Death… And Me

Chapter 1621 Call Everyone

Chapter 1621 Call Everyone

  Roan himself had never seen weapon intent, nor had he heard about it. He found it by himself and then passed it to Rean by sharing his experiences with their connection. Roan was responsible for combat, while Rean was responsible for finances. It had always been like that. In any case, it was thanks to this connection that Rean could experience what a weapon intent was and give birth to his own sword intent sometime later.

However, such a thing was impossible to do with Luan. Roan had no connection with him. Even Kentucky and Celis wouldn’t work since their connection was only cultivation-related. The system’s cultivation upgrades, for example, were exactly this type of relation.

”All I can do is share my experiences by mouth, trying to explain how I got to know and use weapon intents. However, Rean can be my witness that everyone understands a weapon’s intent in their own way,” Roan explained. 

Rean agreed with Roan, saying, “He’s right. In the end, the way I see my own sword intent is slightly different from Roan. And that’s considering we’re twins with identical physical and cultivation abilities other than our affinities. That’s why I was able to understand it quite fast, although it’s not the same. You and Roan, on the other hand, are obviously not like he and I are.”

Of course, Luan didn’t care. “It’s fine! I only need to get the basics, and then I can start working from there. I don’t know how long it will take for me to develop it, if I succeed at all. However, I truly want to give it a try.”

Roan smiled in response. “Good! Then you can join the field later. This was the first time I showed a weapon intent in public. Since that’s the case, I might as well let everyone hear my explanations. Who knows? Maybe we’ll find someone else capable of using it.”

Rean shrugged his shoulders in response. “Don’t you think it’s too unfair, Luan? Roan can literally use any weapon’s intent! Other than a sword, I have no idea how to even start thinking about intents from other weapons.”

Roan snorted once he heard that. “Hmph! If I were at the same level as you, then we would be dead a long time ago. Be happy that I’m this good since it also helps you.”

”Yea, yea, so happy, so happy…” Of course, Rean’s words and expression said two completely different things.

Luan couldn’t help but feel nostalgic after that. He hadn’t seen his father and uncle bickering with each other for a whole year, after all.

Rean then ignored Roan and looked at Luan, asking, “So, how about you tell us how you got to use spatial powers? That was truly impressive. If you get to learn sword intent, even Roan will have to take you a little more serious if you fight. At the very least, he won’t be able to use a wooden weapon.”

Roan was interested in that as well. “Indeed. Perhaps your insights will help us develop our own spatial powers.”

Luan, obviously, didn’t hold anything back. “Well, the main reason was my space pupil.” As mentioned before, Luan had three pupils in his eyes. One to see Divine Energy, one to see the elements, and one to see the normal world. The Elemental Pupils were the ones that allowed him to see the differences in space. After all, space was still an affinity, so they were definitely related. To prove that, Sally, the Salamander, could fuse Space and Fire Element together back in the Lost Star Realm.

”When I entered the Initial Stage of the Saint Realm two months ago, I noticed that my pupils evolved once again. From that day onward, I could select which one I wanted to use instead of having all three working at the same time. I have to say, my view of the world became a lot better now that I can use just my normal vision when I wish it.”

Luan continued, “Anyways, one of the things that happened is that my ability to control my elemental pupils allowed me to separate which elements I wanted to focus on. At that moment, I had an idea. Since my affinity is space, could I use my elemental pupil to separate space from the elements? Would it work? It turns out that it did really work. I could kind of ‘see’ space itself if I focused on it.”

”I used the next two weeks to try to use my own Space Affinity to control that space that my elemental pupil was able to see. Little by little, I understood the tricks behind it until finally, I was able to move the space around.”

Luan couldn’t help but sigh at that moment, saying, “However, the more I learn about controlling it, the more I understand that I don’t understand anything. Space is just too complex. The amount of space power I can move is like a grain of sand in the desert, maybe not even that. In short, it’s not worth mentioning at all.”

Rean teased back, “Sorry for being even worse than a grain of sand in the desert.” Luan came from Treavin Continent, which was a huge desert. Just how many tens, if not hundreds or even millions of thousand times bigger is that continent compared to a desert back on Earth? That’s the kind of scale Luan was using.

”Eh?! No, that’s not what I meant, uncle Rean,” Luan quickly apologized.

Roan glanced at Roan with a dark expression. “Stop the bullshit and let him continue.”

Luan sighed in relief. “Well, there isn’t much more I can explain. It is like father’s weapon intents. It’s not something I can put in words very well. It’s more like a feeling.”

Roan wasn’t surprised by that. “It’s fine. Just like I’m going to do with intents, you can try to explain it as well as you can. We tried to have Havek explain his side, but he also found it difficult to do.” Havek was a Void Tempering Realm Sea Chilling Spirit, after all.

Sister Orb then finally stopped those three. [So, should I call everyone to the main field, or will you use the badges to talk about the intents?]

Roan pondered over it for a bit before saying, “Call everyone to the main field. That way, I can show them other weapon intents. The feeling of a weapon intent is also important… or so I believe.”

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