ayaka was like a tiger gaining wings, all obstacles being swept aside! Although that woman’s power is not among the peak of Heian-kyo, she has no scruples, no restraints, and is very loyal to Ayaka! Her appearance has destroyed the long standing balance of this dynasty2!”

The Fujiwara clan members started discussing the issue.

Fujiwara no Arima stroked his beard, saying “As it is, if we don’t eliminate Ayaka’s right-hand woman, it will be difficult to shake her!”

“Right, as long as that woman is there, even if we can restrain Ayaka, who knows what crazy thing she will do to sabotage us!” Fujiwara no Yoshio nodded.

The Imperial Chancellor gritted his teeth in hatred, “This hatred for my son’s murderer, we cannot live under the same sky! We must eradicate that woman or we will not be able to focus on Ayaka! Though Ayaka is strong, she is in the light, Kagami Lily does not conform to logic and acts in the shadows! It’s hard to take precautions against her! Kagami Lily must be eliminated first!”

“Eliminate Kagami Lily!” The group seemed to have reached a consensus.

“Lords, that Kagami Lily sliced off my arm, if we speak of hatred, then my hatred should be greater than most of yours. I feel that this Kagami Lily must be dealt with, but there’s no need to kill her. That country toppling beauty, as long as she can be captured, not only can the lords take your anger out on her, she can be used to blackmail Ayaka! Will it not be two birds with one arrow?” Ibaraki Doji proposed, a vicious look on his face.



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