Death… And Me

Chapter 1857: More Upgrades

Chapter 1857: More Upgrades

Celis also reminded the twins about something else after they returned. “It’s been a long time since we’ve been at the Peak Stage of the Transition Realm. As you probably notice, just a few more years and we can go do our breakthrough. Do you want to have the breakthrough before leaving the competition or do it after the war is decided?”

Roan pondered over it for a bit before coming to a decision. “Let’s do it after the war is over. A few years is exactly what we need to complete it anyway. Don’t forget that our cultivation would seem way too fast if we broke through twice in this place since we already did it once. Just keep us at the peak of the realm for now.”

Celis agreed with Roan, replying, “I’m glad you understand. I had the same thought here. Besides, we don’t know if your breakthrough will be the same as the others since you have this System, so it’s better to do it somewhere else.”

Rean then touched the Soul Gem Orb with Roan. As mentioned before, the reward list had obtained more options. Yes, plural. In fact, there were two of them. The fusion of Divine Energy, Soul Power, and Starlight ENergy was one of the options. As for the other one…

[Starlight Energy Absorption Upgrade Level 1 – 100000 Destiny Points]

Rean couldn’t help but ask Sister Orb after this. “Isn’t this a little too expensive? The first level of the Spiritual/Divine Energy Absorption Upgrade only cost us 1000 Destiny Points. How come this one costs a hundred times more?”

Sister Orb then explained. [It’s because of the type of energy. Literally, anyone can absorb Spiritual and Divine Energy. However, only those who cultivate the Starlight Body Cultivation Technique can absorb Starlight Energy. That’s already a huge difference. It’s simply a lot more complicated to increase the absorption rate since you can only take the Starlight Energy from your own star with the System’s technique.]

Rean could more or less accept that. “Fine…” He then asked the most important question. “So, how much does it increase? Same 5% as always?”

[Yeah.] Sister Orb confirmed. [5% for each level. Considering that it’s Starlight Energy, it isn’t a bad deal.]

Roan then remembered something else after that. “Wait, what about the two new Foundation Fragments? We can use the Starlight Energy they accumulated.”

Unfortunately, Sister Orb could only destroy Roan’s hopes. [Sadly for you two, neither of the fragments had any Starlight Energy left in them. It isn’t hard to imagine why, right?]

Roan let out a rare sigh as he nodded. “I see. One of them was in that Krakax or whatever demon’s hands. Naturally, someone he knows or maybe himself used Starlight Energy there. The other one was, in fact, a fragment used as a trap by our father. That one had also been consumed a long time ago, probably by father himself.”

Celis found it surprising, asking soon after, “Does that mean your father cultivates the Starlight Body Cultivation Technique?”

Rean and Roan nodded, replying, “He does. We could feel the Starlight being drawn to his body, so there wasn’t really any doubt. Also, his progress with the technique is much, much higher than ours. Of course, it isn’t as perfect as the System’s technique.”

Rean then looked at Roan and asked, “What do you think? Workshops, energy, or the distance of our Soul Connection? Which one should we use the rest of the points on?”

“First, how much does the next Soul Gem Dimensional Realm cost?” Roan asked something else instead.

[Soul Gem Dimensional Realm Upgrade Level 5 – 5000000 Destiny Points]

“Fi-five million?!” Rean almost fainted right there and then. “This is ridiculous! The fragment quest only gave us 300000 Destiny Points. Just how long would it take us to accumulate that much?!”

Sister Orb then offered. [That’s why I recommend you two to spend some points in the Destiny Perception Range Upgrade. At the moment, it’s still at Level One, which only gives you a perception range of 1000000 kilometers.] 

One must remember that past this range, the System couldn’t tell whether a destiny change happened because of the twins or not. A single region of a continent was much, much bigger than just a million kilometers, let alone a continent or the Realm of Gods itself. That’s why teleport formations were so important in the Realm of Gods. It could be said that the twins lost hundreds of thousands of Destiny Points simply because the System couldn’t ‘see’ the changes caused by their actions in this war. The range was just that small.

[If I were to guess based on the range of Destiny Perception you have, I would say you lost at least 200000 Destiny Points during these years in this war. That’s a lot, you know? Besides, the Level 3 Upgrade comes with an extra perk you should really try to acquire.]

The twins then took a look at the option Sister Orb mentioned. 

[Destiny Perception Range Upgrade Level 2 – 100000 Destiny Points.]

“How much will the distance increase at levels 2 and 3?” Rean asked back.

[It will double in the next three upgrades.] Sister Orb answered straight away.

With that, Rean checked the remaining Destiny Points they had. 

[283215 Destiny Points]

“Well, we do have the points as long as the Level 3 upgrade isn’t double the cost.”

Roan pondered over the issue for a bit before nodding. “Very well. We still have a few years until the war is over, so we should at least gain enough to make up for the points until then.”

Celis couldn’t see the options, but he knew how it worked. “That’s the correct decision. I won’t say I don’t want more Energy Absorption Upgrades, but even I have to admit that’s the best option.”

With Celis’ support of the idea, the twins quickly selected the option with their Divine Senses.

[Destiny Perception Range Upgrade Level 2 – 100000 Destiny Points.]

[Confirm purchase?]


[283215 Destiny Points]

[Initiating upgrade…]

The twins felt like the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm suddenly trembled for a bit before it quickly stopped.

[Upgrade completed. New distance: 2000000 kilometers.]

Rean and Roan quickly looked at the next level and saw that they fortunately had enough Destiny Points for it.

[Destiny Perception Range Upgrade Level 3 – 150000 Destiny Points.]

  “Good, let’s continue!”

[Confirm purchase?]


[Initiating upgrade…]

Naturally, the same thing happened before the System spoke once again.

[Upgrade completed. New distance: 4000000 kilometers]

With that, the twins were only left with 33215 Destiny Points.

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