Death… And Me

Chapter 1849: The Fragments

Chapter 1849: The Fragments

“By the way,” Roan decided to ask. “How do we reach the Light Realm, Heaven? At some point, we’ll also need the fragments present there. Do you know if there’s any free fragment in that place?”

Turen nodded, replying, “There is a free fragment in the Light Realm. However, unlike this continent’s fragment, the angels know it’s there, so it’s protected by many of their experts. It’s just that they can’t take it.”

He continued, “It’s a fragment located in the Azum Dimensional Realm. If you ever reach Heaven, the Light Realm, it’ll be easy for you to find where Azum is. However, getting in there is another story. I can’t help you with that since I’ve never been able to get close. Not to mention that it has been many, many years since I’ve last been to the Light Realm. You’ll have to find a way in on your own. One thing is certain, though. The angels still haven’t acquired that fragment.”

Rean pondered in silence for a bit before asking, “What about fragments that have been acquired? We know you have one. We just acquired the fragment that was in that Elder Demon Krankax’s possession. But what about the others? There are 14 of them, after all.”

Turen nodded and told the twins what he knew. “Let’s enumerate the fragments we know so far. Fragment 01: Found in the Demising Catacombs in Huring Continent. You already got this one.

Fragment 02: Found in the Raskran Continent. I gave this one to you.

Fragment 03: Krankax’s fragment. I also passed this one to you already.

Fragment 04: Floating Islands of Time in the Realm of Gods. You have to find this one out by yourselves.

Fragment 05: Dark Side of the Foundation Realm, Underworld, Swamp of No Return.

Fragment 06: Azum Dimensional Realm in the Light Realm, Heaven.”

“Now, the fragments I know that are in someone else’s possession.

Fragment 07: Obviously, my fragment. I’ll keep that with me until you gather the others.

Fragment 08: It’s in the hand of an Archangel called Gabriel. Think of the Archangels as the Elder Demons of Heaven. All of them have achieved the highest cultivation possible in this universe. I can’t say where he is, nor can I help you in acquiring this one either.

Fragment 09: Same thing as the previous one. However, it’s in the hands of another Elder Demon, an annoying guy called Belial.”

Rean and Roan could not help but look at each other after that. “Gabriel and Belial? Aren’t those the names of an angel and a fallen angel from Earth? Could this be just a coincidence?”

Turen looked at the twins, slightly confused. “What are you talking about?”

Rean and Roan then explained that those names were present in the religions back on Earth, although no one really knew if they were real or not.

“That’s quite interesting,” Turen had to admit. “Those two should not have had contact with the other side of the universe, so how come their names are known? It might be something worth investigating, you two.”

“If we get the chance, that is,” Roan added.

Turen then talked about the other five fragments… or so he wanted to. “As for the last five fragments, I have no idea where you can find them. Then again, Soul Gem brought you two to the fragment back in Huring Continent. That was a fragment no one knew that was there. Perhaps he can help you find the last fragments, so you’ll have to ask him.”

Rean shrugged his shoulders in response to that. “We don’t even know when he’ll wake up again…”

Turen did the same. “If you can’t do anything about it, let alone me.”

Turen’s expression then turned serious after that. “However, I wish you two to keep a priority during your investigations, your mother. I know very well how unlikely it’ll be to find her, but I don’t want you to give up.”

The twins nodded in response. “That goes without saying.”

Turen then took out a Thoughts Transmission Talisman before sending a message. “Alright, I’ve already ordered one of my trusted subordinates to go after Rana. From what you told me, she doesn’t seem to be in danger, and no one knows about us. In that case, I’ll let her keep acting as the Fairy Queen in the Huring Continent as it won’t attract anyone’s attention. Make sure you don’t tell anyone about her either.”

“Understood.” The twins agreed with Turen.

Turen then took two more talismans and passed them to the twins. “These Thoughts Transmission Talismans are of the highest quality, capable of reaching me from anywhere on this side of the universe. If you ever get in a situation where you need my help, just send me a message. I’ll ignore all dangers and definitely come for you. Of course, if you have something important to say or ask, you can use it as well.”

With all of that now said, Turen smiled before changing the topic. “Now then, how about you tell your old man a little about these girls you’re traveling the entire Realm of Gods to look for?”

For the first time in ages, the family started to talk about things that didn’t involve danger or the future of the universe. It was just a normal family conversation, although Roan barely spoke that many words. Turen didn’t mind since he already knew Roan anyway.

Several hours later, they finally ended their conversation. “Good. You know pretty much everything you need, so I’ll bring those two demons here.”

Turen then waved his hand, and the next thing the twins knew, two unconscious demons appeared right in front of them. Naturally, those two demons were Fratekla and Rlakux. “Just analyze their bodies as much as you want. They won’t wake up.”

Immediately, Rean sent his Divine Sense into their bodies and checked their structures. “Sure enough, they have many humanoid traits. However, it’s obvious that they’re not part of the humanoid races. Now then, let me give it a try with my own body. Roan, I’ll need to use your Dark Element as well.”

“Very well.” Roan didn’t mind as the twins immediately began to exchange elements once again.

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